说明: 我提供了一个基于FXLMS的单通道前馈有源噪声控制系统的一个小例子. 为了减少噪声,我们使用控制器C(z)产生另一个“噪声”yw(k)。我们希望它破坏性地干扰X(k)。这意味着控制器必须是传播介质P(z)的模型。采用最小均方算法对控制器系数/权重进行调整。 然而,还有流体介质S(Z)留在致动器和传感器之间。我们称之为二次传播路径。所以,为了使解正确,我们需要用SH(z)来补偿调整过程,这是S(z)的估计(I provided him a little example of a single channel feed-forward active noise control system based on the FxLMS. To reduce noise, we generate another 'noise' yw(k) using the controller C(z). We hope that it destructively interferes x(k). It means that the controller has to be a model of the propagation medium P(z). Least mean square algorithm is applied to adjust the controller coefficient/weight. However, there is also fluid medium S(z) that stay between the actuator and sensor. We called it the secondary propagation path. So, to make the solusion right, we need to compensate the adjustment process using Sh(z), which is an estimate of S(z).)
fxlms_code.m, 5460 , 2018-05-25