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于 2020-07-14 发布
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说明:  The source code of DE algorithms



0 个回复

  • taxi
    Simulation of random nodes movements are generated in matlab
    2010-05-10 15:24:17下载
  • Time-Series-in-Matlab
    time series In this example we will use a synthetic data set. To create our synthetic data we will make our unit of time 1000 years = 1 ky and sample a 500,000 year record in 2 ky increments. We first create a vector containing the times:
    2013-10-14 19:55:09下载
  • FFT
    matlab中读取txt文档数据并绘图 (matlab read txt document data and drawing)
    2015-05-18 19:29:09下载
  • CoGA
    标准合作型协同进化遗传算法matlab源程序,对函数进行优化,计算。来源:巩敦卫,孙晓燕.协同进化遗传算法理论及应用[M],北京,科学出版社,2009(a co-opertative co-evolution genetic algorithm)
    2010-11-29 16:54:48下载
  • qunjun
    说明:  用matlab写的关于求群聚系数的代码,通过编译(Written with the matlab code on demand clustering coefficient, by compiling)
    2011-02-20 22:03:27下载
  • matrix1
    给出了用消元法解线性方程组的方法,消元法是解线性方程组有效地方法。(In this paper, the elimination method of solving linear equations, elimination method is effective method of solving linear equations.)
    2011-09-20 16:53:23下载
  • Lattice Boltzmann immiscible two-phase model
    适合初学者,可以帮助理解RK型格子玻尔兹曼两相模型(This code may be use as a starting point for newcomers wanting to study RK-type lattice Boltzmann immiscible two-phase model. It may give a better understanding of the RK-type lattice Boltzmann two-phase model.)
    2021-03-25 08:49:14下载
  • 干涉极值法提取相位
    说明:  基于干涉极值法提取相位功能函数,可以快速提取干涉条纹的相位(The phase function is extracted based on the interference extremum method, which can quickly extract the phase of interference fringes)
    2020-01-13 20:22:43下载
  • ecg
    ECG compilation for R-R detection. don t remember anything else from this file
    2011-05-04 22:09:03下载
  • A-Discrete-Matlab-Simulink-Flickermeter-Model-for
    A discrete model of the IEC 61000-4-15 flickermeter is developed for use with the Matlab–Simulink simulation software package. The discrete model is a faithful reproduction of a flickermeter defined by the IEC Standard it duplicates the functional blocks described by the standard and operates in the same way as the standardized instrument to assure complete fidelity of results. The model is intended to be used within larger simulations that contain discrete model blocks, either alone or in combination with the Simulink
    2011-12-08 14:20:10下载
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