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  基于椒盐噪声滤波的改进加权中值滤波算法,目的在于处理高浓度椒盐噪声,并且有效的保护边缘细节(salt and pepper noise filter and weighted)





0 个回复

    PMF FFT捕获技术性能仿真,分段匹配滤波法和改进算法相比较(FFT PMF capture technology performance simulation, segmented matching filter and improved algorithm comparison)
    2021-03-08 21:29:28下载
  • plot_brains
    通过对于CT图像的读取来进行三维的脑部显示,有助于学习基于matlab的CT图像三维重建过程(Conducive to learning through the reading of CT images to three- dimensional brain display matlab- based CT image 3D reconstruction process )
    2012-07-13 18:16:43下载
  • all-the-recovery-algorithm
    很全很全的基于压缩感知的图像重构算法啊,很适合用初学者的,本人就很受益( recovery algorithm)
    2012-07-18 17:37:54下载
  • siftDemoV4
    SIFT,即尺度不变特征变换(Scale-invariant feature transform,SIFT),是用于图像处理领域的一种描述。这种描述具有尺度不变性,可在图像中检测出关键点,是一种局部特征描述子。[1] 该方法于1999年由David Lowe[2] 首先发表于计算机视觉国际会议(International Conference on Computer Vision,ICCV),2004年再次经David Lowe整理完善后发表于International journal of computer vision(IJCV)。截止2014年8月,该论文单篇被引次数达25000余次。(SIFT, namely Scale Invariant Feature Transform (Scale-invariant feature transform, SIFT), it is a description for image processing. This description has scale invariance, can detect critical point in the image, it is a local feature descriptor. [1] The method in 1999 by David Lowe [2] First published in the International Conference on Computer Vision (International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV), 2004 was again perfect finishing after David Lowe published in the International journal of computer vision (IJCV) . As of August 2014, the paper cited the number of times a single article of more than 25,000 times.)
    2020-07-15 20:18:51下载
  • faceDetection
    humanface detection,the programme can be used to detect human faces from the complex background!(humanface detection, the program can be used to detect human faces f rom the complex background!)
    2006-06-13 23:14:34下载
  • Desktop
    用于图像、图形的增强处理,效果非常明显,希望采纳(For images, graphics, enhanced processing, the effect is very obvious, hope to adopt)
    2015-07-18 14:26:32下载
  • bandtrace
    用于虹膜定位……定位外圆之前需要进行边界跟踪,此程序实现此功能(For Iris Location ... Location ... before the need for outer border tracking, this procedure realize this feature)
    2008-05-12 18:37:23下载
  • imresize
    图像插值算法有三种方法,最近邻插值、双线性插值、卷积插值(Image interpolation algorithm has three methods, nearest neighbor interpolation, bilinear interpolation, convolution interpolation)
    2008-05-12 10:07:55下载
  • FusionEvaluation
    说明:  几种图像融合评价指标,AG,EN,FMI,MI,Qab,Qw,SF,SSIM,即平均梯度AG、信息熵EN、特征互信息FMI、互信息MI、边缘信息保持量Qab、加权融合质量评价因子Qw、空间频率SF和相似性指数SSIM。能较好的描述图像融合结果,稳定性较好。(Several evaluation indexes of image fusion, Ag, en, FMI, MI, qAB, QW, SF, SSIM, namely average gradient AG, information entropy En, feature mutual information FMI, mutual information MI, edge information retention qAB, weighted fusion quality evaluation factor QW, spatial frequency SF and similarity index SSIM. It can describe the result of image fusion well and has good stability.)
    2019-11-14 22:05:07下载
  • blindwatermark
    数字水印程序,包括多分辨嵌入水印、提取水印程序,盲水印嵌入、提取程序,以及滤波攻击和JPEG攻击程序,PSNR和相似度计算公式(MATLAB)(digital watermarking procedures, including multiresolution embedded watermark, watermark extraction procedure, blind watermark embedding and extraction procedures, Filtering and attack and attack JPEG procedures, PSNR and the similarity calculation formula (MATLAB))
    2007-05-28 13:28:26下载
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