ISO16750-3-2012Road vehicles — Environmentalconditions and testing for electricaland electronic equipment —Part 3:Mechanical loadsContents PageForeword.............................................................................................................................................Iso16750-3:2012[EContentsPageForewordScope12Normative references1Terms and definitions4Tests and requirements4.1ibration4.2 Mechanical shock274.3 Free fall…294.4 Surface strength/ scratch and abrasion resistance294.5 Gravel bombardmentCode letters for mechanical loads29Documentation…,…………111111130Annex A (informative) Guideline for the development of test profiles for vibration tests.32Annex B (informative) Recommended mechanical requirements for equipment depending on themounting location44Bibliography46C ISO 2012-All rights reservedIso16750-3:2012EForewordISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standardsbodies (Iso member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried outthrough iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technicalcommittee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Internationaorganizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the workIso collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters ofelectrotechnical standardizationInternational Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISo/IEC Directives, Part 2The main task of technical committees is to prepare lnternational standards. draft InternationalStandards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for votingublication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 of the member bodiescasting a voteAttention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject ofpatent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rightsIso 16750-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicle, Subcommittee SC 3,Electrical and electronical equipment.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (Iso 16750-3: 2007), which has beentechnically revisedISo 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title road vehicles-Environmental conditionsand testing for electrical and electronic equipment:Part 1: GeneralPart 2: electrical loadsPart 3: Mechanical loadsPart 4: Climatic loadsPart 5: chemical loadso ISO 2012-All rights reservedINTERNATIONAL STANDARDIso16750-3:2012(E)Road vehicles- Environmental conditions and testing forelectrical and electronic equipmentPart 3Mechanical loads1 ScopeThis part of IS0 16750 applies to electric and electronic systems/components for road vehicles. Itdescribes the potential environmental stresses and specifies tests and requirements recommended forthe specific mounting location on/in the vehicleThis part of iso 16750 describes mechanical loads2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments applies.Iso16750-1, Road vehicles- Environmental conditions and testing forelectrical andelectronicequipment-Part 1: GeneralIEC 60068-2, 6, Environmental testing- Part 2-6: Testing, Test Fc: Vibration SinusoidalIEC60068-2, 14, Basicenvironmental testing procedures- Part 2-14: Tests-Test Nb: Change oftemperatureTEC 60068-2, 64, Environmental testing Part 2-64: Test methods -Test Fh -Vibration, broad-bandrandom(digital control)and guidanceIEC 60068-2, 80, Environmental testing- Part 2-80: Tests- Test Fi: Vibration - Mixed mode testingIEC 60068-2-31, Environmental testing procedures- Part 2: Tests; Test Ec: Free fall, Clause 5.23 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in Iso 16750-1 app4 Tests and requirements4.1 Vibration41.1 GeneralThe vibration test metho ds specified consider various levels of vibration severities applicable to on-board electrical and electronic equipment. It is recommended that the vehicle manufacturer andsupplier choose the test method, the environmental temperature and vibration parameters dependingon the specific mounting locationFollowing the expressions in MIL-STD please noticeC ISO 2012-All rights reservedIso16750-3:2012EWhen