说明: 图着色局部搜索,图着色问题(Graph Coloring Problem, GCP) 又称着色问题,是最著名的NP-完全问题之一。道路着色问题(Road Coloring Problem)是图论中最著名的猜想之一。 数学定义:给定一个无向图G=(V, E),其中V为顶点集合,E为边集合,图着色问题即为将V分为K个颜色组,每个组形成一个独立集,即其中没有相邻的顶点。其优化版本是希望获得最小的K值。(Graph Coloring Problem (Graph Coloring Problem, GCP), also known as coloring problem, is one of the most famous NP-complete problems. The Road Coloring Problem is one of the most famous conjectures in graph theory. Mathematical definition: Given an undirected graph G=(V, E), where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges, the graph coloring problem is to divide V into K color groups, and each group forms an independent set. That is, there are no adjacent vertices. The optimized version is to get the smallest K value.)
新建文件夹\main.py, 5774 , 2020-11-28
新建文件夹, 0 , 2020-12-04