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  • wifi 802.11n 协议标准
    wifi 802.11n 协议标准Contents2. Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 13. Definitions ...........................................................................................................EEE Std802.11n"-2009(Amendment to ieEE Std 802.11-2007as amended by ieee std 802. 11k-2008EEE Std80211r-2008, EE Std802.11y-2008,and IEEE Std 802. 11w-2009)EEE Standard forInformation technology-Telecommunications and informationexchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-Specific requirementsPart 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC)and Physical Layer(PHY SpecificationsAmendment 5: Enhancements for HigherThroughputSponsorLANIMAN Standards committeeof theIEEE Computer SocietyApproved 11 September 2009IEEE-SA Standards boardAbstract: This amendment defines modifications to both the IEEE 802 1 1 physical layer(PHY)andthe IEEE 802 11 medium access control (MAC) sublayer so that modes of operation can be enabledthat are capable of much higher throughputs, with a maximum throughput of at least 100 Mb/s, asmeasured at the Mac data service access point (SAP)Keywords: high throughput, MAC, medium access control, MIMO, MIMO-OFDM, multiple inputmultiple output, PHY, physical layer, radio, wireless local area network, WLANThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue New york NY 10016-5997 USACopyright@ 2009 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IncAll rights reserved. Published 30 October 2009. Printed in the United States of AmericaIEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers, IncorporatedPDFSBN978-0-7381-60467STD95961Print:|SBN9780-7381-6047-4STDPD95961No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the publisherIEEE Standards documents are developed within the ieee Societies and the standards Coordinating Committees ofthe IEee Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The ieee develops its standards through a consensusdevelopment process, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteersrepresenting varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of theInstitute and serve without compensation. While the ieee administers the process and establishes rules to promotefairness in the consensus development process, the ieee does not independently evalof any of the information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standar uate, test, or verify the accuracyUse of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The ieee disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or otherdamage, of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectlyresulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this, or any other iEFF Standard documentThe ieee does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expresslydisclaims any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a specificpurpose, or that the use of the material contained herein is free from patent infringement. IEEE Standards docunentsare supplied‘ASIS.The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchasemarket, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the ieee Standard. Furthermore, the vintexpressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in thetate of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every ieee standard is subjected to review at leastevery five years for revision or reaffirmation, or every ten years for stabilization. When a document is more than fiverears old and has not been reaffirmed, or more