很实用的程序,详细介绍了如何实用软件识别指纹。几乎完全不懂得人也可用DO+ p1+p2+p3+p5+p6+4][5Qif(n==7|n==56(t)M ahbdpbt(y(j,x(i),’bo);6化正像细化处理图信c)特证液果for i=1:t-15d= sqrt((x(i)-x(D)2+(y(i)-y(j)2);FV C2000100if d< %100typeI(1)=Qbreakb1(i=o1944-2011ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net9436[2MATLAB 6.5 M.152003-3.LD I1/3,2002-513(5):946~956[5 Dario m ai m em ber Eee, and d av de m alon i d irect grayscalem inu tae detection in fingerpr ints J]. EEE tran sactions onpat te m analys s and m ach ine inte lligen ce 1997 19(1): 27-40M ahbMATLAB 6 5[M]2004-51/3(19815-),((1947-),([1] R Clarke Hum an ien tification in in fom at ion systen s M anagem ent ch allenges and pub le policy issues[ J. In fo T echnol People1994,7(4):6~37.(1978.1-),()113)[3 S Coleri M Ergen A Pu ri and A Bahai Channel E stim ationTechn iqu es Based on Pilot a range ent in OFDM System s[ JIL abV IEWwireEEE T ran sact in s on Broadcast ing Sep 2002 48( 3):223lessan-ofdm229[4 X Tang M a buini and a JGo Hsm ith E fect of Channel Est im artion E rror on M-QAM BER Perfm ance in Ray le igh Fad ing J IEEE T ran sactions On Commun ications Dec 1999, 47(121856LabV ieWieee 802 1 6d[5 P Das and D Koch On the U se ofV iu al Programm ng LanguagesO FDMfor Commun ication System Sim ulation[C IEEE Proceedings ofSoutheast Con, Apr 1991(BER)[6 M C Jeruch m, P B alb an and K s Shanmugan Simu lat ion oBERCommun ica tion Sy stems M odeling M ethodology and Techn iques[J. K hw er A cadem i 2000BER[7] V. Erceg L J ste in SY Tindra SR Parkoff A G up ta BKulic A a Julius and R B inchi An Em p irically Based Path LossIeee 802 16dOFDMM odel for W ire kss Ch annes in Suburban Environm ents[ J]. EEEJoumal on Selected A reas in C mmun ica tions Ju I 1999(197610-),[1] IKoffm an and v Rom an. Broadband W iess a ccess So hi tionsBased on O FDM A ccess in 802 16[ J IEEE Camm unicat ionsM agazne, A pr 2002(19659-),(),[21 EKlund R BM arks K L Stanwood and Sw ang IEEE Standard802. 16a a Techn ical very iew of thew ireless antm a ir In ter(19776-),(face for B roa dband W ire less access[ J]. IEEE Camm unicat ionsM agaz ne Jun200240(6):98-107185o1994-2011ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net