C++ Primer Plus(第6版)中文版
说明: 《C++ Primer Plus(第6版)中文版》可以说是一本面向从未学习过C语言甚至是从未学习过编程的人的入门书籍,它的首章从基础内容讲起,先介绍了传统编程的规则,后面才着重讲解有关面向对象——C++的精髓之一——的有关内容。(The Chinese version of C + + Primer Plus (6th Edition) can be said to be an introductory book for people who have never learned C language or even programming. In the first chapter, from the basic content, the rules of traditional programming are introduced first, and then the relevant content about object-oriented, one of the quintessence of C + +, is emphasized.)
C%2B%2B Primer Plus(第6版)中文版.epub, 31567868 , 2020-02-08