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于 2020-03-11 发布
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说明:  今天要带来一个EXCEL10分钟小游戏翻卡牌,相信很多人都玩过这个记忆力小游戏,在一个区域内点击卡牌显示内容,将两张一样的卡牌找出来。如果连续翻出的两张卡牌不一样,则会在显示一段时间后翻回去,这个游戏用EXCEL实现起来还是蛮简单的,只要10分钟左右(oday, we will bring a little game of excel10 minutes to flip cards. I believe many people have played this memory game. Click the card in one area to display the content and find out the two same cards. If the two cards turned out in succession are not the same, they will turn back after displaying for a period of time. This game is easy to implement with Excel, only about 10 minutes)


小游戏_翻纸牌.xlsm, 24784 , 2020-03-11



0 个回复

  • HomeWork
    简单的五子棋游戏,包含棋子的自动回收,更改棋子当前状态,以及棋子剩余个数的显示(Simple 331 games, including pieces of auto recycling, changing the current state of chess pieces, and display the number of remaining pieces)
    2011-07-23 10:27:39下载
  • -the-poker-game
    本程序利用Card类数组模拟扑克牌,定义3个数组分别表示玩家手中的牌,电脑手中的牌和底牌,用srand((unsigned)time(NULL))产生随机数字,将底牌数组中随机的一项从底牌中移动到其他的数组中,模拟从洗好底牌中抓牌。表示出牌。 单人练习模式中,首先记下一个 1到13之间的随机数字,然后玩家抓牌,当手中的牌的点数恰与记下的随机数字相等,或用手中有的任意两张牌,通过加减乘除四则运算可以凑出该随机数字相等的点数,则停止抓牌并将这一张或两张出出去,随即记下一个新的随机数字,开始下一轮,直道手中的全部牌出完,游戏结束(This procedure using Card class array to simulate playing cards, the definition of the 3 arrays represent the game player cards, computer cards and cards, using srand ((unsigned) time (NULL)) to generate random numbers, random number in the array will be a move to the number of cards from other groups of cards, simulation from the wash hand in. Said. Single practice mode, first recorded random number between 1 to 13 next, and then the game player to draw cards, random number equal when the hand points exactly with the down, or in the hands of some arbitrary two cards, add, subtract, multiply and divide by four operations can make the random number equal points, then stop to draw a card and the card or two cards out, then write a new random number, start the next round, straight hands all the cards out, the end of the game)
    2013-08-19 15:13:48下载
  • 21Point
    21点游戏,电脑固定为3张牌,玩家的发牌为两张,玩家可以继续要牌,谁点数大并低于21点则谁胜利。(21game, computer fixed three brand licensing for two players, the players can continue to draw cards, who points to the large and less than 21 points, who victory.)
    2013-02-21 18:32:40下载
  • Gobang
    一个网络五子棋游戏的源代码和文档,输入IP地址即可联网进行对战(The source file and document of a internet gobang game)
    2012-02-15 18:10:28下载
  • wuziqi
    五子棋c语言程序代码,可以运行,没有错误(Backgammon c language code, you can run, no error)
    2012-10-28 15:12:17下载
  • 91331990five
    一个五子棋的源文件,另外还有设计程序的基本思路和玩法(Gobang a source file, as well as the design process of the basic thinking and playing)
    2008-06-24 23:17:25下载
  • SimpleTetrisGame
    说明:  俄罗斯方块 一道简易的俄罗斯方块的制作 附源代码(Tetris Tetris together simple source code for the production of by-laws)
    2008-11-29 20:14:20下载
  • gvfsnakeMATLAB
    中医学是我国传统文化的瑰宝。舌诊是中医临床进行辨证论治过程中的一‘个 重要程序,其临床应用价值及理论意义得到古今医学家及不少国外医学家的充分 肯定。临床上对于各种疾病,往往结合辨舌来决定诊断和治疗,是中医诊治疾病 的特色之一,为历代医家所重视。(In traditional Chinese mescal diagnosis,tongue diagnosis is important parts)
    2020-08-17 14:08:22下载
  • VCPP-chess
    这是一个vc++的中国象棋的程序设计,较为方便(This is a vc++ programming Chinese chess, more convenient)
    2015-05-28 10:14:40下载
  • VCgamedesing
    VC编程游戏,这本电子书不是太难,书中罗列了几个经典的小游戏:五子棋,俄罗斯方块。。。。(use VC++ to design little games,it is not very complex,which can help the VC beginers )
    2009-06-13 14:33:59下载
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