说明: 利用matlab完成GPS仿真,GPS软件接收机的源码,实现信号跟踪、捕获、电文解调、定位解算等功能,有助于学习卫星导航的同学加深对GPS接收机工作原理的理解,也可作为核心代码扩展为GPS接收机工作原理演示程序。(%This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License %as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 %of the License, or (at your option) any later version.)
work\2011-7-9.fig, 30559 , 2011-07-09
work\acq.fig, 7462 , 2011-07-09
work\acquisition.m, 9433 , 2010-06-23
work\calculatePseudoranges.m, 3370 , 2010-06-23
work\findPreambles.m, 6724 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\cart2geo.m, 1720 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\cart2utm.m, 5055 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\check_t.m, 679 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\clksin.m, 945 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\clsin.m, 619 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\e_r_corr.m, 1135 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\findUtmZone.m, 2650 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\geo2cart.m, 1543 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\leastSquarePos.m, 4461 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\satpos.m, 5201 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\togeod.m, 2892 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\topocent.m, 1418 , 2010-06-23
work\geoFunctions\tropo.m, 2900 , 2010-06-23
work\include\calcLoopCoef.m, 1705 , 2010-06-23
work\include\checkPhase.m, 1911 , 2010-06-23
work\include\ephemeris.m, 7292 , 2010-06-23
work\include\generateCAcode.m, 3559 , 2010-06-23
work\include\invert.m, 1424 , 2010-06-23
work\include\makeCaTable.m, 3281 , 2010-06-23
work\include\navPartyChk.m, 4653 , 2010-06-23
work\include\preRun.m, 3366 , 2010-06-23
work\include\showChannelStatus.m, 2552 , 2010-06-23
work\include\skyPlot.m, 6694 , 2010-06-23
work\include\twosComp2dec.m, 1845 , 2010-06-23
work\init.m, 3236 , 2010-06-23
work\initSettings.asv, 4969 , 2011-07-12
work\initSettings.m, 4999 , 2012-01-11
work\length.txt, 7 , 2012-01-11
work\length.txt.bak, 6 , 2011-12-25
work\license.txt, 18328 , 2010-06-23
work\plotAcquisition.m, 2232 , 2010-06-23
work\plotNavigation.m, 6487 , 2010-06-23
work\plotTracking.m, 6737 , 2010-06-23
work\postNavigation.m, 12213 , 2010-06-23
work\postProcessing.m, 5948 , 2010-06-23
work\probeData.asv, 4286 , 2011-01-09
work\probeData.m, 4325 , 2011-01-10
work\setSettings.fig, 14418 , 2010-06-23
work\setSettings.m, 16263 , 2010-06-23
work\tracking.m, 13494 , 2010-06-23
work\trackingResults.mat, 277509 , 2012-01-14
work\geoFunctions, 0 , 2013-06-05
work\include, 0 , 2013-06-05
work, 0 , 2015-06-02