Inside_NAND_Flash_Memories.pdfRino micheloni· Luca Crippa· Alessia marelliInside nand flashMemoriesSpringerRino micheloniLuca CrippaIntegrated Device TechnologyForward InsightsAgrate BrianzaNorth yorkItalCanadarino. micheloni@ieee. orgluca.crippa @ieee.orgAlessia marelliIntegrated Device Technologyagrate brianzaItalylessiamarelli@gmail.comISBN97890-481-9430-8e-ISBN97890-481-9431-5DOI10.1007/978-90-481-9431-5Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New YorkLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2010931597O Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without writtenbeing entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the wor Ose ofpermission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpoCover design: eStudio Calamar SLPrinted on acid-free paperSpringerispartofSpringerScience+businessMedia( the last decade Flash cards became the most important digital storage supportIt is difficult to identify a single killer application(digital photography, MP3digital video, ...)or whether the success of this media support is due to itsusability in different applications. It is also difficult to state whether the recentlution in the infotainment area has been triggered by the availability of high-performance NAND Flash memories or if the extraordinary success of Flash cardsis a consequence of the establishment of new applicationsIn any case, independently of the cause-effect relationship linking new digitalapplications and Flash cards, to realize how NANd Flash memories entered in ourdaily life, it is sufficient to imagine as they would change our recent habits if theNAND memories disappeared suddenly. To take a picture it would be necessary tofind a film (as well as a traditional camera .), disks or even magnetic tapes wouldbe used to record a video or to listen a song, and a cellular phone would return tobe a simple mean of communication rather than a console for an extendedentertainmentThe development of nand Flash memories will not be set down on the mereevolution of these digital systems since a new killer application can trigger a furthersuccess for this memory support: the replacement of Hard Disk Drives(HDD)with Solid State Drives (SSD)The advantages of Ssd with respect to HDD are countless(higher read/writspeed, higher mechanical reliability, random access, silent operation, lower powerconsumption, lower weight, .. ) Nevertheless, the cost per gigabyte is stillsignificantly favorable to hDd and the success of ssd will depend only on theperformances that they will succeed in reachingThe present book, the fourth authored by rino micheloni and coworkers afterVLSI-Design of Non-volatiles Memories, Memories in Wireless Systems and ErrorCorrection Codes for Non-volatile Memories, all published by Springer, tacklesall the main aspects related to NANd Flash memories, from the physicaltechnological, and circuit issues to their use in Flash cards and SsdsAfter an extended market overview(Chap. 1), Chap 2 has been conceived as aguide for the entire book, so that the reader can directly reach the heart of theproblems that interest himThe following chapters deepen physical and technological aspects. In particularChaps. 