than ten years old and has not been stabilized, it is reasonable toconclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users arecautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE StandardIn publishing and making this document available, the IEee is not suggesting or rendering professional or othcrservices for, or on behalf of, any person or entity. Nor is the IEEE undertaking to perform any duty owed by any otherperson or entity to another. Any person utilizing this, and any other IEEE Standards document, should rely upon his orher independent judgment in the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances or, as appropriate, seek theadvice of a competent professional in deternining the appropriateness of a given IEEE standardInterpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate tospecific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiateaction to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEFF Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, itimportant to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason,IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instantresponse to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal considerationA statement, written or oral, that is not processed in accordance with the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manualshall not be considered the official position of ieee or any of its committees and shall not be considered to be, nor berelied upon as, a formal interprctation of the IEEE. At lectures, symposia, seminars, or educational courses, anindividual presenting information on IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered thepersonal views of that individual rather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IeEeComments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliationwith IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together withappropriate supporting comments. Recommendations to change the status of a stabilized standard should include atonale as to why a revision or withdrawal is required. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations shouldbe submitted to the following addressSecretary, IEEE-SA Standards board445 Hoes lanePiscataway, NJ 08854USAAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by The Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance CenterTo arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Customer Service, 222 RosewoodDrive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; +1978750 8400 PerImission lo photocopy portions of any individual standard foreducational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance CenterIntroductionThis introduction is not part of IEee Std 802. 11n-2009, IEEE Standard for Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan networks--Specifirequirements-Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) SpecificationsAmendment 5: Enhancements for Higher ThroughputThis amendment specifies enhancements to IEEE 802. 11 physical layer(PHY)and medium access control(MAC) sublayer to provide modes of operation with useful data rates substantially higher than thosepreviously available. Significantly higher IEEE 802. 