applied properly, the environmental management and engineering processes described in this partof Iso 16750 can be of enormous value in generating confidence in the environmental worthiness andoverall durability. However, it is important to recognize that there are limitations inherent in laboratorytesting that make itimperative to use proper caution and engineering judgement when extrapolating theselaboratory results to results that may be obtained under actual service conditions. In many cases, realworld environmental stresses (singularly orin combination cannot be duplicated practically or reliably intestlaboratories. Therefore, users of this part of Iso 16750 should not assume that a system or componentthat passes laboratory tests of this part of Iso 16750 would also pass field/ fleet verification trialsThe specified values are the best estimation one can get up to the moment when results frommeasurements in the car are received - but they do not replace a car measurement!The specified values apply to direct mounting in defined mounting locations. Using a bracket formounting can resultin higher or lower loads. If the device under test ( DUT)is used in the vehicle with abracket then all vibration and mechanical shock test shall be done with this bracketCarry out the vibration with the dut suitably mounted on a vibration table. The mounting method (sused shall be noted in the test report. Carry out the frequency variation by logarithmic sweeping of 0,5octave/minute for sinusoidal tests and the sinusoidal part of sine on random tests. The scope of therecommended vibration tests is to avoid malfunctions and breakage mainly due to fatigue in the fieldTesting for wear has special requirements and is not covered in this part of ISo 16750Loads outside of the designated test frequency ranges are to be considered separatelNOTE Deviations from the load on the DUT can result, should vibration testing be carried out according tothis part of Iso 16750 on a heavy and bulky dut, as mounting rigidity and dynamic reaction on the vibrator tableexcitation are different compared to the situation in the vehicle. This deviation can be minimized by applying theaverage control method(see Annex A)Application of the weighted average control method according to IEC 60068-2, 64 is to be agreed uponSubject the dut during the vibration test to the temperature cycle according to iEC 60068-2, 14, withelectric operation according to diagram 1. Alternatively, a test at constant temperature may be agreed onOperate the dutelectrically as indicatedin Figure l at Tmin(Short functional testafterthe dUT completelyreached Tmin). This functional test shall be as short as possible- only long enough to check the properperformance of the dUt. This minimizes self-heating of the dUT. Additional electrical operation of theDUT between 210 min and 410 min of the cycle (see Figure 1)Additional drying of test chamber air is not permittedIn the vehicle, vibration stress can occur together with extremely low or high temperatures; for thisreason, this interaction between mechanical and temperature stress is simulated in the test, too. afailure mechanism is, for example, a plastic part of a system/component, which mellows due to the hightemperature and cannot withstand the acceleration under this condition2o ISO 2012-All rights reservedIso16750-3:2012[EYmax20aburditt0100200300400500600yY temperature[°C]x time [ minIa Operating mode 3.2 according to ISo 16750-1.b Operating mode 2. 