警用数字集群(PDT)通信系统总体技术要求9电气安全,2410电源适应性2411机械结构安全241.1结构..·.·2411.2表面温度.2412环境和电磁兼容要求·鲁专2512.1环境适应性2512.2电磁兼容性要求.13可靠性要求13.1信道设备可靠性55513.2控制和链路设备的可靠性.14运输和包装要求,,。非2图1网络基础设备示意图图2完全对等的系统互联网络架构。。。19图3 PDT-MPTI1327互联结构···.········,,,,.20图4安全机制示意图24表1PDT设备主要功能要求,。10表2信道设备总体性能指标表3基地台的发射机和接收机的射频指标.·非·静·着·非。章申·21表4手持台的发射机和接收机的射频指标。鲁表5车载台的发射机和接收机的射频指标1范围本技术要求规定了警用数字集群(PD)通信系统的技术特性、系统构成和功能要求作频段、网络管理、信道设备基本性能指标、交流供电系统、信息安仝和保密、环境和电磁兼容、可靠性等总体性要求。木技术要求适用」警用数字集群(PDT)通信系统的总体规划、网络设计、设备开发、生产、工程建设和验收2系统技术特性2.1基本技术体制2.1.1技术体制2.1.1.1信道划分米用频率和时间分割的方法划分信道。频率分割是在给定的350MHz到390Mz频段内按12.5kz信道间隔和10Ⅷz收发间隔划分载波信道。其他频段按照国家无线电管理部门的有关规定执行。时间分割时釆用时分复用/时分多址(TDMA)技术划分时隙信道。规定每载波时隙为两个,即物理信道为两个,再根据需要设置务和控制逻辑信道。区域覆盖对于无线服务区的覆盖采用下列技术:大区制覆盖;频率复用;准同步发射;分时共享发射;直通模式⑩)/中转模式(RMO)/集群模式(TMO2.1.2射频调制方式射频调制方法采用四电平频移键控(4『SK)。2.1.3调制速率调制发送4800符号/秒,每个符号由两个比特信息组成。2.1.4语音编码语音编码速率应不低于2kbps,语音编码加上信道编码后的速率应为3.6kbpS2.2系统基本业务2.2.1用户终端业务用户终端业务是为用户终端之间提供完整通信能力的业务,系统应提供下列用户终端业务:语音和数据业务电话互联业务。2.2.2承载业务承载业务是在用户终端与网终接口之间提供信号传输能力的电信业务系统应提供下列承载业务:语音和电路数据传输业务短数据传输业务;分组数据传输业务2.3基本协议和信令基本协议和信令应符合警用数字集群(PDT)通信系统系列技术标准中所规定的有关协议和信令。2.4系统工作方式集群工作方式移动台在集群控制设备管理下的信道共享工作方式。2.4.2直通工作方式移动台之间直接互通的工作方式。2.4.3中转工作方式移动台通过中转台进行通信的工作方式2.4.4故障弱化工作方式基站和交换节点之间的链路或交换节点发生故障时,基站仍能以集群方式继续工作,支持本基站基本呼叫业务(单呼、组呼等)2.5呼叫建立时间同一交换局内组呼建立时间应不大」300ms。3系统构成和功能要求3.1系统构成3.1.1网络基础设备网络基础设备包括交换机、网关、网络管理设备、基站控制设备和基地台等,见图1。网关交换机网络管理设各基站基站基地台基地台基地台基地台图1网络基础设备示意图3.1.2用户终端设备用户终端设备包括移动台、有线台和调度台3.1.2.1移动台通过空屮接口和网络基础设备相连的普通用户终端设备,包括车载台、手持台等3.1.2.2有线台通过有线方式和网络基础设备相连的普通用户终端设备3.1.2.3调度台具有调度功能的用户终端设备,包括有线调度台和无线调度台。有线调度台通过有线方式和网络基础设备相连的调度台。无线调度台通过空中接口和网络基础设备相连的调度台3.2功能要求3.2.1功能定义3.2.1.1登记登记是移动台向集群系统发起入网请求及确认的过程,登记时必须要求进行鉴杈3.2.1.2去登记去登记是移动台向集群系统发出退出系统的通知过程。漫游在由多个基站联网的系统中,移动台在归属基站以外的基站进行登记和继续使用系统提供的业务的功能3.2.1.4语音单呼语音单呼是移动台与其它用户终端之间建立的一种点对点的双冋语音呼叫,呼叫的参与方只有主叫和被叫两方。移动台之间的语音单呼分为 TOACSU和OACS两种。语音组呼语音组呼是由·个移动台或者调度台发起的,多个移动台参与的点对多点的语音呼叫。组呼迟入某个组呼建立后至结束之前,控制信道冑期广播该组呼的建立信息,以保证刚开机或刚从其他基站漫游到该基站或刚从其他通话组释放出来的移动台能参与这个尚未结束的组呼。组呼并入个组呼建立后至结束之前,某移动台呼叫这个已经建立的通话组,系统将该移动台作为被叫并入到已经建立的组呼。广播呼叫播呼叫是一种特殊的语音组呼,呼叫建立后在业务信道上只有主叫具备发射权限,被叫用户只有接收权限,可以有效防止被叫用户干扰主叫的发射过程。紧急呼叫紧急呼叫是用户在紧急情况下发起的一种特殊呼叫,具有最髙优先级,当无信道资源时,系统会释放其他低级别呼叫的信道资源来给紧急呼叫使用。优先呼叫优先呼叫是指系统繁忙时优先获取资源的呼叫,获取资源的方式可以是抢占低优先级呼叫的信道,也可以是在排队队列中插队3.2.1.11报警报警是在紧急情况下用户通过操作移动台设备上的特姝按钮,在系统控制信道上向预先设冒的目的(移动台或者调度台)发送预定义的状杰消息,通知其他移动台或者调度台,该用户正处于紧急危险的状态。环境侦听环境侦听是调度台向移动台发起的一种特姝呼叫,用于监听移动台周边的环境声音。被叫移动台在系统指定的业务信道上自动打开发射机和MIC,将环境声音发送给调度台。在整个环境侦听过程中(侦听建立、侦听发射、侦听结朿),移动台的显示、扬声器、提示音、指小灯等人杋芥面状态应与空闲待机时完全相冋。环境侦听过程中,如果移动台用户进行呼岀操作(包括发短消息等),环境侦听都应自动结束,)返冋控制信道。调度台可以随时结宋·个由其建立的环境侦听呼叫3.2.1.13监听监听是指授权用户终端获取指定的移动台、通话组或者信道上的语音的过程。插话插话是指调度台在监听或参与语音通话的过程中,强制中断正在进行的讲话,夺取话权进行讲话;强拆强拆是指系统强制中断正在进行的呼叫并释放所占的相应资源的过程3.2.1.16越区切换越区切换是指移动台在语吝通话的过程中切换基站而不闩断止在进行的业务的过程3.2.1.17通话限时通话限时是系统控制用户进行语音呼叫时允许的最大持续时间的功能,包括单次按讲限时和单次呼叫总时长限时3.2.1.18讲话方身份识别讲话方身份识别是指在语音呼叫的过程中,语音接听方利用随路信令或者嵌入信令识别当前讲话方身份的功能3.2.1.19PTT授权PTˆ授权是为了避免语音碰撞而规定的讲话权申请、分配控制过稈,只有获得讲话权的移动台才能发射语音。