首页 » Fortran » SwarmOpsMatlab1_1


于 2020-02-28 发布
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说明:  该蠕变子程序能够进行高温长时间应力下的应力应变分析以及松弛行为(The creep subroutine can be used for stress-strain analysis and relaxation behavior under high temperature and long time stress)


SwarmOps\ackley.m, 1041 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\ackleydata.m, 795 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\benchmarkdata.m, 1607 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\bound.m, 779 , 2010-11-02
SwarmOps\de.m, 3837 , 2015-05-06
SwarmOps\deparallel.m, 4515 , 2015-05-06
SwarmOps\deparameters.m, 2482 , 2010-11-02
SwarmOps\griewank.m, 694 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\griewankdata.m, 891 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\initagent.m, 734 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\initpopulation.m, 924 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\LICENSE.txt, 780 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\lus.m, 2983 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\lusparameters.m, 714 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\mol.m, 4637 , 2010-11-02
SwarmOps\molparallel.m, 4910 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\molparameters.m, 2556 , 2010-11-02
SwarmOps\myproblem.m, 1012 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\myproblemdata.m, 1702 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\ps.m, 3107 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\pso.m, 4429 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\psoparallel.m, 4858 , 2010-11-02
SwarmOps\psoparameters.m, 3023 , 2010-11-02
SwarmOps\quarticnoise.m, 736 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\quarticnoisedata.m, 899 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\randindex.m, 632 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\rastrigin.m, 684 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\rastrigindata.m, 809 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\README.txt, 1010 , 2015-05-06
SwarmOps\rosenbrock.m, 714 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\rosenbrockdata.m, 805 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\samplebounded.m, 1027 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\sphere.m, 652 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\spheredata.m, 798 , 2010-11-01
SwarmOps\TEST.m, 1504 , 2010-11-03
SwarmOps\testdo.m, 1422 , 2010-11-03



0 个回复

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