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  • UDS诊断序,整车网络测试应用序(PCAN-UDS API – User Manual.pdf)
    UDS_PCAN_APIA应用程序,整车网络诊断应用程序,超值!(PEAK CAN UDS Application Programming InterfaceUser Manual.pdf)PCAN-UDS APi- User ManualContents1 PCAN-UDS API Documentation2 Introduction2.1 Understanding PCAN-UDS2.2 Using PCAN-UDS2.3 Features7888992.4 System Requi rements2.5 Scope of supply3 DLL API Reference3.1 Namespaces103.1.1 Peak Can uds3.2 Units3.21 PuDs Unit3.3 Classes3.3.1 UDSApi3.3.2 TUDSApi3. 4 structures1022334553.4.1 TPUDSMsg3.4.2 TPUDSSessionInfo3.43 TPUDSNetAddrinfo3.5 Types213.5.1 TPUDSCANHand]e223.5.2 TPUDSstatus233.5.3 TPUDSBaudrate253.5.4 TPUDSHWType283.5.5 TPUDSResult303.5.6 TPUDSParameter313.5.7 TPUDSService393.5.8 TPUDSAddress423.5.9 TPUDSCanId443.5.10 TPUDSProtoco l463.5.11 TPUDSAddressingType483.5.12 TPUDSMessageType493.5.13 TPUDSSVCParamDSC503.5.14 TPUDSSVCParamER513.5.15 TPUDSSVCParamcc533.5.16 TPUDSSVCParamTP543.5.17 TPUDSSVCParamcdTCS543.5.18 TPUDSSvCParamROE553.5.19 TPUDSSvCParamROERe commendedserviceID573.5.20 TPUDSSVCParamLC583.5.21 TPUDSSvcParamLCBaudrateidentifier593.5.22 TPUDSSVCParamDI603.5.23 TPUDSSVCParamRDBPI643.5.24 TPUDSSVCParamDDDI653,525 TPUDSSyCParamRDTCI66PCAN-UDS APi- User Manual3.5.26 TPUDSSVCParamRDTCI DTCSVM6935.27 TPUDSSYCParamIOCBI703.5.28 TPUDSSvCParamRC3.5.29 TPUDSSVCParaMRC RID723.6 Methods733.6.1 Initialize753.6.2 Initialize(TpudsCanhandle, tpudsbaudrate)3.6.3 Initialize(TPUdsCANhandle, TPUdSBaudrate, TPudSHWType, UInt32,UInt16)83.6.4 Uninitialize813.6.5 Setvalue843.6.6 Setvalue (TPUdsCanhandle, tpudsparameter, UInt32, uint32)843.6Setvalue (TPUdSCaNHandle, TPUDSParameter, stringBufferUint32)873.6.8 Setvalue (TPUDSANHandle, TPUDSParameter, Byte[], Uint32)883.6.9 Setvalue(Tpudscanhand le, tpudsparameter, IntPtr, UInt32)3.6.10 Getvalue933.6.11 Getvalue (TPUDSCANHandle, TPUDSParameter, StringBufferUint32)933.6. 12 Getvalue (TPUDSCANHandle, tpudsparameter, uint32, Uint32)963.6.13 Getvalue (TPUDsCaNHandle, TPUDSParameter, Byte l], UInt32)993.6. 14 Getvalue (TPUdSCAnhandle, tpudSParameter, Intptr, UInt32)1013.6.15 Getstatus1043.6.16Read1073.6.17 Write3.6.18 Reset1143.6.19 WaitForsing lemessage1163. 6.20 WaitFormultiplemessage1203.6.21 Waitforseryice1263.6.22 WaitForservicefunctional1303.6.23 ProcessResponse1333.6. 24 SvCDiagnosticsessioncontro l1383.6.25 SVCECUReset1413.6.26 SvcSecuri tyAccess1453.6.27 SvCCommunicationControl1483.6.28 SvcTesterpresent1523.6.29 SvcsecuredDataTransmission1553.6.30 SvcControlDTCSetting1583.6.31 SvcResponseonEvent1623.6.32 SVCLinkcontrol1663.6.33 SVCReaddatabyidentifier1703.6. 34 SvcReadMemory ByAddress1733.6.35 SvcReadscal ingdatabyidentifier1773.6. 36 SvcReadDataByperiodicIdentifier1803.6.37 SvcDynamicallydefinedataIdentifierDBID1843.6.38 SvcDynamicall ydefineDataIdentifierDBMA1883.6. 39 SvcDynamical lyDefineDataIdentifierCDDDI1933.6.40 SvcWri teDataByidentifier1973.6. 41 Svcwri teMemory byaddress2003.6.42 SvcClearDi agnosticInformation2053. 6. 43 SVCReadDTCInformation2083.6.44 SvCReadDTCInformationRDTCSSBDTC2113. 6. 45 SvCReaddTCInformationRDTCSSBRN215PCAN-UDS APi- User Manual3. 6.46 SVcReadDTCInformationReportExtended2183.6. 47 SvcReadDTCInformationReportseverity2213,648 SvcReaddTCInformationrsIodtc2253. 6.49 SvCReadDTCInformationNoParam2283.6.50 SvcInputout put contro byidentifier2323. 6.51 SyCRoutineControl2363.6.52 SvCReques tOwn load2393.6.53 SvcRequestUp load2433. 6.54 SVCTransferData2483.6.55 SvCRequestTransferExit2513.7 Functions2563.7.1 UDS Initialize2583.7.2 UDs Uninitialize2593.7.3 UDs Setvalue2603.7.4 UDs Getvalue2613.7.5 UDS Getstatus2623.7.6 UDS Read2643.7.7 UDs Write2653.7.8 UDs Reset2663.7.9 UDS_WaitForsinglemessage2673.7.10 UDS_waitForMultipleMessage2693.7.11 UDs Wai ce2723.7.12 UDS WaitForserviceFunctional2733.7.13 UDS_ Processresponse2753.7.14 UDS_SvcDiagnosticSessionControl2773.7.15 UDS SVCECUReset2783.7.16 DS_SVCSecuri tyAccess2803.7.17 UDS SVCCommunicationcontrol2813.7.18 UDs SvCTesterpresent2833719 UDS SvCSecuredDatatransmission2843.7.20 UDS_SvCControlDTCSetting2863.7.21 UDS_SVCResponseonEvent2873,7.22 UDs SVCLinkcontrol2893.7.23 UDS_SvcReaddatabyidentifier2913.7.24 UDS_SvcReadMemory byAddress2923.7.25 uDs_ SvcReadscalingdatabyidentifier2943.7.26 UDS_SvCReadDataBy Periodi iDentifier2953.7. 