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于 2020-12-08 发布
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说明:  clllc开关电源,pi闭环控制,参数已经设置好,具体计算有相关论文,2018a版本的matlab(Clllc switching power supply, PI closed-loop control, parameters have been set, specific calculation has related papers, 2018a version of MATLAB)


双向全桥LLC谐振DC_DC变换器的研究_李海平.caj, 6329097 , 2020-10-09
dabLLC124a.slx, 31703 , 2020-11-23
CLLC谐振隔离型双向DC_DC变换器的设计与控制方法研究_张嘉翔.caj, 6714075 , 2020-11-20



0 个回复

  • RX_PN
    this code describe the phase noise introduced by local oscillator
    2012-04-02 23:42:26下载
  • sobel
    边缘检测算子 sobel检测算子 matlab源码(sobel matlab 源码)
    2010-05-24 18:48:44下载
  • 1
    说明:  用matlab实现信号处理,利用matlab强大的数据处理能力可以实现信号的处理(Using matlab to achieve signal processing, data processing using matlab powerful signal processing capability can be achieved)
    2011-03-27 15:14:21下载
  • Falsafi_Fmincon
    说明:  fmincon finds a constrained minimum of a function of several variables. fmincon attempts to solve problems of the form: min F(X) subject to: A*X
    2019-06-24 18:21:32下载
  • SFFT-master
    说明:  稀疏傅立叶算法,matlab实现仿真,并对SFFT和FFT算法对同一数据的处理时间进行了对比。(Sparse Fourier algorithm, matlab to achieve the simulation, and the SFFT and FFT algorithm for the same data processing time were compared.)
    2021-03-24 16:39:14下载
  • cgls
    用于解反问题的共轭梯度法,对于Ax=b,输入矩阵A,列向量b,以及迭代步数k,可求的列向量x(Solution of inverse problems for the conjugate gradient method, for Ax = b, the input matrix A, the column vector b, as well as the number of iterations k, rectifiable column vector x)
    2009-09-04 10:52:50下载
  • matlab-tutor
    This is a tutorial to help you get started in Matlab. To find more details see the very helpful book Mastering MATLAB 6 by Duane Hanselman and Bruce Littlefield. Examples of Matlab code in this pamphlet are in typewriter font like this. As you read through the sections below type and execute in Matlab all of the examples, either at the  command line prompt or in a test program you make called test.m. Longer sections of code are flagged with the characters begin and end. All of the Matlab code between these two
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  • image-processing-and-recognition
    VC与MATLAB图像处理与识别_源代码(VC and MATLAB image processing and recognition)
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    该函数用于读取ecg信号,找到小波变换模极大序列.(This function is used to read the ecg signal, find the sequence of wavelet transform modulus maxima.)
    2009-11-05 10:57:56下载
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