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于 2020-12-07 发布
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说明:  UNet最早发表在2015的MICCAI上,短短3年,引用量目前已经达到了4070,足以见得其影响力。而后成为大多做医疗影像语义分割任务的baseline,也启发了大量研究者去思考U型语义分割网络。而如今在自然影像理解方面,也有越来越多的语义分割和目标检测SOTA模型开始关注和使用U型结构,比如语义分割Discriminative Feature Network(DFN)(CVPR2018),目标检测Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection(FPN)(CVPR 2017)等。(Its influence has reached 70% in 2015. Then it became the baseline that most of the medical image semantic segmentation tasks, and inspired a large number of researchers to think about the U-shaped semantic segmentation network. In the aspect of natural image understanding, more and more SOTA models of semantic segmentation and object detection begin to pay attention to and use U-shaped structure, such as semantic segmentation, discriminative feature network (DFN) (cvpr2018), feature pyramid networks for object detection (FPN) (CVPR 2017), etc.)


Unet, 0 , 2020-09-08
Unet\dataprocessing.py, 3940 , 2020-09-07
Unet\main.py, 988 , 2020-09-08
Unet\train.py, 2724 , 2020-09-07
Unet\UNet.py, 4180 , 2020-09-07
Unet\__pycache__, 0 , 2020-09-08
Unet\__pycache__\dataprocessing.cpython-38.pyc, 3808 , 2020-09-08
Unet\__pycache__\UNet.cpython-38.pyc, 3861 , 2020-09-08



0 个回复

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