27 UDS_SVcDynamical l yDefineDataIdentifierDBID2973.7.28 UDS_SvcDynami call ydefinedataIdentifierDBMa2993.7.29 UDS_SvcDynami cal l yDefineDataIdentifierCDDDI3013. 7.30 UDS_SvcWriteDataByIdentifier3023,7.31 UDs SvcWri teMemorybyaddress3033.7. UDS_SvcClearDiagnosticInformation3053.7.33 UDS SVCReadDTCInformation3073.7. UDs SyCReadDTCInformationRdtCSSBDTC3093.7.35 uDs SvCReadDTCInformationRdtcssbrn3103.7.36 UDS_ SvCReadDTCInformationReportExtended3113.7.37 UDS_SvcReadDTCInformationReportseverity3133.7.38 UDS SVCReadDTCInformationRSIODTC3153,739 UDS SVCReadDTCInformationNoParam3163. 7.40 UDS_SvcInputoutput contro l byIdentifier3,7. 41 UDs SyCRoutinecontrol319PCAN-UDS APi- User Manual3.7.42 UDS_SvcRequestDown load3213.7.43 UDS_ SVCRequestupload32337.44 UDS SyCTransferData3253.7.45 UDS_SVCRequestTransferExit3263.8 Definitions3293.8.1 PCAN-UDS Handle Definitions3293.8.2 Parameter value defintions3313.8.3 TPUDSMsg Member value Definitions3323.8.4 PCAN-UDs Service parameter Definitions3334 Additional Information3354.1 PCAn Fundamentals33542 PCAN-Basic3364.3 UDS and ISO-TP Network Addressing Information3384.3.1 ISO-TP network addressing format3384.4 USing Events3405 License Information3426PCAN-UDS APi- User Manual1 PCAn-UDS APi DocumentationWelcome to the documentation of PCan-UD APl, a PEAK CAN API that implements ISo 15765-3, UDS in CANan international standard that allows a diagnostic tester(client) to control diagnostic functions in an on-vehicleElectronic Control Unit(ECU or serveIn the following chapters you will find all the information needed to take advantage of this aPlIntroduction on page 8DLL API Reference on page 10Additional Information on page 335PCAN-UDS APi- User Manual2 IntroductionPCAN-UDS is a simple programming interface intended to support windows automotive applications that usePEAK-Hardware to communicate with Electronic Control Units(ECU) connected to the bus systems of a car, formaintenance purpose2.1 Understanding PCAN-UDSUDS stands for Unified Diagnostic Services and is a communication protocol of the automotive industry. thisprotocol is described in the norm iSo 14229-1The UDS protocol is the result of 3 other standardized diagnostic communication protocolsIS0 14230-3, as known as Keyword 2000 Protocol(KWP2000L IS0 15765-3, as known as diagnostic on CANISo 15765-2, as known as ISo-TPThe idea of this protocol is to contact all electronic data units installed andCAN OBDninterconnected in a car, in order to provide maintenance, as checking for errors,actualizing of firmware, etcUDS is a Client/Server oriented protocol. In a UDS session(diagnostic session ),aprogram application on a computer constitutes the client(within UDS, it is calledPCAN-UDSTester), the server is the ecu being tested and the diagnostic requests from client toserver are called services. The client always starts with a request and this ends with apositive or negative response from the server(ECuSince the transport protocol of UDS is done using ISo-TP, an international standardPCAN ISOTPfor sending data packets over a CAN Bus, the maximum data length that can betransmitted in a single data-block is 4095 bytes.PCAN-UDS API is an implementation of the Uds on CAN standard the physicalcommunication is carried out by PCAN-Hardware (PCAN-USB, PCAN-PCI etc )throughPCAN-Basithe pCAN-ISo-TP and PCAN-Basic API (free CAN APls from PEAK-System). Because ofthis it is necessary to have also the pCAN-1S0-tP and PCAN-Basic APls(PCAN-ISO-TP. dll and PCAN Basic. dll) present on the working computer where UdS is intended tobe used. PCAN-UDS, PCAN-ISO-TP and PCan-Basic apis are free and available for allFigure 1: Relationship of thepeople that acquire a pCAn-hardware2.2 Using PCAN-UDSSince PCAN-UDS API is built on top of the PCAN-1So-TP API and PCAN-Basic APls, it shares similar functions. Itoffers the possibility to use several PCAn-UDS (PUds) channels within the same application in an easy way. Thecommunication process is divided in 3 phases: initialization