首页 » Python » PyETo-master


于 2020-11-18 发布
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说明:  计算ET0,潜在蒸散,利用彭曼公式等潜在蒸散(potential evapotranspiration,ETo)既是水分循环的重要组成部分, 也是能量平衡的重要部分,它表示在一定气象条件下水分供应不受限制时, 某一固定下垫面可能达到的最大蒸发蒸腾量,也称为参考作物蒸散。(Estimates of PET were made from measured pan evaporation data using a pan coefficient of 0.8. These estimates were compared with estimates using the Penman equation and relevant available meteorological data)


PyETo-master\.coveralls.yml, 70 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\.gitattributes, 378 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\.gitignore, 54 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\.travis.yml, 205 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\.vs\PyETo-master\v15\.suo, 35328 , 2020-07-10
PyETo-master\docs\api.rst, 2174 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\changelog.rst, 156 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\conf.py, 10256 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\fao56_penman_monteith.rst, 6818 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\hargreaves.rst, 2095 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\index.rst, 1795 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\license.rst, 151 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\make.bat, 6457 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\Makefile, 6758 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\overview.rst, 1917 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\references.rst, 663 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\docs\thornthwaite.rst, 1605 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\ET.py, 236 , 2020-07-10
PyETo-master\LICENSE.txt, 1486 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\pyeto\convert.py, 1033 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\pyeto\fao.py, 27315 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\pyeto\thornthwaite.py, 4272 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\pyeto\_check.py, 1906 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\pyeto\__init__.py, 1894 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\pyeto\__pycache__\convert.cpython-37.pyc, 1394 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\pyeto\__pycache__\fao.cpython-37.pyc, 27656 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\pyeto\__pycache__\thornthwaite.cpython-37.pyc, 4036 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\pyeto\__pycache__\_check.cpython-37.pyc, 2026 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\pyeto\__pycache__\__init__.cpython-37.pyc, 1607 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\PyETo-master.pyproj, 2141 , 2020-07-10
PyETo-master\PyETo-master.sln, 957 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\PyETo-master.suo, 8192 , 2020-07-08
PyETo-master\README.rst, 1314 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\setup.py, 1078 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\tests\test_check.py, 1964 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\tests\test_convert.py, 1041 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\tests\test_fao.py, 8120 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\tests\test_thornthwaite.py, 6621 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\tests\__init__.py, 50 , 2019-12-15
PyETo-master\.vs\PyETo-master\v15, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\.vs\PyETo-master, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\pyeto\__pycache__, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\.vs, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\docs, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\pyeto, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master\tests, 0 , 2020-07-07
PyETo-master, 0 , 2020-07-10



0 个回复

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