3 and 4 tackle technological and reliability issues of traditional FloatingGate NAND memories, respectively, while the state-of-the-art of charge trappingtechnologies is effectively summarized in Chap 5Ⅴ i PrefaceThe central part of the book is dedicated to circuit issues: logic( Chap. 6),sensing circuits(Chaps. 8 and 9)and high voltage blocks( Chaps. 1l and 12)Other basic topics related to circuit aspects are also analyzed, such as theimplementation of Double Data Rate interfaces( Chap. 7), while multilevel storage(2 bits per cell) is presented in Chap. 10Techniques adopted to increase memory reliability and yield are discussedin Chaps. 13 and 14, the former dealing with redundancy, the latter with ErrorCorrection Codes. The test flux used by nand memories manufactures is describedin Chap 15Chapter 16 focus on nand devices storing 3 and 4 bits per cell that allowreaching the lower cost per gigabyte and that will conquer, in the next few years,the market of consumer applicationsThe last chapters are dedicated to the two most popular systems based onNAND memories: Flash cards( Chap. 17)and SsD(Chap. 18). The relationshipbetween Nand memories and system performances are highlightedFinally, Chap. 19 describes the effects of ionizing radiations on non-volatilememories, to understand whether NaNd memories can be safely used in spaceand military applicationsProf. Piero olivoDean of the Engineering FacultyUniversity of ferrara, ItalyAcknowledgementsAfter completing a project like a technical book, it is very hard to acknowledgeall the people who have contributed directly or indirectly with their work anddedicationFirst of all, we wish to thank all the authors of the contributed chaptersWe have to thank mark de Jongh for giving us the possibility of publishing thiswork and cindy zitter for her continuous supportLast but not least, we keep in mind all our present and past colleagues for theirsuggestions and fruitful discussionsRino. Luca and alessiaTable of contentsPrefaceAcknowledgementsvIII Market and applications for nand Flash memoriesGregory Wong2 NAND overview: from memory to systemsR. Micheloni, A Marelli and S. Commodaro3 Program and erase of Nand memory arrays55Cristoph Friederich4 Reliability issues of NAND Flash memoriesC. Zambelli. a. Chimenton and p. olivo5 Charge trap nand technologies115Alessandro grossi6 Control logic131A Marelli.R Micheloni andR. ravasio7 NAND DDR interface161Andrea silvagni8 Sensing circuits197L. Crippa and R. micheloni9 Parasitic effects and verify circuits235L. Crippa and R. michelonO MLC Storage261L Crippa and R Micheloni11 Charge pumps, voltage regulators and HV switchesR Micheloni and L Crippa
