首页 » matlab » genetic_for_wsn-master


于 2020-12-07 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 5


说明:  使用遗传算法对无线传感器网络路由协议进行优化(Genetic algorithm is used to optimize the routing protocol of wireless sensor networks)


genetic_for_wsn-master, 0 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\Copy_of_Mutate.m, 140 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\Crossover.m, 476 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\DoublePointCrossover.m, 229 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\MinOne.m, 40 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\Mutate.m, 599 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\RouletteWheelSelection.m, 109 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\SinglePointCrossover.asv, 199 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\SinglePointCrossover.m, 199 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\TournamentSelection.m, 188 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\UniformCrossover.m, 152 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\fitness_function.m, 332 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\ga1.m, 4991 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\ga2.m, 2789 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\img, 0 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\img\cost_iteration.png, 12734 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\img\nodes_hub_connection.png, 227708 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\img\number_of_nodes_per_hub.png, 12446 , 2020-07-03
genetic_for_wsn-master\readme.md, 290 , 2020-07-03



0 个回复

  • 2006513927150
    一个使用数学方法生成波形声音文件的源代码,可以载入预置数学公式,保存8位和16位单声道声音文件,可以设置振幅、频率、持续、采样等参数,可以调整波形斜面,回声。 这个代码值得推荐!(The use of mathematical methods to generate a waveform sound files of source code, can load preset mathematical formula, save 8 and 16-bit mono sound files, you can set the amplitude, frequency, continuous, sampling and other parameters, you can adjust waveform slope, echo . It is recommended this code!)
    2008-05-25 14:10:19下载
  • tuxiangxiufu
    基于稀疏分解的图像信息修复,图片展示了一被“破坏”lina图像,采用此程序可以得到较好修复(Sparse decomposition based on image information restoration, image shows a being " destroyed" lina image, the use of this procedure can get a better fix)
    2011-01-17 12:28:06下载
    说明:   本文在研究IEEE802.16e协议和SIP协议的基础上,提出了利用 SIP解决IEEE802.16接入网络中端到端切换的新方案。该方案采用跨 层切换的设计思想,联合MAC层和应用层SIP协议,在底层链路切换 的同时,完成应用层会话的修改,加快了切换过程,减少了切换时延, 提高了切换成功率。本文基于NS2仿真平台,完成了相应的仿真平台 搭建过程,实现了SIP协议模块和WiMAX协议模块的融合,扩展了SIP 协议模块的部分消息,最终在基于SIP协议模块和WiMAX协议的统一 NS2平台上实现了基于WiMAX接入、支持SIP扩展功能的SIP会话建 立和修改过程。 ( On the basis of study of WiMfAX and SIP, a new mechanism using SIP to achieve end-to-end handoff under IEEE802.16e access networks is Ob proposed handoffs, in this thesis. The mechanism adopts a cross-layer design which means that the l}iIAC layer handoff procedure can interleaved with that of the application layer. During the handoff at link )
    2010-04-28 09:31:08下载
  • shangfenbuguji
    主要介绍了分布估计算法方面关于熵的介绍,实现最大熵分布估计算法(Mainly introduces the estimation of distribution algorithm on entropy is introduced, the realization of maximum entropy estimation of distribution algorithm )
    2014-10-23 09:53:57下载
  • 基于实测数据的雷达成像方法研究 SAR ISAR-based-on-pratical-datas
    雷达成像方面的资深研究专家的博士论文《基于实测数据的雷达成像方法研究》(It is the gradual paper of a professor on SAR/ISAR, which is named SAR_ISAR methods based on pratical datas.)
    2011-12-08 17:41:25下载
    说明:  用matlab实现BP网络,各种激活函数任你选择。(Use matlab to realize BP network. You can choose all kinds of activation functions.)
    2020-05-27 19:29:26下载
  • ultrasim07
    ULTRSIM是一款超声图像仿真软件,可以作为超声图像仿真研究的工具,附有matlab代码(ULTRSIM is an ultrasound image simulation software can be used as a tool for simulation of ultrasonic images)
    2009-09-07 13:39:56下载
  • b-Radar-Cross-Section-Analysis-of-Backscattering
    please give matlab code
    2012-11-06 18:00:45下载
  • xiangwei
    有关相位测量方面相关的一篇文章,可以帮助大家掌握更多的方法。(The article related to the phase measurement can help to have more methods.)
    2012-04-25 15:22:11下载
  • TVfilter
    对一幅被随机值冲击噪声污染的图像,用偏微分方法进行恢复,使用的模型是Total Varience(image restoration using TV model, remove random noise)
    2010-11-11 20:38:12下载
  • 696518资源总数
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  • 16今日下载