optisystem和matlab协同仿真的一篇文章,以光幅度调制器为例,用matlab构建后,放到optisystem系统中进行仿真,文中包含构建光幅度调制器的m文件代码。104计算机与现代化2010年第12期NoiseNumber= eng h( Inpu ortl. Nose);193Hz192%TTH Zif( Samp edvm berGb it/sfor i= 1:len umberOptsysten%OutputPortl. Sam pled( i). Signal( l, :)=Am plitude odu brstystemtoIS am pled( In pu Portl Sam pled( i). Sgnal( 1,:), real( InputM atlabPort2 Sam pled Signal))%Po hr ization umber= sie( lnputPortl Samp ed( i). Snal 1)OptS ystem M atlaltrif( PohrizationNumber== 2)Ou putPortl. Sam pled( i)ystemSignal(2 :)=Am plitudeM odulato IS amp led( Inpu Portl Samp edOptsystem(i. Signal( 2: ) rear InputPort2 Sam pled S ignal))Md % oif( Param eter izedNumber>0)[1]GovindPagrawalOverview[Eb/oL].http://www.optifor i= 1: Paran eterizedN umber OuputPortl P aran eterizedwave com/produc ts/sys tom_ove Iv iow. htm I 20 10-06-01Pow er= Amp lind eM odu latorP aram eter ize( In pu tPortL Param eter[2 Opt ave Corpo ra tion O ptSystem 7 Q getting S tarted andized Power real( Inpu tPor2 Samp ed Signal));Tutori b- Signal represen tation[Z]. 2008[3] Optw ave Corporat on O pt by stem 7.0 Hep-M atlab Camd 90ponent[Z]. 200&if(no ieN umber> 0)[4]#八不”卜氵厶for i= I: noiseNumber術部. OptSysten E m atlab o)x?氵xb氵3冫事OutputPortl. Noise Pa er= Am plitude odulato Nose( In-Leb/Ol].httpr//www.cybemetcajp/optwave/optipu tPortl. noise Pow er reaI InputPort2 Sam pled S ignal))Sys tem /s tor es/Examp k 3 pdf 2010-08-31[D]200912-18AmplitudeM odu latorS am p led Amp litud eM odu latorRFIDParam eterized Amp litud em odu lator o ise 3[J20097(6)497-500M[7 M a jinx n Y u Jian un Y u Chong iy et a.I Infuence of theOptrmodu latin index ofm achr zehnder modu a tor on r of linkystem 7.0M atlahwith a sK m il lim ete rw av e sina l[J. O ptics& lase rTechrOptrn200941(1):11-16System314[8 He Jian, Zhu Xue un M achr Zehnder type annea led protonexch ange w avegu ide and cop hnarw avegu ie m adulation electrode Linbo 3 tens ity m odulator[ J]. Sem iconduc brOptcalPho ton ics and Techno bgy 2007, 13(1):6975.Optical spectrum Analyzer. 1Ded dck on Ceste te open certes, Mowe obed wth Msise DragAudo Set[9[小,200835(8):11851190[10Star 1.5030Je.2010Q10(3):15-17Amphid[11 Opti ave Corporat in O pt Sys tm U ser s Reference[z]. 2008T Sumac anoeMin[104.7192009厂 Heackubon Bandwith(4):31932215日155日1“日15日153日[13(2)[Mpower K power X A ROwDY/2009M atlab52006o1994-2011ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net