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  • 无人驾驶入门--Autoware使用手册
    无人驾驶汽车系统入门 - Autoware_UsersManual_v1.1Autoware-用于城市自主驾驶的集成开源软件,支持以下功能:3D本地化3D映射路径规划路径跟随加速/制动/转向控制数据记录汽车/行人/物体检测交通信号检测交通灯识别车道检测对象跟踪传感器校准传感器融合面向云的地图连接自动化智能手机导航软件仿真虚拟现实Autoware受BSD许可证保护。请自行负责使用。为了安全使用,我们为不拥有真正自主车辆的人提供基于ROSBAG的仿真方法。如果您使用Autoware与真正的自主车辆,请在现场测试之前制定安全措施和风险评估。工尹-刁一定義亡机飞求世。Chapter1。 About This documentThis chapter describes the purpose of this document.Autoware Users ManualAutoware Developers manualChapter2。 RoS and AutowareBefore operating Autoware, RoS and Autoware are described in this chapter.Robot middleware- rosecently, the wide range potential of robotics has been focused by not only roboticsexperts but also non-robotics experts to join robot development It is believed thatthis trend leads robotics to advancement and developments to other domainsHowever, robot development is getting harder because the advancement and the complexityof robot functions have been increased Unlike Pcs and smartphones robotic developmenthas considered various hardware, OS, programming languages. Hence, the differences havemainly been obstructed for robotic developers as well as robotics experts to join robotdevelopmentTo solve the problem, the demand of making common platforms has been increased, andsome platforms have been published Within a common platform, developers can combinevarious software published by other developers, and speed up development by reusing themTherefore, it is expected that developers can more focus on fields of interestROS (Robot Operating System) is a framework for robotic software development. It wasdeveloped by Willow Garage in U.S. OSFR (Open Source Robotics Foundation) has currentlymaintained it. The open sourced ros has mainly been used by communities in U.S. andEurope as well as communities in JapanNote that ros has "os" in its name however, it is not "os" like Windows or linux. It is amiddleware that runs on uniX based OSROS FeaturesOriginal build system(Catkin)mage processing library(OpenCvv Data logging tool (ROSBAG)v Visualization tools for data and software state(rvizCoordinate transformation library (TFQt based gul development tool (RQTA""file is used to start multiple nodes atAutowareutoware is open source software based on ros. autoware is pushed on github forautonomous driving research and development. Most of autonomous drivingsystem consist of recognition, judgment, and operation. Autoware providesnecessary functions, such as 3-D map generation, localization, object recognition, andvehicle control, for autonomous drivingROS PCAutoware〔Ros)RecognitionJudgmentoperationObject DetectionLane KeepingAcceleratorLocalizationIntersectionBrakeSteeringAutowareRiderAutoware routePath PlanningVehicleVehicle control(CAN)CFigure 1 Autoware overviewwhile support systems such as driving assistance and safetydiagnosis support, use multi-core CPU3-D Map Generation and SharingLocalization(NDT: Normal Distributions Transform)object DetectionPath GenerationAutonomous Drivingtarget speed. In addition, the route includes landmarks, "way point, setintervals. The autonomous driving system operates path following by following the wayUser InterfaceA user interface called " Runtime Manager ofpath following. Furthermore, a tablet user interface, "Autoware Rider, of Autoware enablesROS PCAutoware(ROS)Runtime ManagerVIZAutoware ridertabletDisplay on vehicleOculusFigure 2 User interfacePlatform structure for autowareApplicationAutowareMiddlewareROSHost OsLinux( UbuntuCPUGPUCameraGNSSLIDARFigure 3 Platform structure for Autoware
  • 基于FPGA的直流电机
    ①定义输出或输入为直流电能的旋转电机,称为直流电机,它是能实现直流电能和机械能互相转换的电机。 ②用PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)方式来控制转速;通过脉冲波输入的引脚来控制方向。 ③本实验中采用RF-310T-11400型号直流电机,同时配有光耦测速模块。通过检测输出脉冲来检测电机转速。 基于FPGA的直流电机/基于FPGA的直流电机 ├── dc1 │   ├── db │   │   ├── cmpr_kkg.tdf │   │   ├── dc1.(0).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(0).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(1).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(1).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(10).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(10).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(11).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(11).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(12).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(12).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(2).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(2).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(3).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(3).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(4).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(4).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(5).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(5).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(6).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(6).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(7).