interaction and finalization of a puds-channelInitialization In order to do UDS on CAN communication using a channel, it is necessary to initialize it first. Thisis done by making a call to the function UDS_ Initialize (class- method: InitializePCAN-UDS APi- User ManualInteraction: After a successful initialization a channel is ready to communicate with the connected can bus.Further configuration is not needed the 24 functions starting with UDS Svc(class-methods: starting with Svccan be used to transmit UdS requests and the utility functions starting with Uds WaitFor(class- methodsstarting with WaitFor) are used to retrieve the results of a previous request. the Uds read and UDS Write(class-methods: Read and Write are lower level functions to read and write UDs messages from scratch. Ifdesired, extra configuration can be made to improve a communication session, like service request timeouts orISo-TP parametersFinalization: When the communication is finished, the function UDS_ Uninitialize(class-method: Uninitializeshould be called in order to release the puds-channel and the resources allocated for it. In this way thechannel is marked as free"and can be used from other applications23 FeaturesI mplementation of the UDS protocol(iSo 14229-1)for the communication with control unitsWindows DLLs for the development of 32-bit and 64-bit applicationsPhysical communication via Can using a Can interface of the pcan seriesUses the pcan-Basic programming interface to access the can hardware in the computerUses the pCAn-ISo-TP programming interface(iso 15765-2)for the transfer of data packages up to 4095bytes via the can bus2.4 System Requi rementsL- Windows 10, 8.1, 7(32/64-bitAt least 512 Mb ram and 1 GHz CPUPC CAN interface from peak-SystemPCAN-Basic APlL PCAN-SO-TP API2.5 Scope of supplyInterface DLL, examples, and header files for all common programming languagesDocumentation in pdf formatDocumentation in HTML Help formatPCAN-UDS APi- User Manual3 DLL API ReferenceThis section contains information about the data types (classes, structures, types, defines enumerations)andAPI functions which are contained in the pcan-uds api3.1 NamespacesPEAK offers the implementation of some specific programming interfaces as namespaces for the. NEtFramework programming environment. The following namespaces are available:NamespacesNameDescription}PeakContains all namespaces that are part of the managed programming environment fromPEAK-SystemPeak CanContains types and classes for using the PCan aPi from PEAK-SystemPeak Can. LightContains types and classes for using the PCAn-Light API from PEAK-SystemPeak Can basicContains types and classes for using the pcan-Basic APl from PEAK-SystemPeak Can CcpContains types and classes for using the CCP API implementation from PEAK-SystemPeak Can XcpContains types and classes for using the XcP aPi implementation from PEAK-SystemPeak Can. Iso TpContains types and classes for using the pCAN-IS0-TP aPl implementation from PEAKSystelPeak Can, UdsContains types and classes for using the PCan-UDS API implementation from PEAK-SystemPeakCan.Obdll Contains types and classes for using the PCAN-OBDIll API implementation from PEAKSystemt}Peak. LinContains types and classes used to handle with lin devices from PEAK-Systemt}Peak. RP1210AContains types and classes used to handle with can devices from PEak-System through theTMC Recommended Practices 1210, version A, as known as RP1210(A3.1.1 Peak Can UdsThe peak Can. Uds namespace contains types and classes to use the pcan-UdS aPi within the. NET Frameworkprogramming environment and handle pcan devices from peak-SystemRemarks: Under the delphi environment, these elements are enclosed in the puds-Unit. the functionality of allelements included here is just the same. the difference between this namespace and the delphi unit consists inthe fact that delphi accesses the Windows api directly it is not managed code)AliasesAliasDescriptionTPUDSCANHandle Represents a pCAn-UDS channel handleClassesClassDescription像曰UDSApiDefines a class which represents the PCAN-UDS API10
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