遥毙遥毙是系统利用空∏信令禁用移动台的过程,被遥毙的移动台将失去所有操作功能,只有利用授权的编稈设备才能将被遥毙的移动台激活3.2.1.21遥晕遥晕是利用空口信令禁用移动台的过程,授权的网管终端或调度台可将目标移动台遥晕。被遥晕的移动台不能发起或者接收仼何网络的服务(包括各类呼叫、短消息等业务),但应保留登记、去登记、鉴权、复活和数据上拉服务(如玊星定位信息上拉服务等),用来帮助寻找丢失移动台。被遥晕的移动台可以通过空凵复活。复活复活是利用空∏信令解禁被遥晕移动台的过程,授杖网管终端或调度台可以进行复活操作,使移动台恢复到正常工作状态3.2.1.23动态重组动态重组是授权网管终端或调度台利用空口信令向目标移动台临时增加通话组(动态组)的过程,移动台新增加的动态组在收到删除该动态组的信令前一直有效。授权的网管终端或调度台也可以利用空口信令将日标移动台中的动态组删除。呼叫限制呼叫限制是系统对移动台的呼叫权限的控制,通过设置,限制其呼叫功能。移动台只能进行权限范围内的呼叫,超过权限范围的呼叫将被系统拒绝。状态消息状态消息是指移动台之间或者移动台与调度台之间,利用控制信道传递7比特消息编码的过程。状态消息可以是点到点的单呼,也可以是点对多点的组呼。短消息短消息是移动台之间或移动台与调庋台之间,利用控制信道传递有限长度消息的过程短消息可以是点到点的单呼,也可以是点对多点的组呼。PDT系统中,单条短消息的长度为23个汉字。卫星定位信息传输卫星定位信息传输是指移动台利用空∏信令上传该移动台卫星定位信息的过程。网络管理网络管理是为了保证系统的正常运行而进行的一些参数配置、运行状态监控、用户档案管理等操作。网络管理至少应具备用户管理、配置管理、故障管理、性能管理和安全管理等功能集。安全功能安全功能包括鉴权、端到端加密和空口加密3.2.1.30PDT系统之间的互联PDT系统之闫的互联是利用规定的互联协议完成PD交换控制中心之间的信息交互,实现系统间漫游及呼叫控制等功能。有线电话呼叫有线电话呼叫是移动台利用空口及系统网关设备与PAB、PSTN等有线电话之问进行的呼3.2.1.32功率控制系统利用空口信令调整移动台的发射功牽,达到保障通信效果和降低移动台功耗日的。包容呼叫包容呼叫是移动台在已经建立呼叫的业务信道上发起的,将其他目标移动台拉入当前业务信道通话的呼叫。呼叫转移呼叫转移是指把来电转栘到预先设定的其他号码上的业务。呼叫转移叮由自身或第三方设置和取消,转移的条件分为无条件转移和有条件转移。繁忙排队繁忙排队是当系统业务信道资源全忙时,系统将新发起的呼叫排入呼叫等待队列,待系统有空闲资源时对等待队列中的呼叫进行处理的过程。分组数据分组数据是利用系统的业务信道,遵循分组数据传输协议实现多用户共享业务信道,进行数据传输的业务过程。空口加密空∏加密是对移动台与基站之问空∏信令和语音、数据等业务信息的加密。限定基站呼叫限定基站呼叫是指系统可以利用参数配置限定呼叫参与基站的范围,配置范围外的基站不参与该呼叫。3.2.2PDT设备主要功能要求PDT设备主要功能要求见表1。表1PDT设备主要功能要求编号功能网络基础设备移动台调度台1登记、去登记、鉴权、漫游单呼组呼4组呼迟入组呼并入6广播呼叫紧急呼叫789报警环境侦听监听、插话、强拆越区切换12通话限时13讲话方身份识别14PTT授权遥毙16遥晕、复活
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MATLAB在卡尔曼滤波器中应用的理论与实践KalmanKALMAN FILTERINGTheory and Practice Using MATLABThird editionMOHINDER S GREWALCalifornia State University at FullertonANGUS P. ANDREWSRockwell Science Center (retired)WILEYA JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. PUBLICATIONCopyright 2008 by John Wiley sons, Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley sons, InC, Hoboken, New JerseyPublished simultaneously in CanadaNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permittedunder Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior writtenpermission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to theCopyright Clearance Center, Inc, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923,(978)750-8400, fax(978)750-4470,oronthewebatwww.copyright.com.RequeststothePublisherforpermissionshouldbe addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc, lll River Street, Hoboken, NJ07030,(201)748-6011,fax(201)748-6008,oronlineathttp://www.wiley.com/go/permissionimit of liability Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts inpreparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives orwritten sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situationYou should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liablefor