11 wireless local area network(WLAN) throughput isexpected to improve user experiences for current applications and to enable new applications and marketsegmentsNotice to usersLaws and requlationsUsers of these documents should consult all applicable laws and regulations. Compliance with theprovisions of this standard does not imply compliance to any applicable regulatory requirementsImplementers of the standard are responsible for observing or referring to the applicable regulatoryrequirements. iEEE does not, by the publication of its standards, intend to urge action that is not incompliance with applicable laws, and these documents may not be construed as doing so on that is not inCopyrightsThis document is copyrighted by the Ieee. It is made available for a wide variety of both public and privateuses.These include both use, by reference, in laws and regulations, and use in private self-regulationstandardization, and the promotion of engineering practices and methods. By making this documentavailable for use and adoption by public authorities and private users, the ieee does not waive any rights incopyright to this documentUpdating of IEEE documentsUsers of ieFF standards should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any time by theissuance of new editions or may be amended from time to time through the issuance of amendments,corrigenda, or errata. An official ieee document at any point in time consists of the current edition of thedocument together with any amendments corrigenda or errata then in effect In order to determine whethera given document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance ofamendmentscorrigendaorcrrata,visittheIeeEStandardsAssociationwebsiteathttp://ieeexplore. ieee. org/xpl/standards. jsp or contact the iEee at the address listed previously.For more information about the IEEE Standards Association or the Ieee standards development process,visittheIeeE-sawebsiteathttp://standards.ieeeorgErrataErrata,ifanyforthisandallotherstandardscanbeaccessedatthefollowingUrl:http://standards. ieee. org/reading/ieee/updates/errata/index. html. Users are encouraged to check this URL forta periodicallyInterpretationsCurrentinterpretationscanbeaccessedatthefollowingUrl:http://standards.ieeeorg/reading/ieee/interp/index htmlCopyright C 2009 IEEE. All rights reservedPatentsAttention is called to the possibility that implementation of this amendment may require use of subjectmatter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to theexistence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. a patent holder or patent applicant hasfiled a statement of assurance that it will grant licenses under these rights without compensation or underreasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfairdiscrimination to applicants desiring to obtain such licenses. Other Essential Patent Claims may exist forwhich a statement of assurance has not been received. The Ieee is not responsible for identifying EssentialPatent Claims for which a license may be required, for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scopeof Patents Claims, or determining whether any licensing terms or conditions are reasonable or nondiscriminatory. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any patentrights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Further informationmay be obtained from the ieee Standards associationParticipantsWhen this amendment was sent to sponsor ballot, the IEEe 802. 