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Linux枕边书,主要是讲LINUX的前世今生、应用以及架构分析的,最后顺带介绍了一下Gentoo的生平事迹致谢Eric Steven Raymond编写的 < The Art of Unia Programming i让我意识到了UNIX哲学是如此的重要。我对Iinu知识的进步都得益于阅读此书后明白」UNIX的哲学。书中为介绍UNIX的哲学而摘录的名言警句我也同样应用到了我的书中。在此对 Eric Steven Raymond大师表示感谢为了编写本书,查阅了大量相关资料。再此对这些资料的提供者表小感谢。它们是维基百科(英文),维基百科(中文),IEEE标准文档,ISO标准文档,RFC标准文档。对 Gentoo的viki表示感谢,没有它我就不可能学会 Gentoo,更不用说编写本身的过程中我再三查阅 Gentoo的wik确保自己记忆沒有出错。编写“Shel基础”这一小节参考了GNU官方网站的BASH文档。编写网终基础这一章节的时候,参考了《通信基础》,和《TCP/IP详解》三卷书的内容。目录致谢3第0章序1301为什么又写本书140.2UNIX的史前文明0.3UNIX的故事180.3.1UNX混乱和分裂0.32统一的UNX和 POSIX标准0.4GNU的故事210.4.1认识自由的含义0.4.2为了自由2204.3以 Copyright保护 Copyleft23第1章UNIX哲学251.1一切都是文件2512鼓励程序间协作261.3一个程序只做一件事情并把它做好281.4使用文木流,因为这个是通用的协议291.5懒惰原贝311.6UNIX和非UNIX32第2章黑客和 Linux3521从UNX到 Linux362.2 Linux诞生3622.1被UNIX忽略的PC222386BSD、Minⅸ催生 Linux.392.2.3以GPL开源39目录第3章初识 Linux4130.4使用 Linux内核的操作系统——发行版423.1发行版的意义1232包管理和软件仓库4332.1包管理43322软件仓厍45第4章安装 Linux4941安装准备5042shel快速入门534.3引导管理器574.4init系统选择605分区规划6445.1分区基础知识64452为磁盘分区674.5.3文件系统结构标准(FHS)45.4文件系统选择7246开始安装4.6.1正式开始安装过程7346.2 emerge用法754.6.3配置make.conf4.6.4内核编译4.6.5系统初步配置一重启前配置4.6.6安装基础系统9946.7配置引导程序10247重启后安装103第5章 Linux的日常1055.1某日常的man-pages1055.2UNIX权限基础1075.2.1用户和组1075.22文件操作权限1095.3 Shell常应用1105.3.1bash名称的道听途说1105.32shel字符串展开5.3.3shel变量和环境变量112目录53.4shel和文件管理1135.3.5管道和重定向1155.3.6bash是门编程语言1164文件编辑器1215.4.1编辑器之神vim.,1215.42神之编辑器 emacs..1245.5系统管理基础1255.5.1进程管理12555.2系统服务管理125第6章软件管理1276.1软件的分发.1276.2软件的编译1276.2.1 Makefile1286.2.2 autotools..1296.2.3 cmake1306.3发行版的包管理..1316.3.1软件仓库1316.3.2 portage/Emerge1326.33有关SLOT,Ⅴ irtual,分支,体系结构和 Profile.1356.34当 Portage抱怨的时候1366.4理解 portage142641文件和目录142642附加工具1446.5使用 overlay扩展 portage145第7章图形界面1477.1图形、字体和窗口1477.2X窗口系统.1507.2.1窗口管理1527.22混合窗冂管理器154723Open(江L和Mea.15772.4内核模式设置(KMS)1597.3安装基础Ⅹ环境l607.4桌面环境1637.4.1KDE.164目录7.4.2 GNOME-Shell17075办公和打印1727.5.1 LibreOffice1727.52使用CUPS打印文档1727.6声音的那些事1727.6.1声音的数字编码1737.6.2ALSA高级 Linux声音架构174763 Pulseaudio优秀的声音服务器1767.64对 PC HiFi的一些建议..1777.7 Wayland178771X的局限和扩展1797.72渲染库和静态链接18177.3混合18377.4窗口管理器做为 Display server怎么样184第8章网终基础1878.1层次协议网络.18781.1网络接口层189812网络层:IP协议195813传输层:TCP和UDP9881.4应用层.2018.2网络地址配置205821 Linux网络设备命名20582.2图形环境下的工具206823命令行配置工具2088.24网络自动配置和DHCP2088.2.5 ifconfig20883网络攻击和防火墙209831网络攻击类型和检测2098.3,2 iptables防火墙209第9章文件系统2119.1磁盘文件系统2119.1.1硬盘结构,21291.2非日志文件系统21391.3日志文件系统214目录9.2虚拟文件系统.....215921内核信息窗口/proc和/sys215922/dv设备文件系统和udev.21592.3虚拟内存盘 tmpfs.2179.3网络文件系统2179.3.1NFS2179.32 Windows网上邻居:CIFS2199.4其他的文件系统,,,222941 Lived的最爱—压缩文件系统 squashfs222942为Fash芯片设计的文件系统..223第10章架设服务器22510.1搭建HTTP服务器2251011安装 Apache22510.12添加开机自启动 Apache2261013php支持.22610.2数据库..22710.3文件共享—FTP和 Samba..22810.3.1F①P,...22810.3.2 Samba22910.4共享打印机23010.41使用CUPS共亨打印机23010.42使用 Samba共享打印机..232第11章压榨机器的性能23511.1编泽优化.23711.1.1编译期优化237111.2链接时优化(LTO, Link Time Optimization)240111.3PGO241附录AFAQ243什么是 LiveCD?.2如何使用 LiveCd。2433UEFI和BIOS是什么?2434什么是API?。.2435 Shell是什么?2410目录6什么是进程和线程?244什么是内存分页?2448如何不重新登录切换到roo帐号?2449对称多处理器24410 Initramfs是什么24411抢占式多任务24512内核参数24613交换分区和交换文件24614汉化man手册24615符号链接24616内存映射 IO-MMIC24717内核枧频模式设置-KMS24818CISC和RISC24819 RPC24820INI文件格式..248附录Bman手册251B.1第一部分:UNX用户于册..251B. 1.1 test2251B.1.2 test251B 1.3 test3251B.2第二部分:系统调用251B.3第三部分:库函数251B.4第四部分:设备和特殊文件251B 4.1 null. zero251附录C名称缩写252附录D图片索引255附录 E Gentoo的前身今世259Gentoo的前世今生,第一部259E.1 Gentoo linux发行版的诞生259E.11我和inux.259E.1.2 Linux的潜能260E.1.3 Linux的人文艺术260
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