HFSS的915MHz微带天线设计仿真微波DA|专注于微射抓硬件工程师的培www.mweda.com提供最专业的ADS、HSS培训课程指标要求。若进一步考虑引入阻抗匹配馈线对天线谐振频率的影响,根据之前已仿真的结果,将贴片辐射元长度调整为74.2mm时,天线在915MHz频段表现出最佳的性能,如图3、图4所示。图1侧边馈电矩形微带贴片天线模型Armo CaponeXY Plot 1LP LIPE-田2天线模型仿真结果1(S1)Am秀 OpinionRadiation Paten 1P unnc s以nommretrtaa图3天线模型仿真结果( Directivity)Armo CorporaonXY Plot 1LP_LhoFood Sre台 urpim upet500图4天线模型仿真结果2(S1)微波DA|专注于微射抓硬件工程师的培www.mweda.com提供最专业的ADS、HSS培训课程3结论从上述仿真结果可知,选择介电常数44厚度5mm的介质基板材料,贴片辐射元尺寸为998mm74.2mm,四分之一波长阻抗匹配变换器尺寸为47.3mm×3.7m时,天线中心谐振频率在915MHz附近,工作频率点辐射主瓣E面波瓣宽度63:=84°,H面波瓣宽度θ3s=97°,天线增益Gain=325(dB)(辐射效率η=0.5),回波损耗S1=-31.77(dB)(WSWR=1.05),阻抗匹配良好,系统带宽B4=1.5%(以S11≤-14dB标准为参考),天线主平面尺寸18.2cmx13.2cm,天线各项设计指标达到预定的工程设计要求。本文所讨论的采用软件仿真验证与优化的方式相比传统实物制作并测试的方式,极大地缩减了现代天线从设计到调整实现所需的时间和成本,在工程设计上将有着广泛的应用。[参考文献][1] Stutzman Warren L, Thiele Gary A. Antenna Theory and Design( Second Edition)[M]. Beijing POST TELECOM PRESS2006,[2] Bahl I J, Bhartia P.微带天线[M].北京:电子出版社,1984[3]谢拥军,刘莹,李磊HFSS原理与工程应用[M].北京:科学出版社,2009[4]张均,刘克诚张贤铎.微带天线理论与工程M].北京国防工业出版社,198[5]钟顺时微带天线理论与应用[M].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1991[6]宋旭亮矩形微带天线设计与阻抗匹配网络[D].大连:大连海事大学,2008【贵任编辑:刘长青】Simulation and Verification of 915 MHz Microstrip Antenna Design Based on HFSSWU Zhi-xiong WANG HongFujian Polytechnic of Information Technology, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350003, China)Abstract: This paper introduces the processes of engineering design and simulation verification of the rectangle microstrip patch antenna working in 915 MHz Frequency by using the computer electromagnetic simula-tion software HFSS. The authors first estimate the designing parameters through the classical transmission linetheory, and then follow the steps of modeling and simulation on the software. Finally, get best results for the de-signing by optimal adjustment, while the antenna achieves its best performance indexes in the condition givenout beforeKey words: HFSS; microstrip antenna; antenna design; electromagnetic simulation8袋R足①A皆揉本队、八年轻积累m寺注于做被。射频。研件工程师的培养微波网视频培训教程推荐微波网成立于年底,并于翌年与易迪拓培训合并,专注于微波、射频和硬件⊥程师的培养,现已发展成为国内最大的微波射频和无线通信人才培养基地先后与人民邮电出版社、电子工业出版社合作出版了多本专业图书,成功推出了多套微波射频经典培训课程和等软件的使用培训课程,广受工程技术学员的好评,帮助数万名工程师提升了专业技术能力。客户遍布中兴通讯、研通高频、埃威航电、国人通信等多家国内知名公司,以及台湾工业技术研究院、永业科技、全一电子等多家台湾地区企业。示皿中文视频培训课程套装ANSYS LIFSS国内最全面和专业的培训教程套装,包含套视频教程和本教材,李明洋老师讲解;结合最新工程案例,视频操作FSs培訓程罄裴演示,让学习不再难。购买套装更可超值赠送个月免费学习答疑,让您花最少的成本,以最快的速度自学掌握【点击浏览详情】两周学会中文视频教程李明洋主讲,视频同步操作演示,直观易学。课程从零训起,通过两周的课程学习,可以帮助您快速入门、自学掌握真正做到让学习不再难…【点击浏览详情】微波器件仿真分析实例中文视频教程进阶培训课程,中文视频,通过十个仿真设计工程应用实例,带您更深入学的实际应用,掌握高级设置和应用技巧…【点山浏览详情】天线设计入门中文视频教程是天线设计的王者,该教程全面解析了天线的基础知识天线设计流程和详细操作设置,让天线设计不再难…【点击浏览详情】雷达散射截面分析中文视频教程全面剖析了如何使用仿貞计算各种目标物体的雷达散射截面),包括:单站双站和宽频【点击浏览详情】了解详情,请查看微波网(微REDA黄沫气形队、年好验积m可m专于做被,射频,录件工程斯养微波射频测量仪器培训课程套装合集测试仪器培训课程套装搞射频微波,不会仪器操作怎么行!矢量网终分析仪、频谱仪、取+书最+提专手E示波器、信号源是微波射频工程师最常用的测量仪器。该培训套装集合了直观的视频培训教程和详尽的图书教材,旨在帮助您快速熟悉和精通矢网、频谱仪、示波器等仪器的操作…【点微波EDA员wwww.nwra.com击浏览详情】学习培训课程套装AD学习调课程套装心吧口国内最全面和权威的培训教程,详细讲解了在微波射频电路、通信系统和电磁仿真设计方面的应用。课程是山具有多年使用经验的资深专家讲解,结合工稈实例,直观易学;能计您在最短的时间内学会,并把真正应用到研发工作中去…【点击浏览详情】我们的课程优势※成立于2004年,一直专注于射频工程师的培养,行业经验丰富,更了解您的需求※视频课稈、既能达到现场培训的效果,又能免除您舟车劳顿的辛苦,学习工作两不误※经验丰富的一线资深专家主讲,结合实际工程案例,直观、实用、易学※更多实用课程,欢迎登陆我们的官方网站或者登陆我们的官方淘宝店0A|-专注于微波、射频、硬件工程师的培养,址