1 according to ISo 16750-1One cycleFigure 1-Temperature profile for the vibration testTable 1- Temperature versus time for the vibration testTimeTemperaturemin°C0206040150-4021020300max41048020See Is016750-44.1.2 Tests4.1.2.1 Test I- Passenger car, engine4. PurposeThis test checks the dUt for malfunctions and breakage caused by vibrationThe vibrations of a piston engine can be split up into two kinds: Sinusoidal vibration which results from theunbalanced mass forces in the cylinders and random noise due to all other vibration-schemes of an engine,C ISO 2012-All rights reserved3Iso16750-3:2012Ee.g. closing of valves. In the lowest frequency range from 10 Hz to 100 Hz the influence of rough-roadconditions is taken into account. The main failure to be identified by this test is breakage due to fatigueNOTE 1 Road profile usually has negligible impact on engine-mounted components. Shock inputs are effectivelysolated by suspension, and engine-mounting systemsThe test profiles specified in the following clauses apply to loads generated by(four strokereciprocating enginesNotE 2 If the dut is to be tested for a specific resonance effect, then a resonance dwell test according to 8.3.2of IEC 60068-2, 6: 2007 can also be applied4.12.1.2Test4. GeneralIt is required to perform this test as a mixed mode vibration test according to IEC 60068-2, 80NOTE The test duration is based on A 4. The temperature in the chamher is above room temperature (rt)atthe end of the test (2 3/4 temperature cycles4. Sinusoidal vibrationPerform the test according to IEC 60068-2, 6, but using a sweep rate of s 0,5 octave/minute. Use a testduration of 22 h for each plane of the dUTUse curve l in Table 2/ Figure 2 for DUT intended for mounting on engines with 5 cylinders or fewerUse curve 2 in Table 2/Figure 2 for dUT test intended for mounting on engines with 6 cylinders or moreBoth curves may be combined to cover all engine types in one test2502001501005050100150200250300350400450500ⅩKeyamplitude of acceleration [m/s2IXfrequency [Hzcurve1(≤5 cylinders)curve 2(5 cylindersFigure 2- Vibration severity curves4o ISO 2012-All rights reservedIso16750-3:2012[ETable 2- values for max acceleration versus frequencyCurve 1(see Figure 2FrequencyAmplitude of accelerationHz100100200200240200270100440100Curve 2(see Figure 2)FrequencyAmplitude of accelerationHm/s2100100150150440150CombinationFrequencyAmplitude of accelerationH1001001501502002002402002551504401504, Random vibrationPerform the test according to IEC 60068-2, 64. Use a test duration of 22 h for each plane of the DUTThe r.m.s. acceleration value shall be 181 m/s2The psd versus frequency are referred to in Figure 3 and Table 3NoTE The Power Spectral Density(PSD)values (random vibration] are reduced in the frequency range of thesinusoidal vibration testC ISO 2012-All rights reserved5Iso16750-3:2012EY100100,110100100010000KeyY PSD [(m/s2)2/HzX frequency [Hz]Figure 3- PSD of acceleration versus frequencyTable 3- Values for frequency and PsDFrequencyPSDH:(m/s2)2/Hz1010100103000,5150020200024. RequirementBreakage shall not occur.Functional status a see iso 16750-1) is required during operating mode 3.2 as defined in ISo 16750-1and functional status C during periods with other operating modes4.1.2.2 Test II-Passenger car, gearbox4. PurposeThis test checks the dut for malfunctions and breakage caused by vibrationThe vibrations of a gearbox can be split up into two kinds which result partly from sinusoidal vibrationfrom unbalanced mass forces of the engine(e. g dominating orders) in the frequency range from 100 Hzto 440 Hz and vibration from the friction of the gear wheels and other schemes, which are tested in therandom part. In the lowest frequency range from 10 Hz to 100 Hz the influence of rough-road conditionsis taken into account The main failure to be identified by this test is breakage due to fatigueChanging the gears can create additional mechanical shock and shall be considered separatey brationsThe test profiles specified in the following subclauses apply to loads generated by gearbox vibo ISO 2012-All rights reserved
