fuzzy c-means
说明: 基于fuzzy c-means(FCM)的无监督模糊聚类算法,输出值有:各个样本的类别标签、目标函数在每次迭代后的值、聚类中心以及聚类区间。内有测试数据data.mat,点击 test.m 可以完美运行。(The unsupervised fuzzy clustering algorithm based on fuzzy c-means (FCM) outputs the class labels of each sample, the value of the target function after each iteration, the clustering center and the clustering interval. There is test data ('data.mat') inside, click ' test.m' to be able to run perfectly.)
fuzzy c-means\data.mat
fuzzy c-means\fuzzy_cmeans.m
fuzzy c-means\test.m
fuzzy c-means