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于 2009-10-19 发布 文件大小:116KB
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  运用Log-Map迭代译码算法实现Turbo码的简化译码,改善了码率,提高译码速度,减小了运算量。(The use of Log-Map iterative decoding algorithm decoding Turbo codes to simplify and improve the bit rate, improve decoding speed and reduce the computational complexity.)


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    说明:  MATLAB(矩阵实验室的简称)是一种专业的计算机程序,用于工程科学的矩阵数学运 算。但在以后的几年内,它逐渐发展为一种极其灵活的计算体系,用于解决各种重要的技术 问题。MATLAB 程序执行MATLAB 语言,并提供了一个极其广泛的预定义函数库,这样 就使得技术工作变得简单高效。在解决工程技术问题方面,MATLAB 比其它任何计算机语 言(包括FORTAN 和C)都简单高效。本书将介绍MATLAB 语言,并向大家展示如何运 用它去解决经典的技术问题。(MATLAB (short for Matrix Laboratory) is a professional computer program for engineering and scientific matrix math. But in later years, it gradually developed into an extremely flexible computing system for solving important technical problems. MATLAB program implementation of the MATLAB language, and provides an extremely wide range of pre-defined function library, thus making the work easy and efficient technology. In solving engineering problems, MATLAB than any other computer language (including FORTAN and C) are simple and efficient. This book introduces the MATLAB language to show you how to use it to solve the classic technical problems.)
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