首页 » ASP » 今客V11开源版


于 2020-06-30 发布
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说明:  客户管理系统 今客V11开源版 客户管理系统 今客V11开源版(Customer management system)


.htaccess, 1 , 2020-01-26
404.html, 505 , 2020-01-26
Bakup, 0 , 2020-01-26
Bakup\set_level.asp, 1051826 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件, 0 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\inc, 0 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\inc\ASPEnCode.DLL, 39936 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\inc\config.ini, 57 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\inc\regsvr32.exe, 13824 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\组件卸载.exe, 38912 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\组件安装(双击运行即可).exe, 39424 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\组件安装[方法二].EXE, 593536 , 2020-01-26
_DLL必需组件\组件说明.txt, 525 , 2020-01-26
crm, 0 , 2020-01-26
crm\Receiver.asp, 4757 , 2020-01-26
crm\auto, 0 , 2020-01-26
crm\auto\default.asp, 4471 , 2020-01-26
crm\auto\inc.baohuqi.asp, 3570 , 2020-01-26
crm\auto\inc.hetongdq.asp, 1122 , 2020-01-26
crm\auto\inc.tblxr.asp, 1600 , 2020-01-26
crm\caiwulist.asp, 21623 , 2020-01-26
crm\caiwulistss.asp, 10423 , 2020-01-26
crm\caiwusave.asp, 354738 , 2020-01-26
crm\chelianglist.asp, 10801 , 2020-01-26
crm\chelianglistss.asp, 7363 , 2020-01-26
crm\cheliangsave.asp, 38374 , 2020-01-26
crm\contact.asp, 6395 , 2020-01-26
crm\contactss.asp, 6952 , 2020-01-26
crm\daochu.asp, 85048 , 2020-01-26
crm\daoru.asp, 16280 , 2020-01-26
crm\default.asp, 39773 , 2020-01-26
crm\diqu.asp, 6574 , 2020-01-26
crm\diqusave.asp, 99803 , 2020-01-26
crm\filement.asp, 11703 , 2020-01-26
crm\filementsave.asp, 12035 , 2020-01-26
crm\filementss.asp, 5760 , 2020-01-26
crm\findkehu.asp, 27009 , 2020-01-26
crm\findkehuss.asp, 23139 , 2020-01-26
crm\fujian.asp, 10300 , 2020-01-26
crm\fujiansave.asp, 7093 , 2020-01-26
crm\gendanlist.asp, 14896 , 2020-01-26
crm\gendanlistss.asp, 9370 , 2020-01-26
crm\gendansave.asp, 408160 , 2020-01-26
crm\gongdan_cllxr.asp, 3460 , 2020-01-26
crm\gongdan_jilu.asp, 16289 , 2020-01-26
crm\gongdan_zpry.asp, 3469 , 2020-01-26
crm\gongdanlist.asp, 18117 , 2020-01-26
crm\gongdanlistss.asp, 10860 , 2020-01-26
crm\gongdansave.asp, 467736 , 2020-01-26
crm\gonggao.asp, 9408 , 2020-01-26
crm\gonggaosave.asp, 16754 , 2020-01-26
crm\gonghai.asp, 41966 , 2020-01-26
crm\gonghaiss.asp, 24371 , 2020-01-26
crm\goods.asp, 23350 , 2020-01-26
crm\goods_cg_save.asp, 13050 , 2020-01-26
crm\goods_ck.asp, 13109 , 2020-01-26
crm\goods_gys.asp, 12343 , 2020-01-26
crm\goodssave.asp, 54157 , 2020-01-26
crm\hetonglist.asp, 22188 , 2020-01-26
crm\hetonglistss.asp, 11478 , 2020-01-26
crm\hetongsave.asp, 501742 , 2020-01-26
crm\huishouzhan.asp, 16610 , 2020-01-26
crm\huishouzhanss.asp, 20436 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.bianqian.asp, 506 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.caiwush.asp, 347 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.check.asp, 1270 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.isok.asp, 9614 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.suoping.asp, 1720 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.theme.asp, 717 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.tip_jisu.asp, 268 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.userjy.asp, 752 , 2020-01-26
crm\inc.xiaoxi.asp, 297 , 2020-01-26
crm\js_css_bottom.asp, 1270 , 2020-01-26
crm\js_css_m.asp, 1327 , 2020-01-26
crm\js_css_pc.asp, 974 , 2020-01-26
crm\kehu_add_edit .bak, 68638 , 2020-01-26
crm\kehu_add_edit.asp, 68642 , 2020-01-26
crm\kehulist.asp, 39556 , 2020-01-26
crm\kehulistss.asp, 26654 , 2020-01-26
crm\kehusave.asp, 170367 , 2020-01-26
crm\kong.asp, 2198 , 2020-01-26
crm\linkmansave.asp, 19097 , 2020-01-26
crm\log_caozuo.asp, 6220 , 2020-01-26
crm\log_caozuoss.asp, 3969 , 2020-01-26
crm\log_denglu.asp, 5529 , 2020-01-26
crm\log_dengluss.asp, 2173 , 2020-01-26
crm\logout.asp, 838 , 2020-01-26
crm\mail, 0 , 2020-01-26
crm\mail\listmail.asp, 4502 , 2020-01-26
crm\mail\mailset.asp, 8123 , 2020-01-26
crm\mail\sendemail.asp, 6024 , 2020-01-26
crm\mail\sendemail_auto.asp, 5977 , 2020-01-26
crm\message.asp, 12686 , 2020-01-26
crm\messagesave.asp, 13092 , 2020-01-26
crm\mingpian.asp, 14668 , 2020-01-26
crm\mingpiansave.asp, 19207 , 2020-01-26
crm\notice.asp, 14508 , 2020-01-26
crm\notice_msg.asp, 2401 , 2020-01-26
crm\notice_userinfo.asp, 2153 , 2020-01-26
crm\order_chuli.asp, 7186 , 2020-01-26