any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidentalconsequential, or other damagesFor general information on our other products and services or for technical support, please contact ourCustomer Care Department within the United States at(800)762-2974, outside the United States at(317)572-3993 or fax(317)572-4002Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print maynot be available in electronic format. For more information about wiley products, visit our web site atwww.wiley.comLibrary of Congress Cataloging- in-Publication DataGrewal. Mohinder sKalman filtering: theory and practice using MATLAB/Mohinder S. GrewalAngus p. andrews. 3rd edIncludes bibliographical references and indexISBN978-0-470-17366-4( cloth)1. Kalman filtering. 2. MATLAB. I. Andrews, Angus P. II. TitleQA402.3.G69520086298312—dc22200803733Printed in the United States of america10987654321CONTENTSPrefaceAcknowledgmentsXIIIList of abbreviationsXV1 General Information1.1 On Kalman Filtering1.2 On Optimal Estimation Methods, 51. 3 On the notation Used In This book 231. 4 Summary, 25Problems. 262 Linear Dvnamic Systems2. 1 Chapter focus, 312.2 Dynamic System Models, 362. 3 Continuous Linear Systems and Their Solutions, 402.4 Discrete Linear Systems and Their Solutions, 532.5 Observability of Linear Dynamic System Models, 552.6 Summary, 61Problems. 643 Random Processes and Stochastic Systems3.1 Chapter Focus, 673.2 Probability and random Variables (rvs), 703.3 Statistical Properties of RVS, 78CONTEN3.4 Statistical Properties of Random Processes(RPs),803.5 Linear rp models. 883.6 Shaping Filters and State Augmentation, 953.7 Mean and Covariance propagation, 993.8 Relationships between Model Parameters, 1053.9 Orthogonality principle 1143.10 Summary, 118Problems. 1214 Linear Optimal Filters and Predictors1314.1 Chapter Focus, 1314.2 Kalman Filter. 1334.3 Kalman-Bucy filter, 1444.4 Optimal Linear Predictors, 1464.5 Correlated noise Sources 1474.6 Relationships between Kalman-Bucy and wiener Filters, 1484.7 Quadratic Loss Functions, 1494.8 Matrix Riccati Differential Equation. 1514.9 Matrix Riccati Equation In Discrete Time, 1654.10 Model equations for Transformed State Variables, 1704.11 Application of Kalman Filters, 1724.12 Summary, 177Problems. 1795 Optimal Smoothers5.1 Chapter Focus, 1835.2 Fixed-Interval Smoothing, 1895.3 Fixed-Lag Smoothing, 2005.4 Fixed-Point Smoothing, 2135.5 Summary, 220Problems. 226 Implementation Methods2256. 1 Chapter Focus, 2256.2 Computer Roundoff, 2276.3 Effects of roundoff errors on Kalman filters 2326.4 Factorization Methods for Square-Root Filtering, 2386. 5 Square-Root and UD Filters, 2616.6 Other Implementation Methods, 2756.7 Summary, 288Problems. 2897 Nonlinear Filtering2937.1 Chapter Focus, 2937.2 Quasilinear Filtering, 296CONTENTS7.3 Sampling Methods for Nonlinear Filtering, 3307.4 Summary, 345Problems. 