首页 » matlab » 基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理


于 2020-04-26 发布
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说明:  利用 MATLAB 设计经典的雷达数字信号处理。该系统具备对雷达目标回波的处理能力,能够从噪声中将目标检测出来,并提取目标的距离、速度、角度信息。教程分五节完成,主要包括: 第一节,雷达 LFM 信号分析; 第二节,脉冲压缩处理; 第三节,相参积累处理; 第四节,恒虚警 CFAR 处理; 第五节,目标信息提取处理。(Using MATLAB to design the classic radar digital signal processing. The system has the ability to process the radar echo, detect the target from the noise, and extract the range, speed and angle information of the target)


基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\angulation.m, 2525 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\CF_SUB_PC_data_yjgz.dat, 65215 , 2019-05-28
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\CF_SUM_PC_data_yjgz.dat, 65973 , 2019-05-28
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\LFM_gen.m, 661 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\LFM_pc.m, 1204 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\LFM_pc_freq.m, 899 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\processCFAR.m, 5979 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\processCoherent.m, 5602 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理\基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理.pdf, 1204584 , 2019-08-18
基于MATLAB的雷达数字信号处理, 0 , 2019-08-18



0 个回复

  • Periodogram
    利用周期图法对序列进行功率谱估计,数据窗采用汉明窗(Sequences using periodogram method for power spectrum estimation, the data window with Hamming window)
    2010-01-10 20:01:34下载
  • 3paper3
    新型改进光双二进制传输的编解码方案 提出了改进型光双二进制信号在高速率(≥10Gbit/s)传输时预编码的一种新方案。通过分析编解码过 程,证明该信号传输时不易受码间干扰影响,能用二进制强度调制一直接检测的系统接收信号。仿真产生了该信 号的2种码型。结果表明,采用色散补偿技术能使MD NRZ和MD.RZ信号在长距离传输后克服眼图失真,MD-RZ 信号比MD.NRZ信号在传输后有更低的误码率。(Abstract:Anovel pre-coding schemeformodified optical duobinary signalswasproposed.It couldbe applied to缸ansmit high speed data mte signals(≥ 10Gbit/s).Through analyzing the process of coding and decoding,It Was demonstrated thatmodified opticalduobinary sign alshave capabilityin reductionofpulse—to-pulseinteraction , and couldbe di. recaymeasured through aconventionalbinaryintensitymodulationdirectdetection(IM—DD)receiver.Twomodified optical duobinary sign als’formats were simulated to generate.Sim ulation results show that MD.NRZ and MD-RZ signals’ formats Can avoid the eye diagrams’distortion for long—distance transmission,if the dispersion Can be compe nsated in each amplifier span.Moreover,theMD-RZ signalhaslowerBER than theIVID-NRZ signal afterlong-distance comm.unication.)
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  • test_audio_codec
    這是我自己寫的應用程式碼用於matlab(This is my own writing application code for matlab)
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  • speed
    针对常规测速方法,M法与T法的研究与探讨,分析了两种方法的误差来源,指出了问题本质,并提供了仿真图例。(For the conventional measurement methods, M Law and T The Study and discussion of the two methods of error sources, pointed out the nature of the problem and provide a simulation of legend.)
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  • LV10
    概率与计算课程中的一个作业,防止一个Las Vegas算法输出“?”并统计其期望的运行时间,有实验报告、源码(Modify the algorithm LV10 that the output “?” does not occur. Then, analyse the expected run times of your Las Vegas protocol with forbidden “?”. )
    2010-01-18 10:17:19下载
  • 7edit
    Jadi, analisis Kurva Tegangan dan studi tentang motor sinkron menggunakan MATLAB m-file adalah pilihan yang baik di lingkungan industri.
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  • MITmatlab
    麻省理工的matlab课件,包括基础知识及一些例子,相当不错(The ppt from MIT in matlab )
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