基于经验模态分解(EMD)去噪的matlab代码,(Denoising signals using empirical mode decomposition and hurst analysis)
- 2020-11-01下载
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深度学习在强化学习方面的应用所产生的深度强化学习取得快速发展。如何解释深度强化学习优势产生的原因是理解技术的基本方法。强化学习的问题ntel ab数据&智能实验室Agentstate rewardS,||R+=PS=1=8:8:1anR,+1, Environment5o,A0,B1,S1,41,,S2,A2,R3东南大学数据与智能实验室(D& nte lab)强化学习算法的基本范式ntel ab数据&智能实验室Generalized Policy Iteration1. Policy Iteration2. Value iterationevaluationTTU,丌率丌~ greedy(Vdyugreimprovement1. Policy Evaluation博弈2. Policy Improvement1.策略评价逼近策略价值2.策略提高远离策略价值Elements of rlntel ab数据&智能实验室o Policy Valuation Oriented MethodsModel-based or free estimationExp ion or Exploit0 nl ine or0千f|ineExpans ion and Backup Operation(q*)maxnax东南大学数据与智能实验室(D& Inte lab)Position of rlntel ab数据&智能实验室Long short TermPixeICNNPixeIRNNMemory(LSTM)ConvolutionNetworks withFully ConnectedNeural NetworkAutoregressiveNetworkMemoryNetwork(CNN)(FCN)StochasticGradientSecond OrderEarth Mover DistanceDescent (SGD)Algorithms(EMD)NetworksyRt+k+1 St=s, At=ak=0
- 2020-12-09下载
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- 2020-12-06下载
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- 2020-07-02下载
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《医学图像编程技术》是医学图像编程的入门级教材和参考书。《医学图像编程技术》通过一个个由浅入深的编程范例,介绍了如何使用三维可视化工具箱VTK和医学图像分割与配准工具箱ITK进行三维医学图像编程。《医学图像编程技术》的主要内容包括VTK与ITK的联合安装和使用、VTK编程入门范例、VTK的数据结构、VTK的可视化算法(包括颜色映射、抽取轮廓、剪切、纹理等)、VTK的医学图像处理功能(包括图像分割、图像平滑、重切分、体绘制等)、VTK的综合应用等。《医学图像编程技术》最后介绍了常用医学图像处理软件MIPAV、3D Slicer在结构像、功能像、脑图谱、弥散张量成像和纤维束跟踪等方面的应用。《医
- 2020-12-03下载
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- 2021-05-06下载
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Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits (Bahl 2003)
Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits英文版,射频微波电路入门Lumped Elements for RFand microwave circuitsFor a listing of recent titles in the Artech House Microwave library,turn to the back of this bookLumped Elements for RFand microwave circuitsInder bahlArtech houseBoston londonwww.artechhouse.comLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataBahl, I.J.Lumped elements for RF and microwave circuits /Inder Bahlp cm.--(Artech House microwave libraryncludes bibliographical references and indexISBN 1-58053-309-4(alk. paper1. Lumped elements(Electronics) 2. Microwave integrated circuits. 3. Radiofrequency integrated circuits. 4. Passive components. I. Title. II. SeriesTK7874.54B342003621.38132-dc212003048102British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataBahl, I. J. Inder jit)Lumped elements for RF and microwave circuits.-(Artech House microwave library1. Radio circuits 2. Microwave circuits I. Title621.38412ISBN1-58053-3094Cover design by Igor Valdmar2003 ARTECH HOUSE, INC.685 Canton StreetNorwood Ma 02062All rights reserved Printed and bound in the United States of America. no part of this bookmay be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permissionn writing from the publisherall terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have beenappropriately capitalized. Artech House cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Useof a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or servicemarkInternational Standard Book Number: 1-58053-309-4Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 200304810210987654321To my adorable grandsons, Karan and Rohan Kaushal, with whom I play, cry,and laugh, and who have provided me with the idea and inspiration towrite this bookContentsPrefaceXVAcknowledgmentsXXIntroduction1.1 History of Lumped Elcements)Why Use Lumped Elements for rF andMicrowave circuits1.3 L, C, R Circuit Elements1.4 Basic Design of Lumped Elements4.1 Capacitor1.4.2 Inductor4.3 Resistorumped-Element Modelin1. 6 Fabrication1.7 ApplicationsReferencesInductors2.1 IntroductionLumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits2.2 Basic Definitions2.2.1 Inductance2.2.2 Magnetic Energy182.2.3 Mutual Inductance202. 2. 4 Effective Inductance202.2.5Imedang2.2.6 Time Constant2.2.7 Quality Factor222.2.8 Self-Resonant Frequency232.2.9aximum Current Ratin2.2.10 Maximum Power Rating2.2.11 Other Parameters232.3 Inductor Configurations242.4 Inductor models2. 4. 1 Analytical Models252.4.2 Coupled-Line Appiroach282.4.3 Mutual Induse arppi342.4.4 Numerical Approach362.4.5 Measurement-Based model382.5 Coupling Between Inductors452.5. 1 Low-Resistivity Substrates2.5.2 High-Resistivity Substrates462.6 Electrical Representations2.6. 1 Series and Parallel representations2.6.2 Network Representations51References52Printed Inductors573.1 Inductors on Si Substrate583.1.1 Conductor Loss3.1.2 Substrate Loss3. 1.3 Layout Considerations3.1.4 Inductor Model3. 1.5 Q-Enhancement Techniques3.1.6 Stacked-Coil Inductor803.1.7 Temperature Dependence84
- 2021-05-07下载
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Digital Communication Receivers:Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing
- 2020-12-12下载
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ch340解决win10 usb serial2.0驱动找不到问题
装Arduino时,端口驱动加载不上,设备管理器报usb serial2.0 安装不上。同事机器可以正常加载驱动,发现时ch340. 报usb serial2.0应该都是此问题
- 2020-12-05下载
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- 2021-05-06下载
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