3508 Practical Considerations3558.1 Chapter Focus. 3558.2 Detecting and Correcting Anomalous behavior, 3568.3 Prefiltering and Data Rejection Methods, 3798.4 Stability of Kalman Filters, 3828. 5 Suboptimal and reduced- Order Filters, 3838.6 Schmidt-Kalman Filtering, 3938.7 Memory, Throughput, and wordlength Requirements, 4038.8 Ways to Reduce Computational requirements 4098.9 Error Budgets and Sensitivity Analysis, 4148.10 Optimizing Measurement Selection Policies, 4198.11 Innovations analysis, 4248.12 Summary, 425Problems. 4269 Applications to Navigation4279.1 Chapter focus, 4279.2 Host vehicle dynamics, 4319.3 Inertial Navigation Systems(INS), 4359. 4 Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS), 4659.5 Kalman Filters for GNSS. 4709.6 Loosely Coupled GNSS/INS Integration, 4889.7 Tightly Coupled GNSS /INS Integration, 4919. 8 Summary, 507Problems. 508Appendix A MATLAB Software511A 1 Notice. 511A 2 General System Requirements, 511A 3 CD Directory Structure, 512A 4 MATLAB Software for Chapter 2, 512A. 5 MATLAB Software for Chapter 3, 512A6 MATLAB Software for Chapter 4, 512A. 7 MATLAB Software for Chapter 5, 513A 8 MATLAB Software for Chapter 6, 513A 9 MATLAB Software for Chapter 7, 514A10 MATLAB Software for Chapter 8, 515A 11 MATLAB Software for Chapter 9, 515A 12 Other Sources of software 516CONTENAppendix b A Matrix Refresher519B. 1 Matrix Forms. 519B 2 Matrix Operations, 523B 3 Block matrix Formulas. 527B 4 Functions of Square Matrices, 531B 5 Norms. 538B6 Cholesky decomposition, 541B7 Orthogonal Decompositions of Matrices, 543B 8 Quadratic Forms, 545B 9 Derivatives of matrices. 546Bibliography549Index565PREFACEThis book is designed to provide familiarity with both the theoretical and practicalaspects of Kalman filtering by including real-world problems in practice as illustrativeexamples. The material includes the essential technical background for Kalman filter-ing and the more practical aspects of implementation: how to represent the problem ina mathematical model, analyze the performance of the estimator as a function ofsystem design parameters, implement the mechanization equations in numericallystable algorithms, assess its computational requirements, test the validity of resultsitor the filteThetant attributes ofthe subject that are often overlooked in theoretical treatments but are necessary forapplication of the theory to real-world problemsIn this third edition, we have included important developments in the implemen-tation and application of Kalman filtering over the past several years, including adaptations for nonlinear filtering, more robust smoothing methods, and develelopingapplications in navigationWe have also incorporated many helpful corrections and suggefrom ourreaders, reviewers, colleagues, and