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于 2009-10-18 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  A signal is transmitted using a carrier frequency of 900 MHz. It is transmitted through a multipath channel which can be modelled as Rayleigh fading. Assumingthe Dopper spread as 10Hz and the number of multipaths as 10, generate the Rayleigh faded signal. Compute the outage rate (the probability of the signal falls below certain rate, say ?10 dB) of the signal. Using MATLAB, demonstrate the path loss as a function of loss parameter for distances ranging from 2 km to 40 km. Calculate the power loss in dB



0 个回复

  • mydemo2
    教你怎么从入门到掌握MATLAB的使用。浅显易懂的实例(Teach you how from beginning to master the use of MATLAB. Easy to understand examples)
    2010-05-18 22:12:43下载
  • stest
    matlab ,本文献是关于广义s变换的一个源码,但是源码只有函数,不能自动生成变换(Matlab, this literature is a source of generalized s transform, but the source function only, not be generated automatically transform)
    2012-05-24 10:46:26下载
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    用有限元方法解偏微分方程的算例。区域是[0,1]*[0,1]的正方形区域,区域剖分网格是标准正方形。区域剖分、节点计算、转化成代数方程求解,结果画图显示及txt结果输出,每一步都很详细。(Two-dimensional numerical example of using the finite element method for solving partial differential equations . Region is a [0,1]* [0,1] of the square region, a square region of a standard mesh grid. Regional split, node calculation, converted into algebraic equations, the results display and txt file result output, each step is very detailed.)
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