- 2020-11-27下载
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Inside_NAND_Flash_Memories.pdfRino micheloni· Luca Crippa· Alessia marelliInside nand flashMemoriesSpringerRino micheloniLuca CrippaIntegrated Device TechnologyForward InsightsAgrate BrianzaNorth yorkItalCanadarino. micheloni@ieee. orgluca.crippa @ieee.orgAlessia marelliIntegrated Device Technologyagrate brianzaItalylessiamarelli@gmail.comISBN97890-481-9430-8e-ISBN97890-481-9431-5DOI10.1007/978-90-481-9431-5Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New YorkLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2010931597O Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without writtenbeing entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the wor Ose ofpermission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpoCover design: eStudio Calamar SLPrinted on acid-free paperSpringerispartofSpringerScience+businessMedia(www.springer.com)PrefaceIn the last decade Flash cards became the most important digital storage supportIt is difficult to identify a single killer application(digital photography, MP3digital video, ...)or whether the success of this media support is due to itsusability in different applications. It is also difficult to state whether the recentlution in the infotainment area has been triggered by the availability of high-performance NAND Flash memories or if the extraordinary success of Flash cardsis a consequence of the establishment of new applicationsIn any case, independently of the cause-effect relationship linking new digitalapplications and Flash cards, to realize how NANd Flash memories entered in ourdaily life, it is sufficient to imagine as they would change our recent habits if theNAND memories disappeared suddenly. To take a picture it would be necessary tofind a film (as well as a traditional camera .), disks or even magnetic tapes wouldbe used to record a video or to listen a song, and a cellular phone would return tobe a simple mean of communication rather than a console for an extendedentertainmentThe development of nand Flash memories will not be set down on the mereevolution of these digital systems since a new killer application can trigger a furthersuccess for this memory support: the replacement of Hard Disk Drives(HDD)with Solid State Drives (SSD)The advantages of Ssd with respect to HDD are countless(higher read/writspeed, higher mechanical reliability, random access, silent operation, lower powerconsumption, lower weight, .. ) Nevertheless, the cost per gigabyte is stillsignificantly favorable to hDd and the success of ssd will depend only on theperformances that they will succeed in reachingThe present book, the fourth authored by rino micheloni and coworkers afterVLSI-Design of Non-volatiles Memories, Memories in Wireless Systems and ErrorCorrection Codes for Non-volatile Memories, all published by Springer, tacklesall the main aspects related to NANd Flash memories, from the physicaltechnological, and circuit issues to their use in Flash cards and SsdsAfter an extended market overview(Chap. 1), Chap 2 has been conceived as aguide for the entire book, so that the reader can directly reach the heart of theproblems that interest himThe following chapters deepen physical and technological aspects. In particularChaps. 