说明: C# 7内幕指南,包括高级新特性 目前Visual Studio 2017提供了C# 7。发布为NuGet包的每个.NET Core部分都进行了更新。阅读这本专家级指南是经验丰富的程序员提高效率的更快捷方式。C# 7以更快的速度完成更多工作,没有人比Christian Nagel更适合传播在现实世界中极有价值的权威信息。本书论述清晰,内容完整详尽,为开发人员展示了如何将.NET引入非微软平台,如何操作这些平台上的工具,例如Docker、Gulp和NPM。(C# 7 Insider Guide, including advanced new features At present, visual studio 2017 provides C# 7. Each. Net core section published as a nuget package is updated. Reading this expert guide is a faster way for experienced programmers to improve their efficiency. C# 7 to finish more work at a faster speed, no one is more suitable than Christian Nagel to disseminate authoritative information of great value in the real world. The book is clear and detailed, showing developers how to introduce. Net into non Microsoft platforms and how to operate tools on these platforms, such as docker, gulp and NPM.)
C#高级编程(第11版).pdf, 6137769 , 2019-06-30