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  • 种基于多相带通结构的信道化滤波器算法
    针对信道化滤波器要求运算速度快、消耗资源多、难以实时处理的突出问题, 从多相滤波器, 信道化滤波器的结构、原理和运算效率分析出发, 推导了一种基于多相带通结构的信道化滤波器算法模型。这种算法将现有多相结构信道化滤波器模型中的低通设计改为带通设计, 实现了复数乘法运算全部集中在带通滤波环节当中, 并采用协调分级DFT 算法的实现方案, 大幅度节省了硬件资源, 提高了运算效率, 实现了信道化滤波器在通用FPGA 和DSP 芯片中的实时处理, 硬件仿真结果验证了算法模型的正确性和有效性。
  • matlab 2014b HDL Coder Users Guide
    Matlab 官方有关于HDL coder开发的详细技术文档, HDL Coder可以把Simulink模型、MATLAB代码和Stateflow框图生成位真、周期精确、可综合的Verilog和VHDL代码,很适合用于FPGA/ASCI的快速开发,里面还有大量的例程等等ContentsHDL Code generation from MATLaBMATLAB Algorithm DesignData Types and scope1-2Supported data TUsuppyted data type1-3Scope for variables1-3Operators1-4Arithmetic operate1-4Relational operators1-4ogical Operators1-5Control flow statements1-6Vector Function Limitations related to Control1-7PersistentⅤ ariables1-8Persistent Array variables1-10Complex data Type Support1-11Declaring complex signaIs1-11Conversion Between Complex and real signals1-12Support for vectors of Complex Numb1-12ystem Objects1-14Why use System objects?1-14Predefined System Object1-14User-Defined System ob1-14Limitations of HDL Code Generation for SystemObjects1-15System object Examples for HDL Code Generation.. 1-16Predefined System Objects Supported for HDL CodeGeneration1-17Load constants from a mat-file1-18Generate Code for User-Defined System Objects1-19How To Create a User-Defined System object1-1User-Defined System object Example1-19Map Matrices to ROM1-22Fixed-Point bitwise Functions1-231-23Bitwise Functions Supported for HDl Code Generation 1-23Fixed-Point Run-Time Library functions1-29Fixed-Point function limitations1-33Model State with Persistent variables and SysteObjects1-34Bit Shifting and bit rotation1-8Bit Slicing and Bit Concatenation1-41Guidelines for Efficient hdL code1-43MATLAB Design Requirements for HDL CodeGeneration1-44What is a matlab test bench?1-45MATLAB Test Bench Requirements and bestractices1-46MATLAB Test Bench requirements1-46MATLAB Test bench best practices1-46ContentsMATLAB Best Practices and Design Patterns forHDL Code generation2Model a counter for hdl code generation2-2MATLAB Counter2-2MATLAB Code for the counter2-3Best Practices in this Example2-4Model a state machine for HDL Code Generation2-5MATLAB State machinesMATLAB Code for the Mealy State MachineMATLAB Code for the moore state machine2-7Best practic2-9Generate hardware Instances For local functions2-10MATLAB Local functions2-10MATLAB Code for mlhdlc two counters. m2-10Implement RAM USing MATLAB Code2-13Implementation of RAM2-13Implement RAM Using a Persistent Array or Systemobject Properties2-13Implement RAM Using hdl. RAM2-14For-Loop best Practices for HDL Code generation2-16MATLAB Loops2-16Monotonically Increasing Loop Counters2-16Persistent Variables in Loops2-17Persistent Arrays in Loops2-17Fixed-Point Conversion3Floating-Point to Fixed-Point Conversion3-2Fixed-Point Type Conversion and Refinement3-16Working with Generated Fixed-Point Files3-26Specify Type Proposal Options3-33Log Data for Histogram3-37Automated Fixed-Point Conversion3-40License Requirements3-40Automated Fixed-Point Conversion Capabilities3-40Code Coverage3-42Proposing Data Types3-45Locking Proposed Data Types3-47Viewing functions3-47lew1ariables3-48Istogram ...3-54Function Replacements3-56Validating Types3-57g Numerics3-57Detecting Overflows3-57Custom plot functions3-59Visualize Differences Between Floating-Point and Fixed-Point results3-61Inspecting Data Using the Simulation Data Inspector 3-67What Is the Simulation Data Inspecto3-67Import Logged Data3-67Export Logged data3-67Group signals3-67Run options3-68Create Report3-68Comparison Options3-68Enabling Plotting Using the Simulation Data Inspector 3-68Save and Load simulation Data Inspector Sessions3-68Enable Plotting Using the Simulation Data Inspector 3-70From the UI3-70From the Command Line3-70Replacing Functions Using Lookup TableApproximations·3-72Replace a custom function with a lookup Table3-73From the UI3-73i ContentsFrom the Command line3-81Replace the exp Function with a Lookup Table3-84From the ui3-84From the Command line3-92Data Type Issues in Generated Code3-94Enable the highlight Option in a MaTLAB CoderProject3-94Enable the Highlight Option at the Command Line... 3-94Stowaway doubles3-94Stowaway singles3-94Expensive Fixed-Point operations3-94Code GenerationCreate and set Up Your Project4-2Create a New Project4-2Open an Existing ProjectAdd Files to the project4-4Primary Function Input Specification4-6When to Specify Input Properties4-6Why You must Specify Input Properties4-6Properties to Specify4-6Rules for Specifying Properties of Primary Inputs4-8Methods for Defining Properties of Primary Inputs4-8Basic hdl code generation with the workflowAdvisor4-10HDL Code Generation from System Objects4-14Generate Instantiable code for functions4-19How to generate Instantiable Code for Functions4-19Generate Code Inline for Specific Functions4-19Limitations for instantiable code generation forFunctions4-19Integrate Custom HDL Code Into MATLAB Design.. 