飞翔漫画小偷伪静态缓存版,网站界面简洁美观,在线漫画资源还比较丰富,还提供动漫新闻等特色栏目,更新速度也比较快,可满足大部分喜欢看漫画的网友。(Flying thief comic pseudo-static cache version of the site is simple and beautiful interface, online comics is still relatively rich in resources, but also provides animation and other special news sections, the speed is faster, satisfy most users like to watch cartoons.
搜索库为:QQ音乐 因此有的歌曲无法获取链接,只能上传。
(Songs inquiry
Enter the song title and artist, click on the search button to get the song link.
Search library: QQ music so some songs do not get the link, only upload.)