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于 2020-12-08 发布
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说明:  2016年,Vamei同学的第一本书《从Python开始学编程》就给我留 下了深刻的印象,我感觉写书对他来说是一个很快乐的过程,所以写出 来的书读起来也令人感到轻松愉快。真是书如其人啊! 当Vamei同学把现在这本书给我看时,我会心一笑,正合我意。不 仅因为他的书读起来很棒,而且因为我们正好也经常玩树莓派,主要是 Raspberry Pi Hacking。我们把树莓派打造成黑客测试便携式工具,也把 树莓派打造成自由上网路由器。Vamei这本书以树莓派为主线,介绍了 Linux的相关知识与应用场景(包括现在很火热的区块链生态里的挖 矿),由于树莓派的存在,这些应用场景更清晰、更形象。对于新手来 说,这是本难得的入门好书;对于老手来说,这本书读起来充满了乐趣 与思想碰撞。强烈推荐!(In 2016, vamei's first book, learning programming from python, was left for me I felt that writing a book was a very happy process for him, so I wrote it The books that came were also pleasant to read. What a book is like a man! When vamei showed me this book now, I would smile and it was just right for me. No Just because his books are great to read, and because we happen to play raspberry pies a lot, mainly Raspberry Pi Hacking . We built raspberry pie into a portable tool for hackers to test, as well as Raspberry pie as a free internet router. Vamei this book takes raspberry pie as the main line, introduces Linux related knowledge and application scenarios (including the excavation in the hot blockchain ecology now Because of raspberry pie, these application scenarios are clearer and more vivid.)


树莓派开始玩转Linux.pdf, 34029016 , 2020-11-24



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