4-21Define the hdl. Black Box System object4-21Use System object In MATLAB Design Function4-23Generate HDL Code4-23limitations for hdl. black box4-26Enable matLab function block generation4-27Requirements for MaTLAB Function Block Generation 4-27Enable matlab function block generation4-27Results of matlab function block generation4-27System Design with HDL Code Generation fromMATLAB and simulink4-28Generate Xilinx System Generator Black Box Block4-32Requirements for System Generator Black Box BlockGeneration4-32Enable System Generator black Box block GeResults of System Generator Black Box Bloc neration4-32Generation4-33Generate Xilinx System Generator for DsP black boxfrom MATLAB HDL Design4-34Generate HDL Code from MATLAB Code Using theCommand line interface4-40Specify the Clock Enable rate4-45Why specify the clock Enable rate?4-45How to Specify the clock Enable rate4-45Specify Test Bench Clock Enable Toggle rate4-47When to Specify Test Bench Clock Enable Toggle rate4-47How to Specify Test Bench Clock Enable Toggle rate4-47Generate an HDL Coding Standard report fromMATLAB4-49Using the hdl Workflow advisor4-49Using the Command Line4-51Generate an HDL Lint Tool script4-53How To generate an hdl lint Tool Script4-53ContentsGenerate a Board-Independent Ip core from MATLAB 4-55Generate a board-Independent Ip core4-55Requirements and Limitations for IP Core generation4-57Minimize clock enables4-58Using the GUi4-59Using the Command Line4-59Limitations4-59VerificationVerify Code with HDL Test Bench5-2Generate Test bench with file i/oWhen to Use file i/o In Test bench5-5How Test bench generation with file i/o works5-5Test Bench Data files5-5How to generate Test bench with file i/o5-6Limitations When Using File 1/0 In Test Bench5-6DeploymentGenerate Synthesis Scripts6-2Optimization7RAM Mapping7-2Map persistent Arrays and dsp. Delay to RAM7-3How To Enable RaM Mapping7-3RAM Mapping requirements for Persistent Arrays andSystem object PropertiesRAM Mapping Requirements for dsp. Delay Systemob7-6RAM Mapping Comparison for MATLAB Code7-8Pipelining7-9Port registers7-9Input and Output Pipeline registers7-9Variable pipelining7-9Register Inputs and Outputs7-10Insert Input and Output Pipeline registers7-11Distributed Pipelining7-12What is Distributed Pipelin7-12Benefits and Costs of Distributed pipelining7-12Selected Bibliograph7-12Pipeline matlab variables7-13Using the hdl Workflow Advisor7-13Using the Command Line Interface7-13Limitations of MatlAB Variable Pipelining7-13Optimize MatLAb loops7-15oop Streaming7-15Loop unrolling7-15How to Optimize maTLaB loops7-15Limitations for MaTLAB Loop Optimization7-16Constant Multiplier optimization7-17Specify constant multiplier optimization7-19Distributed Pipelining for Clock Speed Optimization7-20Map Matrices to Block RAMs to Reduce Area7-27Resource Sharing of Multipliers to Reduce Area7-32Loop streaming to Reduce Area7-41Contents
  • 对于双输入双输出系统的模型预测控制(DMC)的MATLAB实现
  • TMS320 VC5509A 各种代码例
    [代码及相关实验]---代码为C语言编写1、CPU看门狗实验2、LED跑马灯实验3、CPU Timer定时器实验4、实时时钟实验5、AD转换实验6、扩展SDRAM读写实验7、扩展FLASH读写实验8、快速傅立叶变换(FFT)实验9、FIR滤波器实验10、IIR滤波器实验11、自适应滤波器(FIRLMS)实验12、键盘扫描实验13、外部中断输入实验14、AIC23播音实验15、LCD显示实验16、串口通信实验17、USB2.0通信实验18、网络通信实验19、SD卡读写实验20、MMC卡读写实验21、数字图像直方图实验22、数字图像边缘检测实验23、数
  • 通过LabVIEW实现模糊PID控制系统
    【实例简介】 通过LabVIEW实现模糊PID控制系统,文件包含模糊PID系统程序框图及定义的模糊规则,用户下载后点开VI即可运行,LabVIEW版本为2016
    2021-06-27 00:30:57下载
  • 最完美的STM32读写I2C EEPROM驱动
  • openssl-1.1.1库win32-64
    开源 openssl-1.1.1 编译的库 windows版本,在windows server 2012 64位系统下用VS2015社区版编译的 包含 32位和64位。win7-32位系统我也试了成功了。里面还有编译方法。我的辛苦2天。2018-3-15 中午完成 记 少占鱼 我是硬件开发人员
  • 车牌识别GUI+脚本
  • 带有数据的风电功率小波预测方法,可直接运行。
  • matlab迭代 求差分方
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104582会员总数
  • 48今日下载