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(7).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(8).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(8).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.(9).cnf.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.(9).cnf.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.asm.qmsg │   │   ├── dc1.asm_labs.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.cbx.xml │   │   ├── dc1.cmp.bpm │   │   ├── dc1.cmp.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.cmp.ecobp │   │   ├── dc1.cmp.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.cmp.logdb │   │   ├── dc1.cmp.rdb │   │   ├── dc1.cuda_io_sim_cache.45um_ff_1200mv_0c_fast.hsd │   │   ├── dc1.cuda_io_sim_cache.45um_ss_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd │   │   ├── dc1.db_info │   │   ├── dc1.eco.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.eds_overflow │   │   ├── dc1.fit.qmsg │   │   ├── dc1.fnsim.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.fnsim.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.fnsim.qmsg │   │   ├── dc1.hier_info │   │   ├── dc1.hif │   │   ├── dc1.map.bpm │   │   ├── dc1.map.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.map.ecobp │   │   ├── dc1.map.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.map.logdb │   │   ├── dc1.map.qmsg │   │   ├── dc1.map_bb.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.map_bb.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.map_bb.hdbx │   │   ├── dc1.map_bb.logdb │   │   ├── dc1.pre_map.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.pre_map.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.psp │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.atm │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.dfp │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.hdbx │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.logdb │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.rcf │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.map.atm │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.map.hdbx │   │   ├── dc1.root_partition.map.info │   │   ├── dc1.rtlv.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.rtlv_sg.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.sgdiff.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.sgdiff.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.signalprobe.cdb │   │   ├── dc1.sim.cvwf │   │   ├── dc1.sim.hdb │   │   ├── dc1.sim.qmsg │   │   ├── dc1.sim.rdb │   │   ├── dc1.simfam │   │   ├── dc1.sld_design_entry.sci │   │   ├── dc1.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci │   │   ├── dc1.sta.qmsg │   │   ├── dc1.sta.rdb │   │   ├── dc1.sta_cmp.8_slow_1200mv_85c.tdb │   │   ├── dc1.syn_hier_info │   │   ├── dc1.tis_db_list.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.tiscmp.fast_1200mv_0c.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.tiscmp.fastest_slow_1200mv_0c.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.tiscmp.fastest_slow_1200mv_85c.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.tiscmp.slow_1200mv_0c.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.tiscmp.slow_1200mv_85c.ddb │   │   ├── dc1.tmw_info │   │   ├── logic_util_heursitic.dat │   │   ├── mux_96e.tdf │   │   ├── mux_cqc.tdf │   │   ├── mux_m6d.tdf │   │   ├── mux_src.tdf │   │   ├── prev_cmp_dc1.asm.qmsg │   │   ├── prev_cmp_dc1.fit.qmsg │   │   ├── prev_cmp_dc1.map.qmsg │   │   ├── prev_cmp_dc1.qmsg │   │   ├── prev_cmp_dc1.sim.qmsg │   │   ├── prev_cmp_dc1.sta.qmsg │   │   └── wed.wsf │   ├── dc1.asm.rpt │   ├── dc1.bdf │   ├── dc1.done │   ├── dc1.fit.rpt │   ├── dc1.fit.smsg │   ├── dc1.fit.summary │   ├── dc1.flow.rpt │   ├── dc1.map.rpt │   ├── dc1.map.summary │   ├── dc1.pin │   ├── dc1.qpf │   ├── dc1.qsf │   ├── dc1.qws │   ├── dc1.sim.rpt │   ├── dc1.sof │   ├── dc1.sta.rpt │   ├── dc1.sta.summary │   ├── dc1.vwf │   ├── dcmotor1.bsf │   ├── dcmotor1.vhd │   ├── dcmotor2.vhd │   ├── dcmotor3.vhd │   ├── dcmotor4.vhd │   ├── dcmotor4.vhd.bak │   ├── incremental_db │   │   ├── README │   │   └── compiled_partitions │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.cdb │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.dfp │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.hdb │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.kpt │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.logdb │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.rcfdb │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.cmp.re.rcfdb │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.map.cdb │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.map.dpi │   │       ├── dc1.root_partition.map.hdb │   │       └── dc1.root_partition.map.kpt │   ├── key_check.vhd │   ├── key_check.vhd.bak │   ├── mux1.vhd │   ├── rate.vhd │   └── xianshi.vhd └── 新建 Microsoft Word 文档.docx 4 directories, 146 files
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