students over the past several years for theoverall improvement of the textbookAll software has been provided in MatLab so that users can take advantage ofits excellent graphing capabilities and a programming interface that is very close tothe mathematical equations used for defining Kalman filtering and its applicationsSee Appendix a for more information on MATLAB softwareThe inclusion of the software is practically a matter of necessity because Kalmanfiltering would not be very useful without computers to implement it. It provides aMATLAB is a registered trademark of The Mathworks, IncEFACEbetter learning experience for the student to discover how the Kalman filter works byobserving it in actionThe implementation of Kalman filtering on computers also illuminates some of thepractical considerations of finite-wordlength arithmetic and the need for alternativealgorithms to preserve the accuracy of the results. If the student wishes to applywhat she or he learns, then it is essential that she or he experience its workingsand failings--and learn to recognize the differenceThe book is organized as a text for an introductory course in stochastic processes atthe senior level and as a first-year graduate-level course in Kalman filtering theory andapplicationIt can also be used for self-instruction or for purposes of review by practi-cing engineers and scientists who are not intimately familiar with the subject. Theorganization of the material is illustrated by the following chapter-level dependencygraph, which shows how the subject of each chapter depends upon material in otherchapters. The arrows in the figure indicate the recommended order of study. Boxesabove another box and connected by arrows indicate that the material represented bythe upper boxes is background material for the subject in the lower boxAPPENDIX B: A MATRIX REFRESHERGENERAL INFORMATION2. LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEMSRANDOM PROCESSES AND STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS4. OPTIMAL LINEAR FILTERS AND PREDICTORS5. OPTIMAL SMOOTHERS6. IMPLEMENTATIONMETHODS7. NONLINEAR8. PRACTICAL9. APPLICATIONSFILTERINGCONSIDERATIONSTO NAVIGATIONAPPENDIX A: MATLAB SOFTWAREChapter l provides an informal introduction to the general subject matter by wayof its history of development and application. Chapters 2 and 3 and Appendix b coverthe essential background material on linear systems, probability, stochastic processesand modeling. These chapters could be covered in a senior-level course in electricalcomputer, and systems engineeringChapter 4 covers linear optimal filters and predictors, with detailed examples ofapplications. Chapter 5 is a new tutorial-level treatment of optimal smoothing
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