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  • Verilog-IEEE Std 1364 -2005 IEEE Standard
    Verilog的IEEE标准,比较新的一个吧应该是IEEE Std 1364 TM-2005(Revision of IEEE Std 1364-2001)lEE Standard for VerilogHardware Description LanguageSponsorDesign Automation Standards Committeeof theIEEE Computer SocietyAbstract: The Verilog hardware description language(HDL) is defined in this standard. VerilogHDL is a formal notation intended for use in all phases of the creation of electronic systems. Because it is both machine-readable and human-readable, it supports the development, verificationsynthesis, and testing of hardware designs; the communication of hardware design data; and themaintenance, modification, and procurement of hardware. The primary audiences for this standardare the implementors of tools supporting the language and advanced users of the languageKeywords: computer, computer languages, digital systems, electronic systems, hardware, hardware description languages, hardware design, HDL, PLI, programming language interface, Verilog,Verilog HDL, verilog PllThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc3 Park Avenue. New york. NY 10016-5997 USACopyright@ 2006 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IncAll rights reserved Published 7 April 2006. Printed in the United states of AmericaIEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers, IncorporatedVerilog is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, IncPrint:|sBN0-738148504SH95395PDFSBN0-7381-48512SS95395No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the publisher.IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEee Societies and the Standards CoordinatingCommittees of the iEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA)Standards board The ieee develops its standardsthrough a consensus development process, approved by the american National Standards Institute, which bringstogether volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are notnecessarily members of the Institute and serve without compensation. While the ieee administers the processand establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus development process, the ieee does not independentlyevaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in its standards.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The ieee disclaims liability for any personal injury, property orother damage of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly orindirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this, or any other iEEE Standard documentThe ieee does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expresslydisclaims any express or implied warranTy, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose, or that the use of the material contained herein is free from patent infringement. IEEE Standardsdocuments are supplied "AS IsThe existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measurepurchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, theviewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about throughdevelopments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard Every IeeE Standard issubjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaffirmation. When a document is more than fiveyears old and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude Chat ils contents, although still of some valuedo not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have thelatest edition of any IEEE StandardIn publishing and making this document available, the IEeE is not suggesting or rendering professional or otherervices for, or on behalf of, any person or entity. Nor is the Ieee undertaking to perform any dutyother person or entity to another. Any person utilizing this, and any other ieee Standards document, should relupon the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any givencircumstancesInterpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate tospecific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEe, the Institute will initiateaction to prepare appropriate responses. Since ifff Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it isimportant to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For thisreason, IEEE and