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说明:  第 1 章是绪论, 介绍人工智能、 机器学习、 深度学习的概要, 使读者全面了解相关知识 . 第 2 、 3 章介绍机器学习的基础知识 . 第 4 ~ 6 章分别讲述三种主要的神经网络模型: 前馈神经网络、 卷积神经网络和循环 神经网络 . 第 7 章介绍神经网络的优化与正则化方法 . 第 8 章介绍神经网络中的注 意力机制和外部记忆 . 第 9 章简要介绍一些无监督学习方法 . 第 10 章介绍一些模 型独立的机器学习方法: 集成学习、 自训练、 协同训练多任务学习、 迁移学习、 终 身学习、 元学习等, 这些都是目前深度学习的难点和热点问题 . 第 11 章介绍概率 图模型的基本概念, 为后面的章节进行铺垫 . 第 12 章介绍两种早期的深度学习模 型: 玻尔兹曼机和深度信念网络 . 第 13 章介绍最近两年发展十分迅速的深度生成 模型: 变分自编码器和生成对抗网络 . 第 14 章介绍深(The book consists of 15 chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning. In Chapter 2 and 3, the basic knowledge of machine learning is introduced In Chapter 4-6, three main neural network models are introduced: feedforward neural network, convolution neural network and cycle Neural networks. Chapter 7 introduces the optimization and regularization methods of neural networks. Chapter 8 introduces the notes in neural networks Mental mechanism and external memory. Chapter 9 briefly introduces some unsupervised learning methods. Chapter 10 introduces some models Type-I independent machine learning methods: integrated learning, self-training, collaborative training, multi task learning, transfer learning, end Body learning and meta learning are the difficulties and hot issues of deep learning. Chapter 11 introduces probability In Chapter 12, we introduce two kinds of early deep learning models)


nndl-book神经网络与深度学习.pdf, 7016518 , 2020-02-12



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