11 Working Group had the followingofficersBruce P. Kraemer, ChairJon Walter Rosdahl, Vice Chair; Treasurer; and Chair, Task Group mbAdrian P. Stephens Vice chairStephen McCann, Secretary and Chair, Publicity standing Committee and Task group uTerry L. Cole, Technical Editor and Assigned Number AuthorityTeik-Kheong Tan, Chair, Wireless Next Generation Standing CommitteeDavid Bagby, Chair, Architecture Standing CommitteeBruce p. kraemer Co-Chair IMT-Advanced ad hoc commiteeLee armstrong, Chair, Task Group pDonald E Eastlake Ill, Chair;, Task Group sNeeraj Sharna, Chair, Task group lDorothy V. Stanley, Chair, Task Group v and IETF Ad hoc CommitteeJesse Walker, Chair. cTl Ad hoc committeePeter Ecclesine, Chair, Task group yMenzo Wentink, Chair, Task group zGancsh Venkatesan, Chair, Task Group aaEldad Perahia, Chair, Very High Throughput Study groupDarwin Enger, Co-Chair. IMT-Advanced ad hoc committeeWhen this amendment was sent to sponsor ballot, Task Group n had the following officersBruce P Kraemer. chairSILi. vice chairGarth Hillman and Jon Walter Rosdahl, SecretaryAdrian P. Stephens, Technical editorWhen this amendment was sent to sponsor ballot, the IEeE 802. 1l Working Group had the followingmembershiOsama S. aboulmagdMalik audchAmit bansalTomoko adachiCcrt A, awatoJohn. barrAlok aggarwalDavid bagbGal bassonCarlAldanaMichael bahrussa BavafaThomas AlexanderFan baiTuncer BaykasLee r. ArmstrongGabor BaikoJohn L. BenkoAlex ashleyDennis j. bakerMathilde benvenisteCopyright C 2009 IEEE. All rights reservedBiorn A. berkeRobert Y huangChiu ngoDaniel borgesDavid hunterEero nikulaAnthony braskichYasuhiko inoueRichardH. noensJoseph brennanAkio isoHideaki odagiriDavid britzJunghoon JeeJisung OhG. BumillerHongseok JeonChandra s. olsonNancy Cam-WingetYeonkwon JeongYouko omorNecati CanpolatJorjeta G JetchevaSatoshi oyamaJavier cardonaLusheng jiRichard H. PaineDouglas s ChanDaniel JiangAuld. palaniveluClint F. ChaplinPadam AflChangmin ParkCarl W. KainJungsoo parkMinho CheongNaveen K KakanMinyoung ParkMasato katoⅤ ijaykumar PatelNakjungDouglas KanBcminih. peirisLiwen chuRichard H. KennedyEldad perahiaTerry L. ColeJohn KenneJames e. petranovichRyon K. ColemanStuart 3. KerryAl PetrickCharles IJoonsuk kinFahd pirzadaTodor CooklevKyeongpyo KimJames d. portaroXavier p CostaSeong S. kimHenry s. PtasinskiDavid E CypherYongsan KimRene purnadiMarc de courvilleJarkko kneckChang w. PyoRolf J de vegtMark m. kobayashiEmily H QiTheodorus denteneerFumihide KojimaLuke QianJeremy de vriesTom KolzeHuyu QuSusan DickeyBruccp KJim e raabZhiming DingJohannes P KruysⅤ nuth raiYoshiharu doThomas KuehnelAli RaissiniaJohn dorseyThomas m. KuriharaHarish ramamurthyRoger P durandStephen G raymentSrinivasa duvvuriEdwin kwonLeonid razoumovDonald e. eastlakeZhou lanIvan reePeter Ecclesiaejeremy A landtEdward reussMichael ellisJoseph P. lauerAlex reznikStephen P. EmeottTae H. LeeRandal roebuckMarc emmelmannWooyoung leeJon walter rosdahlDarwin EngwerJoseph levyRichard royJoseph epsteinSheung liAlexander safonovⅤ inko ercegPaul linKazuyuki sakodaLars p. falkIlang liuHemanth sampathRobert fanfcllMichael livshitzKatsuyoshi SatoStefan fechterPeter LocHirokazu sawadaPaul h. feinberDaniel lubarDon schultzMatthew FischerAnthony f. maidaYongho SeokWayne k. FisherJakub majkowskiHuairong shaoRoberta fracchiAlastair MalarkyNeeraj sharmaRyuhei FundaJouni K. malinenStephen J ShellhammerMatthew gastAlexander maltsevlan SherlockJames p gilbBill marshallKai shiJeffrey gilbertRoman m. maslennikovShusaku shimadaReinhard GlogerSudheer mattaFrancois simonDavid goodallStephen Mc cannHarkirat SinghTugrul guenerJustin p mcnewGraham K. SmithJianlin gven meseckeMatt smithMark hamiltonRobert r. millerYoo-Seung SongC.J. HanseMichael monteKapil seBrian d. hartRajendra T. moortiVinay SridharaAmer A haHitoshi moriokaDorothy stanleⅤ egard hasselPeter MurrayAdrian P. StephensRobert f heileAndrew milesDavid S Stephenson〔 undo r. HertzRohit nabarCarl R. StevensonJunling hiJohn stineWendong huKengo nagataGuenaelt strutCopyright C 2009 IEEE. All rights reservedChin s SumGanesh VenkateHarry R. worstellEiji TakagiDalton t.