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于 2020-08-15 发布
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说明:  对轴承的润滑方程进行数值求解仿真,可求解油膜压力,厚度等的分布情况(The lubrication equation of bearing is numerically solved and simulated)


NewMatlab\dispressure.m, 1748 , 2020-08-13
NewMatlab\filmrupture.m, 256 , 2020-08-13
NewMatlab\flow_quantity.m, 735 , 2007-01-09
NewMatlab\friction.m, 816 , 2007-01-09
NewMatlab\mydate.mat, 189 , 2020-08-15
NewMatlab\pressness.m, 179 , 2007-01-09
NewMatlab\thickness.m, 406 , 2020-08-13
NewMatlab\totalpressure.m, 381 , 2007-01-09
NewMatlab\Untitled55.m, 2246 , 2020-08-13
NewMatlab, 0 , 2020-08-15



0 个回复

  • colorcode
    MATLAB的颜色代码,基于RGB的代码形式,可作为编写时检索用。(MATLAB color code)
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  • TSP-matlab-gui
    matlab 关于tsp解法的matlab程序,可以供大家参考下和学习下(About tsp solution matlab matlab program, can be used for your reference and learning under)
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  • zuidahuxiangguan
    介绍和分析最大互相关匹配算法,并对其的性能进行分析(Introduction and analysis of the largest cross-correlation matching algorithm and its performance analysis)
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    MATLAB在数字信号处理中的应用尤其是对于FIR一级IIR滤波器在MATLAB中的设计很有用途(MATLAB in Digital Signal Processing FIR one especially for IIR Filter Design in MATLAB in the very use)
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  • Wirelesschannel
    AWGN、单径、多径无线信道MATLAB仿真程序(AWGN, single path, multipath radio channel MATLAB simulation program)
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  • haze-removal
    基于暗原色去雾的图像代码,用了软抠图和另两种改进算法,附加txt说明文档(Based on dark colors to fog image code, with a soft matting, and another two improved algorithms, additional documentation txt)
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  • clusteval
    人工智能方面的研究,主要是模糊聚类这个方向(Artificial intelligence research, mainly clustering in this direction)
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  • An-Optimal-Fuzzy-PID-Controller
    此文件很好的讲解了模糊PID方面的问题,帮助大家较快的掌握模糊PID.(This file is a good explanation of the problem of fuzzy PID, help faster grasp blurred the PID.)
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  • V2.0
    MATLAB GUI设计学习手记(第二版)源程序 附赠 俄罗斯方块V2.0 本书推荐的学习方法: 1)若您是一个MATLAB初学者,且有充裕的时间来学习GUI设计,您可以从本书的第1章开始循序渐进地学习。 2)若您是一位MATLAB初学者,且时间非常紧迫,建议您先学好第1章,然后依次学习第4章、第5章和第6章,其他章节请根据项目需要有选择性地学习。 3)若您已经掌握了MATLAB的基础语法知识,有一定的MATLAB编程基础,也请浏览一下第1章的内容,尤其是专题分析部分。然后先学习本书第4、5和6章,其他章节请根据项目需要有选择性地学习。 4)若您是一位MATLAB GUI方面的专家或老师,您可以将本书作为一本教学的参考书,本书内容全面、讲解详实、代码精炼,是不可多得的GUI宝典。 (MATLAB GUI design learning Hearts (second edition) source code comes with Tetris V2.0 book recommended learning methods: 1) If you are a MATLAB beginners, and there is plenty of time to learn GUI design from the Chapter 1 of the book began to learn step-by-step. 2) If you are a MATLAB beginners, and the time is very tight, it is recommended that you first learn to Chapter 1, followed by learning Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, in other sections based on project needs selective learning . 3) If you have mastered the basic grammar of the MATLAB, the MATLAB Programming Fundamentals, please visit the Chapter 1, in particular thematic analysis section. First learning book chapters 4, 5 and 6, then the other chapters selective learning based on project needs. 4) If you are an expert or teacher of a MATLAB GUI, you can book as a teaching reference books, the book is comprehensive, explain the detailed, refined code, is a rare GUI canon.)
    2012-11-15 18:48:16下载
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