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于 2020-12-24 发布
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说明:  机械振动,雅克比法求解结构的模态(固有频率,振型)(mechanicle vibration)


jacobi, 0 , 2020-05-12
jacobi\350576810, 0 , 2020-05-12
jacobi\350576810\stash, 0 , 2020-05-12
jacobi\350576810\stash\signature, 0 , 2020-05-12
jacobi\jakobi.m, 1050 , 2019-12-13
jacobi\雅克比.pdf, 29513 , 2020-05-12



0 个回复

  • Tracking
    you can see how the ball is tracking on the short movie
    2011-01-15 18:41:55下载
  • BackwardForwardSweepAlgorithm4DPS
    时兴的前推回代算法程序,可用于求解辐射状配电网三相潮流。(Forward-Backward Sweep algorithm for three-phase load-flow analysis of radial distribution systems.)
    2013-08-10 16:18:12下载
  • houghbianhuan
    hough变换,matlab编程。Hough变换是一种使用表决原理的参数估计技术。其原理是利用图像空间和Hough参数空间的点-线对偶性,把图像空间中的检测问题转换到参数空间。通过在参数空间里进行简单的累加统计,然后在Hough参数空间寻找累加器峰值的方法检测直线。(hough transform, matlab programming. Hough transform is a vote on the principle of using a parameter estimation techniques. The principle is the point of the image space using the Hough parameter space and line- duality converting the detection problem in the image space to the parameter space. By a simple statistical accumulated in the parameter space, and then in the Hough parameter space to find a method of detecting the peak accumulator line.)
    2014-08-27 10:37:38下载
  • high-frequency-
    高频段超方向性天线阵列设计 (Ultra high frequency band directional antenna array design)
    2013-11-24 18:21:00下载
    DSCDMA通信系统仿真源程序,调试通过(DSCDMA system code)
    2010-12-13 14:18:02下载
  • NF
    说明:  this is a good code for newton-rafson
    2011-01-03 17:18:21下载
  • chuandong
    基于三相感应式异步电机的风力发电系统中传动系统的仿真模型研究(Three-phase asynchronous induction motors based on wind power system simulation model of the transmission system)
    2011-05-22 14:30:14下载
  • chap4
    .已知某炉温控制系统,要求温度保持在600℃恒定,针对该控制系统有以下控制经验: (1)若炉温低于600℃,则升压,低的越多升压越高; (2)若炉温高于600℃,则降压,高得越多降压越低; (3)若炉温等于600℃,则保持电压不变。 设模糊控制器为一维控制器,输入语言变量为误差,输出为控制电压。输入输出变量的量化等级为7级,取5个模糊集,试设计隶属度函数误差变化划分表,控制电压变化划分表和模糊控制规则表。 (Known for a temperature control system that requires a constant temperature is maintained at 600 ℃, the following control experience for the control system: (1) If the furnace temperature is below 600 ℃, the step-up, the more the higher the lower the boost (2) if the furnace temperature is higher than 600 ℃, the blood pressure, high blood pressure, the lower the more (3) If the furnace temperature is equal to 600 ℃, then keep the voltage constant. Set of fuzzy controller for one-dimensional controller, input linguistic variables for error, the output control voltage. Input and output variables of quantization levels for seven, take five fuzzy sets, membership function test design error variance divided table, partition table and the control voltage variation fuzzy control rule table.)
    2015-04-10 21:53:18下载
  • OFDM_lx
    很实用的一个OFDM仿真程序,OFDM采用BPSK、QPSK、16QAM、64QAM4种调制方式。按照星座图,将每个子信道上的数据,映射到星座图点的复数表示,转换为同相Ich和正交分量Qch。(A very practical OFDM simulation program, OFDM the BPSK, QPSK, 16 qam, 64 qam4 kind of modulation method. According to the constellation diagram, each will be the data on the channel, the plural of constellation is mapped to a point, said into in-phase Ich and quadrature Qch. )
    2014-01-05 11:20:42下载
  • xinjianwenjian
    雷诺方程的数值解法,采用列出矩阵的形式求解(Numerical Solution of Reynolds equation, using the matrix set out in the form of solving)
    2008-12-23 22:42:20下载
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