它是一个计算热通量的c++程序,用udf导入fluent,既可以求解,非常好用的一个,可以作为入门的一个例子学习。(it is a calculated heat flux of c++ program, with udf into fluent, not only can solve, very easy to use one, can be used as a case study entry.)
- 2012-02-02 14:59:16下载
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采用 Lax-Wendroff算法计算非粘Bergers方程(nonviscous Burgers equation, Lax-Wendroff method.)
- 2021-04-14 14:18:55下载
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说明: 常用算法包括第一类整数阶贝塞耳函数,积分刚性方程组的吉尔方法,计算多重积分的高斯方法,快速傅利叶变换,离散随机线性系统的卡尔曼滤波,切比雪夫曲线拟合的c语言算法(failed to translate)
- 2010-04-23 23:54:07下载
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时间积分算法在有限元动力学中的应用,可以计算结构的瞬态响应(This class implements a Newmark beta-gamma predictor-corrector time inte-
gration scheme, with accelerations as primary unknowns.
.A Newmark scheme assigns to the dofs the following 5 unknowns :
- the displacement d and its predictor D
- the velocity v and its predictor V
- the acceletion a .
Their expressions are calculated by the dofs in class Dof.)
- 2013-07-13 13:30:09下载
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EFIE-电场积分方程的详细推倒过程,对于初步学习电磁场的人很有用。(Electric field integral equation EFIE-down process in detail, the electromagnetic field for the preliminary study were very useful.)
- 2020-10-30 08:59:57下载
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本程序可模拟ND情况下的傅里叶变换,经过验证无误(This program can simulate the Fourier transform of the ND situation, and after the test, the program is correct )
- 2012-02-27 09:33:19下载
- 积分:1
hartigans Sequential Leader Clustering Algorithm in terms of OpenCV (ver.1.1)
Sequential Leader algorithm:
Hartigan, J. A. (1975), Clustering Algorithms. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY.
1. Select maximum cluster "radius"
2. Start with zero clusters
3. Add each item to be clustered to:
* Closest cluster if distance <= r
* New cluster if distance to closest cluster > r
4. Compute new center from members in cluster
5. Empty the clusters (keeping the centers)
6. Return to step 3 (until no changes are made)
- 2010-02-25 19:28:25下载
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牛顿迭代法,用于求解非线性方程,具体使用方法见程序内部说明。(Newton iteration for solving nonlinear equations, the specific use of the procedure see the internal note.)
- 2007-11-05 09:01:46下载
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matlab实现捷联惯性导航解算 strapdown
matlab实现捷联惯性导航解算,四元数更新姿态矩阵。(SINS solver matlab)
- 2013-05-03 16:38:47下载
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利用for语言精确模拟混凝土的全过程弹性本构(Accurate simulation of the whole process of elastic constitutive of concrete by for language)
- 2020-11-23 20:09:34下载
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