the members of its societies and standards coordinating committees are not able to provide aninstant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formalconsideration. At lectures, symposia, seminars, or educational courses, an individual presenting information onIEee standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered the personal views of that individuarather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IeeeComments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership aftil-iation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of texttogether with appropriate supporting comments Comments on standards and requests for interpretations shouldaddressed toIEEE-SA Standards Board445 Hoes lanePiscataway, NJ 08854USANoTE-Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subjectmatter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to theexistence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEf shall not be responsible foridentifying patents for which a license may be required by an ieee standard or for conducting inquiries into thelegal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attentionAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright ClearanceCenter. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Customer Service222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA01923 USA; +19787508400. Permission to photocopy portions of any indi-idual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance CenterIntroductionThis introduction is not a part of IEEE Std 1364-2005, IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description LanguageThe Verilog hardware description language(HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE Std 13641995. It was designed to be simple, intuitive, and effective at multiple levels of abstraction in a standardtextual format for a variety of design tools, including verification simulation, timing analysis, test analysisand synthesis. It is because of these rich features that verilog has been accepted to be the language of choiceby an overwhelming number of integrated circuit(IC)designersVerilog contains a rich set of built-in primitives, including logic gates, user-definable primitives, switches,and wired logic. It also has device pin-to-pin delays and timing checks. The mixing of abstract levels isessentially provided by the semantics of two data types: nets and variables. Continuous assignments, inwhich expressions of both variables and nets can continuously drive values onto nets, provide the basicstructural construct. Procedural assignments, in which the results of calculations involving variable and netvalues can be stored into variables, provide the basic behavioral construct. a design consists of a set of modules, each of which has an input/output(1/O)interface, and a description of its function, which can be structural, behavioral, or a mix. These modules are formed into a hierarchy and are interconnected with netsThe Verilog language is extensible via the programming language interface(PLI)and the verilog procedural interface(VPi) routines. The Pli/vPi is a collection of routines that allows foreign functions to accessinformation contained in a Verilog hdl description of the design and facilitates dynamic interaction withsimulation. Applications of PLI/VPI include connecting to a Verilog HDL simulator with other simulationand computer-assisted design(CAD)systems, customized debugging TaskS, delay calculators, andannotatorsThe language that influenced Verilog HDL the most was HILO-2, which was developed at Brunel University in England under a contract to produce a test generation system for the British Ministry of DefensehiLO-2 successfully combined the gate and register transfer levels of abstraction and supported verificationsimulation, timing analysis, fault simulation, and test generationIn 1990, Cadence Design Systems placed the Verilog HDL into the public domain and the independentOpen Verilog International(oVi)was formed to manage and promote Verilog HDL. In 1992, the Board ofDirectors of ovi began an effort to establish Verilog hdl as an ieeE standard. In 1993, the first IEeEworking group was formed; and after 18 months of focused efforts, Verilog became