首页 » Visual C++ » adc_1602


于 2020-04-13 发布
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说明:  avr单片机,给电压通过单片机片内ad转换给到1602显示。里面有电路图和程序(AVR single-chip microcomputer, the voltage is converted to 1602 display through ad in single-chip microcomputer)


adc_1602, 0 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\1602._h, 4439 , 2008-09-28
adc_1602\1602.h, 4323 , 2008-09-28
adc_1602\ADC.SRC, 40 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC._c, 1791 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.c, 1234 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\ADC.cof, 6273 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.dbg, 4568 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.hex, 4262 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.i, 5670 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\ADC.lis, 41579 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.lk, 8 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.lst, 31863 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.mak, 537 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.mp, 2313 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.prj, 1023 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\ADC.s, 12434 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\ADC_cof.aps, 2797 , 2008-09-29
adc_1602\BACKUP, 0 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\BACKUP\ADC._c, 1483 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\BACKUP\ADC.c.200401204854, 1229 , 2020-04-01
adc_1602\BACKUP\qudong1._c, 0 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\TEXT1.SRC, 48 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\TEXT1.lk, 8 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\TEXT1.mak, 478 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\qudong1.c, 663 , 2020-04-03
adc_1602\text1.prj, 1271 , 2020-04-03



0 个回复

  • PetShop4steup
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