0 个回复

  • Student achievement management system can be achieved such as additions and dele...
    学生成绩管理系统 可以实现增删查改之类的基本功能,并且可以二次编程-Student achievement management system can be achieved such as additions and deletions to check the basic functions and can be quadratic programming
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  • 研华PCI
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  • hhh
    说明:  锅炉汽包水位自适应模糊控制 可以运行 仿真结果很好(Boiler bubble water control can realize the simulation of boiler water level, and the effect is obvious. (control))
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  • closest_pair
    分治法思想,求最邻近点对,考虑将所给的n个点的集合S分成2个子集S1和S2,每个子集中约有n/2个点,然后在每个子集中递归地求其最接近的点对(Divide and conquer ideas, find the nearest point to consider given the set S of n points into two subsets S1 and S2, each subset of about n/2 points, and then recursively find its focus in each sub-the closest point)
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  • 通过yalmip平台调用cplex求解器 microgrid Cplex
    说明:  在matlab中通过yalmip平台调用cplex求解器,可用于求解MILP问题,适合于综合能源系统优化求解(In MATLAB, CPLEX solver is called through yalmip platform, which can be used to solve the MILP problem and is suitable for the optimal solution of comprehensive energy system)
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  • 人机猜数软件,可以实现人猜机器和机器才人两种功能,界面友好,程序健壮...
    人机猜数软件,可以实现人猜机器和机器才人两种功能,界面友好,程序健壮-guess a few man-machine software, can achieve guess machines and machines were only two functions, friendly interface and robust procedures
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  • uva10324解法(提共題目和解法程式)
    題目說明:給你一連串僅包含0和1的字串 (字串長度最大到1000000,字串從第0個字元開始),要請你回答我們在第i個和第j個字元之間(包含第i個和第j個)、 是否所有的字元均相同 (均為1或均為0)。如果均相同請回答Yes、 否則請回答No。输入每筆測試資料的第一列為一個僅包含0和1的字串,下一列有1個整數n 代表對於上一列字串以下有n個問題。皆下來的 n 列每列有2個非負的整數分別代表 i和 j。输出對每一列測試字串,請先輸出第幾個的案例。然後根據 n 個問題回答肯定或否定的。解法:1.用获取讀入整行字串輸入、 並計算長度2.先判斷第 0 個位置,为 0 則把 0 存入另一個整數陣列,为 1 則存 13.用迴圈把字串陣列轉換存到整數陣列、 遇到字元 0 則值不變、 遇到字元 1 則加 14.欲判斷的i、 j位置都為字元 0、 且整數陣列i、 j位置的值相同、 代表有一連串 0、 輸出是5.欲判斷的i j位置都為字元 1,且整數陣列i、 j位置的值相減為i、 j的差、 代表有一連串 1,輸出是6.其他情況輸出号
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  • 这是数据库的教程,是某重点大学的非常专业的讲稿,
    这是数据库的教程,是某重点大学的非常专业的讲稿,-This is the Directory database is a key university in a very professional script,
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    单点定位_GPS卫星导航系统_捷联惯导组合导航程序(Single point positioning _GPS_ SINS Navigation procedures)
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  • VC++添加托盘图标的CTrayIcon类应用例子
    CTrayIcon 类的运用,编这个类是因为看到网上很多的文章介绍怎样把图标添加到系统区,但是有点繁琐,所以就把它封装在CTrayIcon类里,供以后的人方便使用,先介绍一下这个类的功能:   在状态栏系统区方便的显示图标,以动画显示图标      类的使用方法如下:   在窗口类中包含#include "TrayIcon.h".   再申明一个类的实例 CTrayIcon w_myTray;   在需要添加图标的地方调用 w_myTray.SetIcon(youIcon,Tip,ID);   在需要动画的地方调用w_myTray.SetAnimIcon(&youImglst);   在循环或OnTimer()里调用w_myTray.ShowNextIcon()就可以动画显示了.   具体就请下载本源码吧。
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