首页 » matlab » 基于PCA-LDA光谱数据的降维处理


于 2020-04-27 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 13


说明:  光谱数据降维处理,结合了主成分分析和LDA方法,可直接运行(Spectral data dimensionality reduction processing, combined with principal component analysis and LDA method, can be directly operated)


PCA---LDA\LDA.asv, 1622 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\LDA.m, 1624 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\LDATesting.asv, 806 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\LDATesting.m, 804 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\LDATraining.asv, 934 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\LDATraining.m, 936 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\PCALDAMain.asv, 2095 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA\PCALDAMain.m, 2223 , 2018-04-23
PCA---LDA, 0 , 2018-04-23



0 个回复

  • yixue
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  • 8-(1)
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