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于 2021-03-29 发布
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说明:  用于OFDM注水功率分配,以及MIMO-ofdm算法等(Water injection power allocation for OFDM)


MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序, 0 , 2020-10-27
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\add_CFO.m, 459 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\add_CP.m, 230 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\add_pilot.m, 562 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\add_STO.m, 309 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Alamouti_2x1_ant_selection.m, 2345 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Alamouti_2x1_precoding.m, 2391 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Alamouti_scheme.m, 1768 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\assign_offset.m, 807 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\ber_QAM.m, 735 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Block_diagonalization.m, 1666 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\bound.m, 1465 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\calculate_norm.m, 1449 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CCDF_OFDMA.m, 1278 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CCDF_of_clipped_filtered_OFDM_signal.m, 3999 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CCDF_PAPR_DFTspreading.m, 1886 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CCDF_PTS.m, 2149 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CFO_Classen.m, 822 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CFO_CP.m, 360 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CFO_estimation.m, 2507 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\CFO_Moose.m, 567 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\channel1.m, 729 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\channel_coeff.m, 1255 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\channel_estimation.asv, 5303 , 2020-10-27
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\channel_estimation.m, 5294 , 2020-10-27
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\clipping.m, 467 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\codebook_generator.m, 595 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\compare_CCDF_PTS.m, 1020 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\compare_DFT_spreading.m, 1133 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\compare_DFT_spreading_w_psf.m, 2640 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\compare_vector_norm.m, 1947 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\convert_UWB_ct.m, 1458 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\data_generator.m, 333 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\dB2w.m, 36 , 2010-01-10
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Dirty_or_TH_precoding.m, 2463 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Doppler_PSD_function.m, 1542 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Doppler_spectrum.m, 807 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\do_STO_CFO1.m, 6673 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\equalpower_subray.m, 777 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Ergodic_Capacity_CDF.m, 1007 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Ergodic_Capacity_Correlation.m, 1437 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Ergodic_Capacity_vs_SNR.m, 1380 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\exp_pdp.m, 931 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\FWGN.m, 1543 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\FWGN_ff.m, 2087 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\FWGN_model.m, 1549 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\FWGN_tf.m, 1278 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\gen_filter.m, 1639 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\gen_phase.m, 1285 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\guard_interval.m, 320 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\IEEE802_11_model.m, 554 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\IFFT_oversampling.m, 334 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\interpolate.m, 994 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\Jakes_Flat.m, 1525 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\license.txt, 1450 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\list_length.m, 361 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\LRAD_MMSE.m, 3148 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\LS_CE.m, 774 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\mapper.m, 906 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\MIMO_channel_cap_ant_sel_optimal.m, 1148 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\MIMO_channel_cap_ant_sel_subopt.m, 2276 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\MIMO_OFDM_program_list.pdf, 24315 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\MMSE_CE.m, 1391 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\MMSE_detection_2x2.m, 3747 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\modulation.m, 781 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\modulator.m, 1304 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\modulo.m, 294 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\MRC_scheme.m, 1719 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\multi_user_MIMO.m, 2270 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\OFDM_basic.m, 4303 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\OFDM_BER_AWGN_CP_GL16.dat, 90 , 2010-07-27
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\OFDM_signal.m, 2328 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\OL_CL_Comparison.m, 1485 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\original_LLL_.m, 1247 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\OSIC_detector.m, 2854 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PAPR.m, 488 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PAPR_of_Chu.m, 682 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PAPR_of_preamble.m, 714 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PARR_of_preamble.m, 714 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PDF_of_clipped_and_filtered_OFDM_signal.m, 3796 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_2ray_exp_model.m, 1181 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_ber.m, 565 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_CCDF.m, 1334 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_FWGN.m, 789 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_IEEE80211_model.m, 1013 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_Jakes_model.m, 1734 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_modified_FWGN.m, 1288 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_PL_general.m, 1415 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_PL_Hata.m, 642 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_PL_IEEE80216d.m, 1121 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_ray_fading.m, 1352 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_Ray_Ric_channel.m, 722 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_SUI_channel.m, 1782 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_SV_model_ct.m, 1806 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\plot_UWB_channel.m, 5510 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PL_free.m, 619 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PL_Hata.m, 1058 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PL_IEEE80216d.m, 2036 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\PL_logdist_or_norm.m, 664 , 2010-08-18
MIMO OFDM Wireless Communication with MATLAB程序\pre_MMSE.m, 2056 , 2010-08-18



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