首页 » matlab » Calibration


于 2020-05-13 发布
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说明:  该过程利用了这样一个事实:在静态条件下,加速度计输出矢量的模量与重力加速度的模量相匹配。该校准模型结合了各轴的偏置和比例因子以及交叉轴的对称性 的因素。通过高斯-牛顿非线性优化计算参数。(The process takes advantage of the fact that the modulus of the accelerometer output vector matches the modulus of the gravitational acceleration under static conditions. The calibration model combines the offset and scale factors of each axis and the symmetry of the cross axis factors.)


CalibAccel.m, 8790 , 2011-10-13
NunchuckData.xlsx, 813026 , 2011-10-13
data.txt, 332 , 2011-09-23
license.txt, 1312 , 2015-04-07



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