关于5G通信和无线传输的相关知识5G Mobile and wirelessCommunications TechnologyEDITED BYAFIF OSSEIRANEricssonJOSE F MONSERRATUniversitat politecnica de valenciaPATRICK MARSCHCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSUniversity Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United KingdomCambridge University Press is part of the University of CambridgeIt furthers the Universitys mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit ofeducation learning and research at the highest international levels of excellencewww.cambridge.orgInformationonthistitlewww.cambridge.org/9781107130098C Cambridge University Press 2016This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exceptionand to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreementsno reproduction of any part may take place without the writtenpermission of Cambridge University PressFirst published 2016Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ International Ltd. Padstow Cornwalla catalogue record for this publication is available from the british libraryLibrary of Congress Cataloguing in Publication dataOsseiran. Afif editor5G mobile and wireless communications technology /[edited by] Afif Osseiran, EricssonJose F monserrat, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Patrick Marsch, Nokia NetworksNew York: Cambridge University Press, 2016LCCN2015045732|ISBN978110713009( hardback)LCSH: Global system for mobile communications. Mobile communication systems- StandardsLCC TK5103483A152016DDC62138456dc23Lcrecordavailableathttp://icCn.loc.gov/2015045732IsBN 978-1-107-13009-8 HardbackCambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy ofURLS for external or third- party internet websites referred to in this publicationand does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remainaccurate or appropriateTo my new born son S, my twin sons H& N, my wife L s-y for her unwaveringencouragement, and in the memory of a great lady my aunt K eA OsseiranTo my son, the proud fifth generation of the name Jose Monserrat. And with thewarmest love to my daughter and wife, for being always there.E MonserratTo my two small sons for their continuous energetic entertainment, and my dearwife for her amazing patience and support.P MarschContentsList of contributorspage xIvForewordAcknowledgmentsXIXAcronymsXXIIIntroduction1. 1 Historical background1.1.1 Industrial and technological revolution: from steam enginesto the internet1. 1.2 Mobile communications generations: from IG to 4G1.1.3 From mobile broadband ( mbb) to extreme MBB1. 1.4 IoT: relation to 5G1.2 From ICT to the whole economy6771.3 Rationale of 5G: high data volume, twenty-five billion connecteddevices and wide requirements1.3.1 Security1.4 Global initiatives1. 4.1 METIS and the 5G-PPP1. 4.2 China: 5G promotion group2241. 4.3 Korea: 5G Forum141. 4.4 Japan: ARIB 2020 and Beyond Ad Hoc1. 4.5 Other 5G initiatives14.6 Iot activities1.5 Standardization activities445551.5.1ITU-R1.5.23GPP161.5.3 EEE161.6 Scope of the book16References185G use cases and system concept212. 1 Use cases and requirements212.1.1 Use cases212. 1.2 Requirements and key performance indicatorsContents2.2 5G system concept322.2.1 Concept overview322. 2.2 Extreme mobile broadband342.2.3 Massive machine-type communication362.2.4 Ultra-reliable machine-type communication382.2.5 Dynamic radio access network392.2.6 Lean system control plane432. 2. 7 Localized contents and traffic flows52.2.8 Spectrum toolbox2. 3 Conclusions48References48The 5g architecture503.1 Introduction503.1.1 NFV and SDN503.1.2 Basics about ran architecture533.2 High-level requirements for the 5G architecture563.3 Functional architecture and 5g flexibility573.3.1 Functional split criteria583.3.2 Functional split alternatives593.3.3 Functional optimization for specific applications3.3.4 Integration of lte and new air interface to fulfill 5Grequirements3.3.5 Enhanced Multi-RAT coordination features663. 4 Physical architecture and 5G deployment3.4.1 Deployment enablers673.4.2 Flexible function placement in 5G deployments713.5 Conclusions74References75Machine-type communications774.1 Introduction774.1.1 Use cases and categorization of mto774.1.2 MTC requirements804.2 Fundamental techniques for MTC834.2.1 Data and control for short packets834.2.2 Non-orthogonal access protocols854.3 Massive mtc864.3.1 Design principles864.3.2 Technology components864.3. 3 Summary of mMTC features944.4 Ultra-reliable low-latency MTC944.4. 1 Design principles944.4.2 Technology componentsContents4.4.3 Summary of uMTC features1014.5 Conclusions102References103Device-to-device(D2D)communications1075.1 D2D: from 4G to 5G1075.1.1 D2D standardization: 4G LTE D2D1095.1. 2 D2D in 5G: research challenges1125.2 Radio resource management for mobile broadband D2D1135.2.1 RRM techniques for mobile broadband d2d5.2.2 RRM and system design for D2D1145.2.3 5G D2D RRM concept: an example5.3 Multi-hop d2d communications for proximity and emergencyservices1205.3.1 National security and public safety requirements in 3GPPand Metis1215.3.2 Device discovery without and with network assistance125.3.3 Network-assisted multi-hop d2d communications1225.3.4 Radio resource management for multi-hop D2D1245.3.5 Performance of D2D communications in the proximitcommunications scenario1255. 4 Multi-operator d2d communication1275.4.1 Multi-operator D2D discovery275.4.2 Mode selection for multi-operator D2D1285.4.3 Spectrum allocation for multi-operator D2D295.5 Conclusions133References1346Millimeter wave communications1376. 1 Spectrum and regulations1376.2 Channel propagation1396.3 Hardware technologies for mm W systems1396.3.1 Device technology1396.3.2 Antennas1426.3.3 Beamforming architecture1436.4 Deployment scenarios6. 5 Architecture and mobility1466.5.1 Dual connectivit1476.5.2 Mobility1476.6 Beamforming1496.6. 1 Beamforming techniques1496.6.2 Beam finding1506.7 Physical layer techniques1526.7.1 Duplex scheme152