3 and 4 tackle technological and reliability issues of traditional FloatingGate NAND memories, respectively, while the state-of-the-art of charge trappingtechnologies is effectively summarized in Chap 5Ⅴ i PrefaceThe central part of the book is dedicated to circuit issues: logic( Chap. 6),sensing circuits(Chaps. 8 and 9)and high voltage blocks( Chaps. 1l and 12)Other basic topics related to circuit aspects are also analyzed, such as theimplementation of Double Data Rate interfaces( Chap. 7), while multilevel storage(2 bits per cell) is presented in Chap. 10Techniques adopted to increase memory reliability and yield are discussedin Chaps. 13 and 14, the former dealing with redundancy, the latter with ErrorCorrection Codes. The test flux used by nand memories manufactures is describedin Chap 15Chapter 16 focus on nand devices storing 3 and 4 bits per cell that allowreaching the lower cost per gigabyte and that will conquer, in the next few years,the market of consumer applicationsThe last chapters are dedicated to the two most popular systems based onNAND memories: Flash cards( Chap. 17)and SsD(Chap. 18). The relationshipbetween Nand memories and system performances are highlightedFinally, Chap. 19 describes the effects of ionizing radiations on non-volatilememories, to understand whether NaNd memories can be safely used in spaceand military applicationsProf. Piero olivoDean of the Engineering FacultyUniversity of ferrara, ItalyAcknowledgementsAfter completing a project like a technical book, it is very hard to acknowledgeall the people who have contributed directly or indirectly with their work anddedicationFirst of all, we wish to thank all the authors of the contributed chaptersWe have to thank mark de Jongh for giving us the possibility of publishing thiswork and cindy zitter for her continuous supportLast but not least, we keep in mind all our present and past colleagues for theirsuggestions and fruitful discussionsRino. Luca and alessiaTable of contentsPrefaceAcknowledgementsvIII Market and applications for nand Flash memoriesGregory Wong2 NAND overview: from memory to systemsR. Micheloni, A Marelli and S. Commodaro3 Program and erase of Nand memory arrays55Cristoph Friederich4 Reliability issues of NAND Flash memoriesC. Zambelli. a. Chimenton and p. olivo5 Charge trap nand technologies115Alessandro grossi6 Control logic131A Marelli.R Micheloni andR. ravasio7 NAND DDR interface161Andrea silvagni8 Sensing circuits197L. Crippa and R. micheloni9 Parasitic effects and verify circuits235L. Crippa and R. michelonO MLC Storage261L Crippa and R Micheloni11 Charge pumps, voltage regulators and HV switchesR Micheloni and L Crippa
- 2020-12-08下载
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