an IEEE standard asIEEE Std 1364-1995After the standardization process was complete, the IEEe P1364 Working Group started looking for feedback from IEEE 1364 users worldwide so the standard could be enhanced and modified accordingly. Thisled to a five-year effort to get a much better Verilog standard in IEEE Std 1364-2001With the completion of IEEE Std 1364-2001, work continued in the larger Verilog community to identifyoutstanding issues with the language as well as ideas for possible enhancements. As Accellera began work-ing on standardizing System Verilog in 2001, additional issues were identified that could possibly have led toincompatibilities between Verilog 1364 and System Verilog. The IEEE P1364 Working group was established as a subcomittee of the System Verilog P1800 Working Group to help ensure consistent resolution ofsuch issues. The result of this collaborative work is this standard ieee Std 1364-2005Copyright C 2006 IEEE. All rights reservedNotice to usersErrataErrata,ifanyforthisandallotherstandardscanbeaccessedatthefollowingurL:http:/stan-dards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/updates/errata/index.html. Users are encouraged to check this URL for errataperiodicaInterpretationsCurrentinterpretationscanbeaccessedatthefollowingUrl:http:/standards.ieeeorg/reading/ieee/interp/Index. htmlPatentsAttention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mattercovered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence orvalidity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEee shall not be responsible for identifyingpatents or patent applications for which a license may be required to implement an IEEE standard or forconducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attentionParticipantsAt the time this standard was completed, the ieee P1364 Working group had the following membershipJohny Srouji, IBM, IEEE SyStem verilog Working Group chairTom Fitzpatrick, Mentor Graphics Corporation, ChairNeil Korpusik, Sun Microsystems, Inc, Co-chairStuart sutherland sutherland hdl inc. editorShalom Bresticker, Intel Corporation, Editor through February 2005The Errata Task Force had the following membershipKaren pynopsys,rKurt baty. WFSDB ConsultinDennis marsa. XilinxStefen Boyd, Boyd TechnologyFrancoise Martinolle, Cadence Design Systems, IncShalom Bresticker, Intel CorporationMike McNamara, Verisity, LtdDennis Brophy, Mentor Graphics CorporationDon Mills, LCDM EngineeringCliff Cummings, Sunburst Design, IncAnders nordstrom, Cadence Design Systems, IncCharles dawson, Cadence Design Systems, IncKaren Pieper, Synopsys, IncTom Fitzpatrick, Mentor Graphics CorpoBrad Pierce, Synopsys, IncRonald goodstein, first shot Logic simulation andSteven Sharp Cadence Design Systems, IncAlec Stanculescu. Fintronic USA IncDesignStuart Sutherland. Sutherland HDL IncMark Hartog, Synopsys incGordon Vreugdenhil, Mentor Graphics CorporationJames Markevitch, Evergreen Technology GroupJason Woolf, Cadence design Systems, IncCopyright C 2006 IEEE. All rights reservedThe behavioral Task Force had the following membership:Steven Sharp, Cadence Design Systems, InC, ChairKurt Baty, WFSDB ConsultingJay lawrence. Cadence design Systems. IncStefen Boyd, Boyd TechnologyFrancoise Martinolle, Cadence Design Systems, IncShalom Bresticker, Intel CorporationKathryn McKinley, Cadence Design Systems, IncDennis brophy, Mentor graphics corporationMichael mcnamara. Verisity LtdCliff Cummings, Sunburst Design, IncDon Mills, LCDM EngineeringSteven Dovich, Cadence Design Systems, IncMehdi Mohtashemi, Synopsys, IncTom Fitzpatrick, Mentor Graphics CorporationKaren Pieper, Synopsys, IncRonald Goodstein, First Shot Logic Simulation andBrad Pierce, Synopsys, IncDesignDave Rich, Mentor Graphics CorporationKeith Gover, Mentor Graphics CorporationSteven Sharp, Cadence Design Systems, IncMark Hartoog, Synopsys, IncAlec Stanculescu. Fintronic USAEnnis Hawk, Jeda TechnologiesStuart Sutherland. Sutherland hdl. IncAtsushi kasuya, Jcda TechnologicsGordon Vrcugdcnhil, Mentor Graphics CorporationThe PLI Task Force had the following membershipCharles Dawson, Cadence Design Systems, Inc, ChairGhassan Khoory, Synopsys, Inc Co-chairTapati Basu, Synopsys, IncMichael rohleder. Freescale Semiconductor. IncSteven