研华 数据采集卡应用与编程
数据采集卡应用与编程一本介绍采用研华数据采集卡采集数据的编程资料,涵盖了VB C++ Delphi以及C语言编程。是学习研华数据采集编程不可多得的资料。
- 2020-12-06下载
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学生信息管理系统 (java 、mysql)
- 2020-12-01下载
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- 2020-06-24下载
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Here is another gridview theme I have been playing around with this weekend based on a general CNET GameSpot style. The CSS for the gridview has been put into its own file for this series of posts, so that I can change the look of a gridview quickly without changing the class names that have been as
- 2020-12-05下载
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- 2020-07-02下载
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- 2020-12-08下载
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- 2020-12-10下载
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- 2020-12-03下载
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Database Management Systems(3rd edition)
Database Management Systems电子版McDiGehrke, 3rd00574dc21MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS3.2.2TranslatingBasic5.9.3173MANAGEMENTDatabasDatabaseHTMLcase
- 2020-12-05下载
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网络ns2仿真实验分析(RED、丢包率、端到端延迟、吞吐量)附源码分组的端口号。(10) dst addr:目的地址,格式为 node port,其中node代表分组发送节点的id,pot表示发送分组的端口号。(11) seg num:分组的序列号。(12) okt id:分组的唯标识符。3n2与n3之间的RED队列的半均队列长度与当前队列长度随时间的变化如下图所示:torrent and ave"吧 e PED CueL旧300era已n15000ANA图2平均队列长度与当前队列长度随时问变化的曲线图4运行结果中显示CBR流量总共发包550,丢失16,丢包率为:0.029。丢包率随时间的变化如下图所示:packets of lost rate。045graph自04,03500自020.015图3丢包率随时间变化的关系图5CBR流量的吋延随时间的变化如下图所示:1u彐r10.14心01Q。0图4端到端时延随时间变化的关系图6.节点n2的平均吞吐量随时间的变化如下图所示100T图5节点n2的吞吐量随时间变化的关系头7.结果分析:从RED的图示中,可以看出队列的大小波动变化不是很大,在处理突发的包时冇一定的优势。从丟包率、时延和吞吐量的变化图中,可以看出当丟包率增加时,端到端之问的时延也在增加,而吞吐量则下降,丟包率、时延和吞吐量在表示网络性能的好坏时有一定的关系、相关代码1.络拓扑仿真脚木 simulator:tcl:#Create a simulator objectset ns [new Simulator]#Define different colors for data flows for NAM)Sns color 1 BlueSns color 2#Open the nam trace fileset nt lopen out. nam wSns namtrace-all Snfset nd [open out. tr wISns trace-all Snd#Define a finish procedureproc finish仆}{global ns nf ndSns flush-traceclose Snfclose sndexec nam out. namkit o#Create four nodesset no [Sns node]et n1 [Sns nodelset n2 [Sns nodeset n3 [ns node]#Create links between the nodesSns duplex-link Sn0 Sn2 2Mb 10ms DropTailSns duplex-link Sn1 Sn2 2Mb 10ms DropTailSns duplex- link Sn2 Sn3 1.7Mb 20ms RED#Set queue Size of link (n2-n3 to 100Sns queue-limit Sn2 Sn 3 100#Give node position(for NAm)Sns duplex-link-op SnO Sn2 orient right-downSns duplex-link-op Sn1 Sn2 orient right-upSns duplex-link-op $n2 Sn3 orient right#Monitor the queue for link(n2-n3 .( for NAM)Sns duplex-link-op Sn2 Sn 3 queuePos 0.5#Setup a TCP connectionset tcp new Agent/TCPISns attach-agent Sno Stcpset sink [new Agent/TCPSinkSns attach-agent sn3 SinkSns connect stcp SinkStcp set fid 1#Setup a FTP over TCP connectionset ftp [new Application/FTPlSftp attach-agent StcpSftp set type FTPfsetup a UdP connectionset udp [new Agent/UDP]Sns attach-agent Sn1 udpset null [new Agent/Nul]Sns attach-agent Sn3 SnullSns connect Udp SnullUdp set fid_ 2#Setup a CBr over UDP connectionset cbr [new application/Traffic/ CBRIScbr attach-agent UdpScbr set type CBrScbr set packet size 1000Scbr set rate 1mbScbr set random false#Schedule events for the cbr and ftp agentsSns at0.1 Scbr startSns at 1.0"Sftp start"Sns at 40.0"Sftp stop"Sns at 4.5"Scbr stop"#Detach tcp and sink agentsSns at 50 Sns detach-agent $no stcp; Sns detach-agent sn3 Sink"Sns at 50.0 finish#monitor n2 and n3 queueset redg [[sns link Sn2 Sn3] queueset traceq lopen redQueue tr wSredg trace curgSredg trace aveSredg attach Strace#Run the simulationns rur2.RED的数据处理脚本:SgreparedQueue. tr>averagetrStrep“Q" reqUeuetr> current tr(中 reqUeue tr为跟踪n2和n3队列产生的文件)然后使用 gnuplot工具使用 average tr和 current, tr绘制队列随时间变化的曲线3.丢包率数据awk处理脚本 graph rostRate,awvk#count the packet lost rate of cBri=0;vente=S2;from Node =$3toNode=s4:pitT$7srcAddr=$9dstAddr=$10gNum = $11if (fromNode ==1 & toNode ==2&& event==+i totalNum++timeArr[i=timesrate[i]= float)(drop Num/tif(fid==2&& event==d")dropNum++ENDprintf("#number of packet sent: %od, lost: %d"totalNum, dropNum)printf( #lost rate of packets: %f",dropNum/totalNumfor(j=0; j
- 2020-12-06下载
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