二维元胞自动机 基于二维元胞自动机的交通流模拟分析44http://xbbjb.swu.cn38St(i,j)=F[S(i,j),S,(i-1,j),S,(i+1,j),S,(i,j-1),S,(i,j+1)](1)BMI(1)BMIT=4t=341843.2/(N×N)NXN(AJAVAT=232×32,64×64,128128,256×256,512×512,T=4128×128MATLAB01100002000∷;酸(a)暂念的渐近状态(b)暂心的阻塞状态3128×128128×128C1994-2013CHinaAcademicJOurnalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net643平均速度与密度关系图1.0平均速度曲线L32×320L=64x=128×1280808=256×2560.7512x512060.6053.330H040.30.20.2w0.10152253035404500.2040.6081.012141.61820密度/时间步10T=25128×1280.34.3BMLT0.80.60.4502eBMI02515密度/6128×128BMI(T-2T-4)BMIBMI[1 NAGEL K, SCHRECKENBERG M. A Cellular Automaton Model for Freeway Traffic [J]. Journal of Physique, 19922:221-2292 HAM O, MIDDLETON AA, LEVINE D. Self-Organization and a Dynamical Transition in Traffic Flow Models [J]Physical Review E, 1992(10):6124-6127L3 FUKUI M. ISHIBASHI Y. Traffic Flow in 1D Cellular Automaton Model Including Cars Moving with High Speed LJJ996,65(6):1868-1872005,54(10):4621-4626,2010,10(2):122-128C1994-2013cHinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net46http://xbbjb.swu.cn38On Simulation and analysis on Traffic Flow Based onTwo-Dimensional Cellular automationMEI Hong, CHENG WeiZHANG Yun-sheng, YU Peng-cheng1. Faculty of Continuing Education, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051, China;2. Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 65005 1, ChinaFaculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University cf Science and Technology, Kunming 650051. China4. Computer Center, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051. ChinaAbstract: BML model is a two-dimensional cellular automata model, which is especially used to simulateand analy ze the traffic system. We use Java language to implement this model. With this model, the re-ationship between the average velocity and the average density has been found by computer simulationThe phase transition and self organization have also been faund. And at last, the bml model improved intraffic light cycle changes for exploring more valuable to the research and applicationKey words: two-dimensional cellular automation; traffic flow; BML modelC1994-2013CHinaAcademicJOurnalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net
- 2020-12-11下载
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本设计是利用 VHDL 硬件描述语言设计 CRC 发生器和校验器 。12 位信息加 5 位 CRC 校验码发送 、 接收 ,由两个模块组成 ,CRC 校验生成模块 ( 发送) 和 CRC校验检错模块 ( 接收) ,采用输入,输出都为并行的 CRC校验 生 成 方 式 。产 生 此 CRC 码 可 利 用 Peterson 和Brown 提出的移位寄存器电路实现 。初始时置各寄存器为 0 ,信息位串从高位起逐位输入电路 ,每送入一位就进行一次异或操作和循环移位 ,由于信息位串为 12 位 ,所以经过 12 次操作后 ,4 个寄存器中的值就是冗余位 。
- 2020-11-29下载
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