Dovich, Cadence Design Systems, IncRob Slater, Freescale Semiconductor IncRalph duncan, Mentor Graphics CorporationJohn Stickley, Mentor Graphics CorporationJim garnett, Mentor Graphics CorporationStuart Sutherland. Sutherland HDL. incJoao geada CLK Design AutomationBassam Tabbara. Novas software. IncAndrzej litwiniuk, Synopsys, IncJim Vellenga, Cadence Design Systems, IncFrancoise Martinolle, Cadence Design Systems, IncDoug Warmke, Mentor Graphics CorporationSachchidananda Patel, Synopsys, IncIn addition, the working group wishes to recognize the substantial efforts of past contributorsMichael McNamara, Cadence Design Systems, Inc1364 Working Group past chair(through September 2004)Alec Stanculescu, Fintronic USA, 1304 Working Group past vice-chair(through June 2004)Stefen Boyd, Boyd Technology, ETF past co-chair(through November 2004)The following members of the entity balloting commitlee voted on this standard. Balloters may have votedfor approval, disapproval, or abstentionAccelleraIntel CorporationBluespec, Inc.Mentor Graphics CorporationCadence Dcsign Systcms, IncSun microsystems, IncIntronic u.s.aSunburst design, IncIBMSutherland hdl lncInfineon TechnologiesSynopsys, IncCopyright C 2006 IEEE. All rights reservedWhen the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 8 November 2005, it had the followingmembershipSteve M. mills. chairRichard h. hulett vice chairDon wright Past chairJudith gorman. secretaryMark d. bowmanWilliam B HopfT W. olsenDennis B. BrophyLowell G. JohnsonGlenn parsonsJoseph brudeHerman KochRonald c. petersenRichard coxJoseph L. Koepfinger*Gary s. RobinsonBob davisDavid J lawFrank stoneJulian forster kDaleep c mohlaMalcolm v thadenJoanna n. gueninPaul nikolichRichard l. townsendS. HalpJoe d. watseRaymond hapemanHoward L, wolfmanAlso included are the following nonvoting Ieee-Sa Standards board liaisonsSatish K. aval, NRC RepresentativeRichard Deblasio, DOE RepresentativeAlan H. Cookson, NIST RepresentativeMichelle d, trIEEE Standards Project EditoCopyright C 2006 IEEE. All rights reservedContentsOverview1. 2 Conventions used in this standard1.3SIption1 4 Use of color in this standard1.5 Contents of this standard1.6 Deprecated clauses……….….….….…1.7 Header file listings....18 Examples…………………1.9PNormative references63. Lexical conventions83.1 Lexical tokens3.2 White space3. 3 Comments中··…·········:···············中·····“:·:·:·4·····“··········3. 4 Operators3. 5 Numberssteger constants3.5.2 Real constants123.5.3 Conversion123.6 Strings123.6. 1 String variable declaration133.6.2 String manipulation133.6.3 Special cha3.7 Identifiers. keds, and syste143.7.1 Escaped identifiers143.7.2 Keywords153.7.3 System tasks and functions3.7.4 Compiler directives153.8 Attrib163.8.1 Examples3.8.2 SyIata typ··4.1 Val214.2 Nets and variables4.2.1 Net declarations4.2.2 Variable declarations4.3V4.3.1g v244.3.2 Veclor net accessibility44.4 Strengths4.4.1 Charge strength4.4.2 Drive strength.....卓········中····“·········:·····················:········254.5 Implicit declarations4.6 Net types………264.6.1 Wire and tri nets264.6.2 Wired nets4.6.3TCopyright C 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved4.6.4 Trio and tri l nets4.6.5 Unresolved nets4.6.6 Supply nets324.7 Regs324.8 Integers, reals, times, and realtime4.8.1 Operators and real numbers4.8.2 Conversion4.9 Arrays4.9.1Net arrays…·中·····:··344.9.2 reg and variable arrays344.9.3 Memories4.10 Parameters…………………354.10.1 Module parameters…364.10.2 Local parameters(localparam““374.10.3 Specify parameters……384. Name spaces…39Expressions……5.1 Operators41Operators with real operands425.1.2 Operator precedence………5.1.3 Using integer numbers in expressions…….445.1.4 Expression evaluation order……2451. 5 Arithmetic operators5.1.6 Arithmetic expressions with regs and integers5. 1.7 Relational operators485.1.8Equ495.1.9 Logical operators…495.1.10 bitw isators505.1.11 Reduction operators5.112 Shift operators…….535. 1. 13 Conditional operator535.1. 14 Concatenations545.2 Operands………5.2. 1 Vector bit-Select and part-select addressing..565.2.2 Array and memory addressing.......,.……5.2.3ings585.3 Minimum, typical, and maximum delay expressions5.4 Expression bit lengths5.4.1 Rules for expression bit lengths65.4.2 Examole of expression bit-length problerpl635.4.3 Example of self-determined expressions.645.5 Signed expressions5.5.1 Rules for expression types.....5.5.2 Steps for evaluating5.5.3 Steps for evaluating an assignment5.54 Handling X and Z in signed expressions………5.6 Assignments and truncation6. Assignments……………686.1 Continuous assignments686. 1. 1 The net declaration assignment6.1.2 The continuous assignment statement·····中···:·:·4·中·····6.1.371Copyright C 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved
