首页 » PDF » IJISA-V4-N12-2


于 2020-05-23 发布
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说明:  Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique


IJISA-V4-N12-2.pdf, 286387 , 2020-05-21



0 个回复

  • liangxianzhiyalibiansongqi
    两线制压力变送器设计两线制变送器的原理是利用了4~20mA信号为自身提供电能。本文档详细介绍了两线制压力变送器的特点以及参考电路图(2-wire pressure transmitter 2-wire transmitter design principle is the use of the 4 ~ 20mA signal to provide power for itself. This document details the two-wire pressure transmitter features and reference schematics)
    2010-02-01 09:41:01下载
  • MAX038suoyouziliao
    收集了几乎全部的高频方波三角波正弦波发生器MAX038及其各种应用论文,对设计多波形信号发生器级有帮助,欢迎下载.(Collected almost all the high-frequency square wave triangle wave sine wave generator and its various applications MAX038 papers on the design Multi-Signal Generator-class help are welcome to download.)
    2009-11-18 20:06:36下载
  • Observers_in_Control_Systems
    一本学习观测器的很好资料,详细论述了观测器的设计和调试(very good paper to learn the observation describe the observation design )
    2011-12-09 15:59:37下载
  • 2009093109
    汽车七自由度ESP控制模型即孔子策略研究,十分经典,适合于研究生论文(ESP control model car seven degrees of freedom that Confucius Strategy, very classic, suitable for graduate thesis)
    2021-03-30 17:19:10下载
  • based-on-SVPWMvectorcontrol
    为了给变频调速系统提供必要的设计参数,依据空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)基本原理,介绍了 异步电动机及 SVPWM 算法在 Matlab/Simulink 环境下的建模过程及基于矢量控制理论的变频调速系统动态 模型建立。详细地阐述了实现仿真的方法,并针对仿真中的关键问题及系统的仿真结果进行了分析。仿真结 果表明,采用该控制系统,电压及转矩波动小,转速响应迅速,系统的各项指标都满足电机实际运行特性要 求。其仿真算法对于实现数字化控制变频调速系统具有一定的价值。 (To provide the necessary design parameters for the actual motor control system, the modeling course of voltage space vector pulse wide modulation(SVPWM)agrithmetic and AC motor under Matlab/Simulink environment are introduced. The dynamic model of variable frequency speed regulating system based on vector control is discussed according to the principle of SVPWM. The new method of realizing simulation, key problems and results of the simulation are analyzed in detail. The experimental simulation results show that this system has smaller fluctuations of voltage and torque, quicker response speed, and all of the indicators accord with the performance of the actual motor. The simulation agrithmetic have value to realize controlling motor with digital signal processing. )
    2021-04-21 10:48:49下载
  • Core8051_IS_UG
    说明:  8051指令集,指令說明 ADD, CLR, MOV, MOVX,..等(Core 8051 Instruction Set Details ADD, CLR, MOV, MOVX,..)
    2020-06-17 02:00:01下载
    有关参加全国大学生电子设计竞赛培训的一些情况介绍(Some related to take part in the national undergraduate electronic design contest training was introduced )
    2013-08-11 11:49:44下载
  • fmradiosystems
    又一篇关于音频动态范围压缩的相关珍贵论文,这是一个很实用但是又很少有人关注的领域,希望对大家有帮助!这是第15篇(And an audio dynamic range compression on the relevance of valuable papers, it is a very pragmatic but also very few areas of concern, and they hope to have everyone help! This is the first 15)
    2009-03-30 10:24:53下载
  • 水下目标被动跟踪及自适应导引律研究
    水下目标被动跟踪及自适应导引律研究,主要解决水下目标的强机动目标跟踪问题 (Underwater passive target tracking and adaptive guidance law studies, mainly to solve the strong maneuvering target tracking problem of underwater target)
    2012-08-19 15:59:38下载
  • caideng
    这是彩灯控制设计报告书,内能丰富包含原理图(This is a lantern control design report, to be able to enrich contain schematic)
    2011-08-12 18:13:56下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载