Ⅴ ictorPengfei xiaMineo takaiGeorge A. vlantisAkira yamadaTcik-Khcong TanCssc r. walkerTakeshi yamamotoAllan thomsonunlWangmoya yamauraJerry thrasherngEric okuboCraig d. WarrenSu K. YongAlexander TolpinFujio WatanabeSeiji YoshioJason trachewskyPatrick WayeChristopher YoungSolomon b. traininMenzo m. wentinkArtur zaksRichard D. Van NeeFrank whettenHongyuan zhangAllert van zelstKyle williamsHuimin zhangMathieuⅤ arlet-AndmJames worshamJing zhiPrabodh varshneyJuan ZunigaContributions to this amendment was received from the following individualsBill ablⅵ inko ErcegPatrick labbeSantosh abrahamMustafa rozJoseph lauerTomoko adachiStefan fechterDongjun leeDmitry akhmetovPaul feinbergLin-Nan leeCarlos aldanaMatthew fischereeDave andrusGuido frederiksSok-kyu LeeMicha anholtTakashi FukagawaZhongding leiTsuguhide AokiPatrick FungJoseph levyYusuke asarEdoardo gallizioScott leyonhjelGeert awaterJames gardnerPen liDavid BaDevis gattSheung LiRaja banerjeaDavid HedbergYuan liKaberi banerieeGarth hillmanKevin liaoAmit bansalJin-Meng hoIsaac limGal bassonDale hocevarAlfred linAnui batraLouise hooAlbert liuJohn benkoMuhammad akramDer-Zheng liuMathilde benvenisteYasuhiko inoueMichael livshitzBjorn BjerkeKaz ishidaYufei BlakenshipTakashi ishidoshiroPeter LojkoDaniel borgesLakshmi lyerHui-Ling LouDouglas chanEric JacobsonAdina matacheJerry ChangYuh-Ren jauhLaurent mazetJohn ChangTaehyun JeonWilliam mcfarlandJeng-Hong ChenJari JokelaDarren mcnamaraStephen ChenVKJonesIrina medvedevYi-Ming ChenPadam AflArnaud meylanPei-ju ChiangNaveen KakaniMorgan mikFrancois chinSriniavs kandalaSeungwook minWoon Hau ChinAteet KapurPatrick mo上 mily chouAssaf KasherAndy molischLiwen chuMasato katoR. Tushar moortiKeith ChuggJohn KetchumMike moretonBrian ClassonJoonsuk KYuichi moriokaSean CoffeyPansop KimMarkus muckGabriella convertinoYoungsoo KimSyed Aon mujtabaMarc de courvilleGuenter KleindlAndrew mylesRolf de vegtKiyotaka KobayashiRohit nabarFranz dielacherCenk Koselhasa NagaiYoshiharu doiBruce p KraemerKengo NagataJohn deThomas KuehnelSeigo NakaodouglasTakushi KunihiroSanjiv nandaPeter ecclesiaeJoe KwakChiu nDarwin EngwerJoseph kwakAjit NimbalkerLeonid epsteinEdwin kwonGunnar NitscheCopyright C 2009 IEEE. All rights reservedHuaning NiuErik SchylanderRichard van neeIvan oakesMichael sealsNico van waesYoshihiro ohtanilual-Rong ShaoAllert van zelstEric OjardSuman sharmaAndres vila casadoTakeshi onizawaSteve shellhammerGeorgeⅵ lantisJob oostveenIan SherlockTimothy WakeleyFabio osnatoMasaaki shidaJesse walkerKafle padamTakashi shonoBrad wallacePratima paiSebastien SimoensMark wallaceArul palaniveluMassimiliano sitiRod waltonSubra parameswaraDoug SmithQi WThomas pareMatt smithXiaowen WangJean-Noel PatillonAmjadDeric WatersWei-Chung PengRobert staceyMark WebsterEldad perahiaAdrian P. StephensMenzo WentinkJim petranovichRichard WeseKrishna madhavan pillaiVictor StolpmanMike WilhoyteMadhavan pillaiSumei sunTimothy WongAngelo PoloniXiantao sunJames WoodyattNeeraj poojaryShravan surineniHenry ptasinskiIlan sutskoverAriton XhafaAleksandar PurkovicEiji Takagio xiaLuke oianMasahiro takasTomoya YamauraAli RaissiniaSeiichiro TakahashiEric YangSthanunathan ramakrishnanDaisuke takedaWen-Chang YehHarish RamamurthyTeik-Kheong TanChristopher YoungSridhar rameshYasuhiro TanakaHeejung YuRaffaele rivaStephan ten brinkArtur ZaksJon walter rosdahlGanesan ThiagarajanEldad zeiraStephanie Rouquette-LeveilEric OkuboHongyuan zhaMike rudeTim TowellJin ZhangJohn sadowskiJason