Pack Kurtogram V4
说明: kurtogram是一种四阶谱分析工具,用于检测和表征信号中的非平稳性。可用于轴承的故障诊断(The kurtogram is a fourth-order spectral analysis tool elaborated for detecting and characterising nonstationarities in a signal. It relies on the assertion that each type of transient is associated with an optimal (frequency/frequency resolution) dyad (f ; Df) which maximises the kurtosis. The Fast Kurtogram computes the kurtogram over a grid that finely samples the (f ; Df) plane. Its complexity is on the order of N log N. This is the "plain vanilla" code used in paper: J. Antoni, Fast Computation of the Kurtogram for the Detection of Transient Faults, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 108-124.)
demo_Fast_Kurtogram.m, 1037 , 2014-12-30
Fast_kurtogram.m, 13117 , 2015-05-16
Readme.rtf, 64384 , 2014-12-30
x.mat, 383363 , 2014-12-30
license.txt, 1313 , 2015-05-18