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于 2020-03-03 发布
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说明:  一种通用的光伏电池模型,可对比不同温度、光照强度下的光伏电池输出(A general photovoltaic cell model, which can compare the output of photovoltaic cells under different temperature and light intensity)


gfdc.mdl, 56605 , 2014-06-01



0 个回复

  • 2006112215126
    基于混沌理论构建的信号检测系统具有敏感微弱周期信号和对噪声有强免疫力的特点,用于微弱信号检测领 域优势明显。实验室内研究需要产生包括混沌噪声在内的各种噪声,并叠加微弱周期信号作为微弱信号检测系统的信号 源。介绍一种基于LabVIEW平台并结合Matlab计算模块的混沌噪声发生器,可产生典型的3种混沌噪声:Logistic,Duff2 ing,Lorenz形式。该发生器将LabV IEW易于接口实现和Matlab计算精度高、编程简捷的特点相结合,具有结构清晰、通用 性强、易于实现、使用方便的特点。 (Built based on chaos theory, sensitive signal detection system with weak periodic signal and has a strong immunity to noise characteristics of the area for weak signal detection have obvious advantages. Laboratory studies need to generate, including noise, chaos, including a variety of noise and superimposed weak periodic signal as a weak signal detection system, signal source. Introduction of a platform based on LabVIEW and Matlab calculation module with the chaotic noise generator can produce the typical three kinds of chaotic noise: Logistic, Duff2 ing, Lorenz form. The generator will be LabV IEW easy interface, and Matlab calculation of high accuracy, simple programming features combined with a clear structure and versatility, easy to implement, easy to use features.)
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