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于 2020-10-04 发布
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说明:  设计一巴特沃斯低通滤波器,要求其 通带截止频率3400Hz,通带最大衰减3dB; 阻带截止频率4000Hz,阻带最小衰减40dB(A Butterworth low-pass filter is designed The cut-off frequency of passband is 3400Hz, and the maximum attenuation of passband is 3dB; The cut-off frequency of stopband is 4000Hz, and the minimum attenuation of stopband is 40dB)


实验7\btwsmndt.m, 383 , 2019-12-16
实验7\cjxybbfszdt.m, 286 , 2019-12-16
实验7\dsp_exa_7_1.m, 849 , 2013-06-02
实验7\dsp_exa_7_2.m, 1563 , 2015-12-08
实验7\参考程序.ppt, 1372160 , 2019-12-16
实验7\实验7.ppt, 1463808 , 2019-12-16
实验7\btwsmndt.rar, 394 , 2020-10-04
实验7, 0 , 2019-12-18



0 个回复

  • 智能企业建站系统
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