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    详细介绍Romax行星轮系统分析过程,本教程的目的是学习如何进行概念(详细)行星系建模(图1)。由于行星系统的相对复杂性,Romax开发了概念行星设计工具,有助于快速开发简单的行星齿轮副。与大多数Romax软件里的零件一样,可以根据复杂性的不同对行星系统建模建模。在建模初期,没必要太早定义行星销轴或行星轮轴承,可将这些都简化为一个单一的概念行星架零件,如图所示(图2),概念行星架为一个绿色的圆盘。接下来, 为了能够进一步研究行星轮不均载、轴承寿命、齿轮校核、效率等问题,再将概念行星架换成详细的销轴、轴承等零件。声明…目录3教程:行星轮系01:行星传动系统建模,默认信息6输人数据71任务1:概念行星传动系统建模.1411添加行星架和齿圈轴总成…···1412为行星架轴选择轴承支撑并安装轴承151.3添加刚性联接1814概念行星轮建模.191.5捋概念行星架女装到行星架轴上201.6捋太阳轮安装到输出轴上211.7在行星架轴上添加功率输出节点…““·“““2218运行轴的静力学分析小结242任务2:详细行星传动建模-第1部分44.252.1捋概念系统转化为详细齿轮262.2需要定义的件.….2723在行早架上安装右侧行早盘24在行星架上安装行星销轴…292.5捋刚性轴承转化为滚子轴承::30自 RomexPage 3 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 2012.6编辑自定义轴承312.7选择和安装自定义轴承.3228为行星轮和行星销轴添加边界籴件3329静力学分析…34小结353任务3:详细行星传动建模一第2部分3531捋概念行星轮副转化为详细齿轮+·+36.2查看轴和轴承的静力学分析结果着37小结···.39总结.…:::建模40分析40自 RomexPage 4 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201教程:行星轮系01:行星传动系统建模在前面的教桯中,您已经学习了如何建立两档变速器模型并定义多功率流。这种布局称为平行轴系,啮合齿轮安装在相互平行的轴上。然而,Rmax并不仅能创建行轴和单一啮合齿轮副模型,还能帮行星轮传动(或者垂直)系统。行星传动系统常見」自动变速尜、载重汽车变速器和风电齿轮箱。它们的优点为体积小、速比大,并且通过其他组件的啮合或脱开、固定或者自由转动可以提供大量的运动组合。它们的缺点是比平行轴变速器的结构和装配更加复杂,同时也会产生较人的轴承负载传统行星排是由齿圈、太阳轮、以及一系列的行星轮(通常三个或更多)组成,行星轮需要安装在行星架上。只要行星系排中任何一个组件固定,功率可以通过其余两个输入并输出。下面表中所示为不同组合的速比:3x串心息回坦4下,、日cArrangementInputOutputStationaryCalculationASun(s)Planet Carrier(C) Ring(R)1+R/SPlanet Carrier(C) Ring(R)Sun(s)1/(1+S/R)CSun(s)Ring(r)Planet Carrier(C)-R/S8=”i.1.教程完成后的横型本教程的目的是学习如何进行概念(详细)行星系建模(图1)。由于行星系统的相对复杂性, Romax开发了概念行星设计工具,有助于快速开发简单的行星齿轮副与大多数Roπax软件里旳岺件一样,可以根据复杂性的不同对行星系统建模建模。在建模初期,没必要太早定乂行星销轴或行星轮轴承,可将这些都简化为一个单的概念行星架零件,如图所示(图2),概念行星架为一个绿色的圆盘。接下来,为了能够进一步硏究行星轮不均载、轴承寿命、齿轮校核、效率等问题,再将概念行星架换成详细的销轴、轴承等岺件。自 RomexPage 5 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201图3为详细化的行星系统,由于行星传动系统可实现较高的传动比,经常用在低速重载的变这器中,尤Ring gear其是应用在卡车上。在我们的例子中,太阳轴为功率输入端,齿圈不旋转因此接地,行星架为功率输出本教程中,您将学到以下内容:Sun gear定义一个概念行星齿轮副将轴类零件接地的操作为行星传动系统定义功率流运行齿轮箱载荷谱分析查看载荷谱静力学分析结果若对学习本教稈感到任何困难,请联系 Romax工作人员MAN默认信息(Concept)PlanetPlanetCarrierGear(s)难度等级:Fiq,2.概念行星是否需要模型:PO1A.ssdPlanet GesrPlanet carrierRxD版本:R14.6Planet模块要求:SO2-1 RomaxDESIGNER ApplicationPin shaftS03-1 Parallel shaft modeller level 1S03-2 Parallel shaft modeller level 2S04-l Planetary Shaft Modeller Level 1S04-2 Planetary Shaft Modeller Level 2Gll-l Helical Gear Design and Rating分析设置:R146默认设置关闭重力Planer BearingPlanet carrieFg.3.行星轮自 RomexPage 6 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201输入数据A.任务1:行星架轴类零件定义B.任务1:齿圈轴类零件定义vOa,030 mm708mm8 mmmm50 mm142mm30 mm自 RomexPage 7 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201C.任务1:齿轮箱位置坐标ShaftValue X(mm)Value y(mm)Value Z(mm)Carrier shaft0.090.0280.0Ring Gear Shaft0.090.0290.0D.任务1:初始轴承数据ParameterValueNameCarrier Shaft Left BearingCarrier Shaft Right BearingDesignationKOYO 32911JRKOYO 3201OJRShaft offset(mm)605102.0OrientationRightLeftE.任务1:刚性联接定义ParameterValueNameRing gear-GroundOffset(mm)15.0Stiffness valueDefault valueHousing ShaftGround>自 RomexPage 8 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201F.任务1:概念行星架建模luearamSunPlanetRingModule2.5Pressure angle20Helix angle20Sun handRightNo of planetsNo. of teeth231757Face width303030G.任务1:太阳轮和齿圈的联接方式ShaftoffsetConcept Planet Carrier(Planetary GearsCarrier shaft10Ring gearRing gear Shaft15Sun gearOutput shaft235H.任务1:功率输出联接ShaftoffsetCarrier shaft130.0m自 RomexPage 9 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201I.任务2:行星轮销和轴套定义aluearamPlanet pinPlanet sleeveLength(mm)50.030.0OD(mm)18.0360Bore(mm)0.024.0」.任务2:行星架和行星销联接ParameterValueNameConcept planet carrier LeftConcept planet carrier rightMounting shaftCarrier shaftCarrier shaftOffset(mm)4.0460Planet pinOffset(mm)4.0460PCD(mm)108.3108.3Rotation(deg)0,72,144,216,2880,72,144,216,288自 RomexPage 10 of 41O TECHNOLOGYCopyright 201
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