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RS纠错编码原理及其实现方法。Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd前言随着越来越多的系统采用数字技术来实现,纠错编码技术也得到了越来越广泛的应用。RS码既可以纠正随机错误,又可以纠正突发错误,具有很强的纠错能力,在通信系统中应用广泛。近些年来,随着软件无线电技术的发展,RS编码、译码一般都在通用的硬件平台上实现。通常采用基于FPGA的ⅦHDL编码硬件实现,或者在DSP、单片机上用C和汇编编程软件实现。RS纠错编码涉及的领域很广,特别是设计到很多数学知识。这对那些对数学不太感冒的工程技术人员来书是个不小的挑战。尽管讲RS编码的书籍很多但是那些书都是采用循序渐进,逐步引人的方式从汉明码到循环码,从循环码到BCH码,BCH码再引入悶S码。对亍工程技术人员他们需要的是简明扼要的讲解,和详细的实现方法。本人写这篇文章的宗旨就是尽量最简单的语言最简短的篇幅来讲RS纠错编码原理,把重点来放在实现方法上。为了便于读者仿真,本文采样MLAB程序实现,程序尽量符合硬件C语言写法,读者经过简单修改即可应用到工程中去。本文读者对象本文是为那些初识瑙编码的学生、工程技术人员而写,并不适合做理论研究,如果你是纠错编码方面的学者、专家,那么本文并不适合你。由于作者水平有限,错误在所难免,恳请读者批评指正。不得更改陈文礼2008-01于郑州Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd必备的一些代数知识1、在纠错编码代数中,把以二进制数字表示的一个数据系列看成一个多项式。例如二进制数字序列1010111,可以表示成:M(x)=ax+a5x0+a5不5+a+4 TasK +ax+a,x+ank式中的x表示代码的位置,或某个二进制数位的位置,X前面的系数表示码的值。若a;是一位二进制代码,则取值是0或1。dM()称为信息代码多项式多项式次数称系数不为0的x的最高次数为多项式/(x)的次数,记为Of(x)2、域域在R编码理论中起着至关重要的作用。简单点说域GF(2)有2设2个符号[0,n,a2…22且具有以下性质域中的每个元素都可以用a",a,a2,om的和来表示。a←la为本原多项式p(x)的根。运算规则有:在纠错编码运算过程中,加减、乘和除的运算是在伽罗华域中进行。现以GF(2)域中运算为例:加法例:a+a=0010+0110101(模2加法相当于0005与011或减法运算与加法相同乘法例:a·a0=a(8+10)modl5除法例:cs/a0=a-2=a-2+5=a不理解没关系,下面的例子也许对你有帮助。例:mF=4,p(x)=x4+x+1求GF(2")的所有元素因为a为p(x)的根得到a4+a+1=0或a4=a+1(根据运算规则)Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd由此可以得到域的所有元素元素二进制对应十进制对应码值000000101000a+100l⊥0110a(a+1)=a+a(mod p(a))12a(a+a=a+a(mod p(a)1011a(a+l(modula))+a+1)10C(a+1=a+a(mod p(a )a(a23+a)a+I(mod p(a)1110a(a+a+D=aa+a(modp(a)tatI(mod p(a))11a(a3+a2+a+1)=a34a2+1(modp(a)1001a(a+a+1=a+l(mod p(a)a(a+1=l(mod(a))由此可以看岀本原多项式是求解域的全部元素的关键。读者也许会有这样的疑问我们如何得到p(x)呢?本原多城式p(x)的特性是2+得到的余式等于0O(X由于作者也是工程技术人员,具体怎么得到p(x),也没有深究过。Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd作者在设计RS编码时候都是根据 MATLAB指令rsgeηpoly来得到p(x)。其格式为 rsgenpoly(n,k)参数n为码长一般n=2"-1,k为信息码元个数。例如m4,码长n=15,信息码元长度为9GF(2)的本原多项式可以根据指令>>rsgenpoly(15, 9)得到ans= GF(2 4)array. Primitive polynomial =D 4+D+1 (19 decimal)有读者来信问:我要做一个(158的RS编码,在 MATLAB中输入命令 rsgenpoly(158,128),结果MAB报错Error using =- rsgenpolyN must equal 2m-1 for some integer m这里做一下解释我们S编码时普先要根据码长选取mλ选择原则是2若码长为6那么我们可以选择n=8, rsgenpey命令的第少个参数必须为2"-1,第二个参数司以随便选择只要小于2”-1就形了在此给出m∈(2,16)的所有本原多项式(m=2)P[m+1]={1,1,1}/米1+x+x3*/P[m+1]-{1,1,0,1}/米1+x+x4*/P[m11]={1,1,0,0,1}/米1+x2+x5*/P|m+1={1,0,1,0,0,1};Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd(m=6)/米1+x+x6*/P[m+1]={1,1,0,0,0,0,1}7)/来1+x3+x7*P[m+1]={1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}(m=8)/米14x2+x31x4+x8*/P[m+1]-{1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1/*1+x4+x9半P[m1]={1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,(m=10)/1+x3+x10*/P|m+1={1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,/*1+x2+x11P[m+1]={1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}(m=12)/*1+x+x4+x6+x12P[m+1]-{1,1,0,0,、1,0,0,(m=13)/*1+x+x^3+x4+x^13*/P[m+1]={1,1,0,1,1,0,0,00,0,1};(m=14)/*1+x+x6+x10+x14来P[m+1]={1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}(m=15)/米14x+x15*/P[m+1]={1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};(m=16)/*1+x+x3+x12+x16*/P[m+1]={1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1};Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd二、线性分组码的一些基本概念1、线性分组码一般用(n,)或(n,k,d)表示n为码长,k为信息码元的数目,n-k为监督码元的数目。d表示码元距离。定义:两个码组上对应位置上数字不同的个数称为码组的距离。发送的码字C=(1,C2C3,…C接收的矢量r=(,2,信道错误图样:e=c+r例如c=(1,1,0,0,0)(1,0,001)e=(1+1,1+0,0+0,0+0,0+1)(0,1,0,0,1)从而可以看出从左端起第2位和第5位是错误的2、校验矩阵概念码长为n,信息数为k,监督数为r。这样的一组码形式为:m:m2,P,P2Pm表示第个信息码,P表示第j个校验码各个校验码可从下列线性方程组求得hm+h2m2+…+n+1B1+012+0h2m1+2m2+…+h2m+0p1p20hmn+h,2m2+…+hm+O+0+…+1p,=0式中h;是常数校验方程组可写成校验矩阵100h21h2…,h2k010h000该矩阵具有r行和n列故式(1-1)可以写成c=0或c=08Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., LtdH矩阵称为[n,k,r码的校验矩阵。发送矢量为C接收矢量为F若rH≠0则说明接收到的码有错误。设错误图样为e则可写成以下关系式r=c+e为了纠错必须知道那些位上存在错误。这可由校正子(又称伴随式)s来确定s=rH=cH +eh=eh译码器的主要任务就是如何从中得到最像e的错误图样e从而译出c=r-e设第讠个是错误的因此e=(00..0第个有错误s=rH=(00…0、100000)00计算出的矢量示出i是出错误的位置。3、生成矩阵概念生成矩阵G,它是一个k行,n列的矩阵若已知信息组m,通过生存矩阵可求得相应的码字。c=mxG(m是k个信息元组成的信息组)这个应该比较容易理解,在此就不做过多解释。、RS码的一些重要性质1、RS码生成多项式:码长n=2”-1,监督元数目r=n-k=2t,能纠正t个错误。Zhengzhou Oriole Xinda Electronic Information Cc., Ltd定义:在(n,k,d)的RS码中,存在唯一的n-k次多项式g(x),使得每一个码多项式c(x)都是g(x)的倍式。g(x)称为n,k,d]RS码的生成多项式一般情况下g(x)=(x-a)(x-a2)…(x-a2)2、定理:在GF(2m)中,每个非0元素(1,a,a2…a22)均满足x2=1,反之x21-1=0的根必在GF(2")中。所以x-1=(x-a)(x-a)x3、RS码的校验多项式由于生成多项式g(x)是x-1的因式g(rh(g(x)为n-k次多项式,则h(x)为k次多项式,k3x+g)hx+…+x+4)由右式可以看出x"1,x2,x的系数均等于0即gg0010h1+g1bo=0g0h+g1h11+…+8nkh2(2k)=0∴.+n-kk-10n-kk式中g0+81h1+…+8nkh1(n=k)(表示X的系数10
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