首页 » matlab » dt-cwt


于 2020-11-03 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 5


说明:  能够实现双树复小波包变换,有一段仿真例子可以供大家参考(Realization of dual tree complex wavelet packet transform)


antonini.mat, 608 , 2000-09-28
coldfilt.m, 2244 , 2001-02-08
coldwtfilt.m, 2070 , 2002-06-06
colfilter.m, 919 , 2003-03-19
colifilt.m, 3059 , 2003-03-19
coliwtfilt.m, 2204 , 2002-06-06
dtwaveifm.m, 3579 , 2002-05-13
dtwavexfm.m, 3290 , 2002-05-13
legall.mat, 480 , 2001-02-08
lenna.mat, 77847 , 2001-02-08
near_sym_a.mat, 544 , 2000-09-28
near_sym_b.mat, 864 , 2000-09-28
qshift_06.mat, 1216 , 2001-02-03
qshift_32.mat, 2728 , 2005-07-11
qshift_a.mat, 1216 , 2001-02-08
qshift_b.mat, 1472 , 2001-02-08
qshift_c.mat, 1600 , 2001-02-08
qshift_d.mat, 1728 , 2001-02-08
reflect.m, 813 , 2001-02-08
setfig.m, 221 , 1998-12-12
shift_test_1D.m, 2398 , 2020-05-10
Untitled.m, 188 , 2020-05-15
waveifm.m, 2154 , 2002-05-13
wavexfm.m, 2151 , 2002-06-06



0 个回复

  • Hopfield
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