trachewskyNing ZhangAtul salhotraSolomon traininQuan ZhouVincenzo scarpaDavid tungJohnny ZweigDonald schultzStefano valleJim syrenThe following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this amendment. Balloters may havevoted for approval, disapproval, or abstentionOsama aboulmagdBill cannonSouray duttaTomoko adachiJing CaoRichard eckardAlok AggarwalEdward CarlesCarl EklundThomas alexandeJames CarloStephen emeottRichard AlvinJuan CarreonMarc emmelmannEdward ChalfDarwin EngwcButch AntonDouglas s ChanJoseph epsteinDanilo antonelliKuor-Hsin ChangRobert fanfelleClint ChaplinShahin FarahaniDavid BagbyWei-Peng ChenShulan FengGabor BaikoYung-Mu ChenOddgeir FikstvedtMatthew ballHong ChengMatthew fischerRaja banerjeaAik ChindapoPrince francisVered BKeith ChowAvraham FreedmanJohn barrLiwen ChuDevon gaylePhilip beecherRyon ColemanMichael GeipelMathilde benvenisteCharles cookTheodore Georgantasharry bimsTodor CookiePieter -Paul giesbertsBjorn BjerkeHelge CowardJames gilbMonique brownJoseph decuirReinhard glogerRussell dietzMariana goldhamerWilliam byrdThomas dineenScrgiu gomaPctcr. calderonJohn dorseyDavid goodallCopyright C 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved
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    全向轮,全向移动2,3,4轮小车,变换矩阵。设李雅普诺夫函数为V1=;(x2+y2+0)求其导数如下,当渐进稳定时导数小于0Ⅵ1=xx+yy+ade =-kxre, yeke8上式系数为正时,李雅普诺夫函数的导数小于零,系统渐进稳定代入微分方程得到控制律如下:+ vr cos日a+k-xea+ v sin 8e t kyy+ke022差动轮直角坐标运动学方程差动轮与全向轮的区别是,全向轮小车速度方向与四个轮子的共同朝向相同可为仼意方向,而差动轮小车的切向速度方向与X轴重合,故方程中v=0微分方程如下v+v cos 0PRxet vr sin221差动轮直角坐标下控制律设计选择 Lyapunov函数如下:V2=(x2+y2)+(1k(-cosee对上式沿求导+-。sin6e cea-v+ vr cos ee)+yec-xew+ vr sin ge)D sin 0rev+xe vr cos 8e+yevr sin Be+rwr sin 0e -- sin 8 e11-Xev+xevr cos Be year sin 0e +Wrsin eeksinbe选择如下速度控制输入s。+kxxOrt vr(kye t kosine e)将上式代入 Lyapunov函数导数得到esin 2 0当上式系数为正时,V2≤0,故以上 Lyapunov函数选择正确。由此得到堪于运动学模型的轨迹跟踪速度控制律为2:os 8+lcV(kye t resin其中,k,kx,k为控制器参数。22.2控制器参数选取将控制律代入微分方程得下式(rt vr (lye t))xeRyexe(ar+ vr(kye t kesinee))+ vr sin Be-v (kye t kesinee)上式在零点附近线性化,忽略高次项得PR= ApA0Vrky -vr ke系数值与角速度和速度指令值共同决定系统根,当系数为正是所有根为负数。23对比仿真与结果仿真系统结果图如下ct(pea qle)p(7)elrorxPe, qe)图3轨迹跟踪结构图图中q(yo),v、o分别为移动机器人的线速度和角速度,ε1=(xy0)r,对于差动机器人运动学方程可表示为:COS日0Stn图中 J-sine0:pR=y):qa对于全向轮机器人运动学方程可表示为60sine cose ov=R(O)1 vy对角速度为0.2和线速度为5的圆形轨迹进行跟踪,仿真结果如下图:35302501510-5图4圆形轨迹跟踪仿真图图中×点线为差动轮跟踪轨迹,O点线为全向轮跟踪轨迹。、全向轮平台的设计对全向轮采用如下图所示的结构时,进行系统分析与设计图5互补型全向轮( omni wheels31运动学模型X图6全向轮式移动机器人运动学模型移动坐标X-Y固定在机器人重心上,而质心正好位于几何中心上。机器人P点在全局坐标系的位置坐标为:(x2y,0),三个全向轮以3号轮中心转动轴反方向所为机器人的ⅹ轴。假设三个全向轮完全相同,三个全向轮中心到车体中心位置的距离L。在移动坐标X-Y的速度用 1xe 1表示。由文献[3可得三个全间轮的速度与其在移动坐标和全局坐标系下的速度分量之间的关系分别为以下二式sin(60)xeV)=(-s(60os60)()=011-21-213×3ysin(60-0)Cos(60-6)sin(60+6)cos(60+6)Lysinecose32动力学模型在移动坐标X-Y中,设机器人在沿轴X2和Y方向上收到的力分别为Fx和Fyc第1、2、3号驱动轮提供给机器人的驱动力分别为f1、卫、3,机器人惯性转矩为M,根据牛顿第二定律可得到如下的动力学方程:3√3cos(30)-cos(30)01fFre=sin(30) sin (30)1ML2LTb22/2在地理坐标系X一Y下的方程如下:mxcos(30+0)-cos(30-0) sing 1fiFr= sin(30+0)sin(30-0)-cosefzL33基于动力学模型的控制器设计如上式所示,基于机器人动力学模型的控制方案,直接根据机器人的动力学模型设讣运动控制器,控制器的输出为机器人上驱动电机的驱动电压。基于动力学模型的控制方案,不需对驱动电机进行底层的速度控制,消除了底层速度控制带来的延时。由功力学方程:nmx3×3M」可知在休坐标系中各个方向上的控制输入输出是独立的并且相互之间无耦合;于是可在体坐标中对各个控制量分别进行控制。当以各个电机电压作为控制量U时,对体坐标系中各个方向上的控制量UF经过Ta3×3变换后得到各个电机的控制量UUF先对输入UF到体坐标各个方冋上速度V的系统等效参数[m′门进行辨识,得到由控制量UF到体坐标速度Ⅴ的传递函数:然后设计UF的控制器,经过变换后得到各电机的电压U;速度控制指令 1xe vye (l由第2节控制律求得。34基于编码器的位姿推算圆弧模型在文献L4中介绍机器人里程计圆弧模型是把移动机器人在运动过程中的实际轨迹通过圆弧去逼近234图7平台样品示意图YAYR11B(x12+11Un-1XAA(r()图8采样期间的圆弧运动轨迹图中A(xmy,0n)和B(xnx+1,yn+1,On+1)分别为在采样时问间隔内起始点与终点的位姿坐标,AB为采样期间的圆弧轨迹,利用图中儿何关系可以得到运动轨迹为圆弧时的推算公式如下L(△SR+△S少sin△SR-△Sn+1xn+6n+2(△sinenR△SL(ΔSR+△S△SYn+1=ynCOS+
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