Essential C++中文版
说明: 候捷著的Essential C++ 中文版电子书 PDF格式,一共七章,主要讲解C++编程基储面向过程的编程风格、基于对象的编程风格、面向对象编程、以Template进行编程、异常处理有关知识等,并附有泛型算法参考手册、C++中英文术语对照表等。(The Essential C ++ Chinese version of the e-book PDF format by Hou Jie has a total of seven chapters. It mainly explains the process-oriented programming style of C ++ programming base storage, object-based programming style, object-oriented programming, programming with Template, and exception handling knowledge It also includes a reference manual for generic algorithms, a C ++ Chinese and English glossary, etc.)
Essential C%2B%2B中文版.pdf, 14859845 , 2020-03-10