首页 » matlab » 通过仿真生成加速度计、陀螺仪以及漂移数据,用于仿真验证应用


于 2020-01-13 发布
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说明:  通过仿真生成加速度计、陀螺仪以及漂移数据,用于仿真验证应用(Accelerometer, gyroscope and drift data are generated by simulation, which are used for simulation verification application)


新建文件夹 (2)\mian.m, 4140 , 2020-01-12
新建文件夹 (2), 0 , 2020-01-13



0 个回复

  • bayerdithe
    matlab 开发有序抖动算法,可以下载一看(Matlab algorithm, developed orderly jitter 50-percent tonal orderly jitter algorithms to download a comrade, look!)
    2010-05-29 23:24:53下载
  • naca2412
    关于naca2412二维机翼水动力计算文件(something about Computational Methods for FluidDynamics)
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  • ga
    说明:  GA遗传算法介绍,系统的介绍了GA的由来和方法,并对其应用进行了介绍(GA introduce)
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  • som
    som code in matlab for any thing
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  • zuidasiran
    基于CP的最大似然估计仿真图,两幅图,分别是符号定时偏差,以及频偏,从图中可以看出在符号定时估计最大处,相应的频偏估计值也是最接近的(CP-based maximum likelihood estimate simulation map, two maps, are a symbol timing offset, and frequency offset, it can be seen the figure in the symbol timing estimation is maximum, the corresponding value is also the closest frequency estimation)
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  • ukf
    An implementation of Unscented Kalman Filter for nonlinear state estimation. (Nonlinear state estimation is a challenge problem. The well-known Kalman Filter is only suitable for linear systems. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has become a standarded formulation for nonlinear state estimation. However, it may cause significant error for highly nonlinear systems because of the propagation of uncertainty through the nonlinear system. The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is a novel development in the field. The idea is to produce several sampling points (Sigma points) around the current state estimate based on its covariance. Then, propagating these points through the nonlinear map to get more accurate estimation of the mean and covariance of the mapping results. In this way, it avoids the need to calculate the Jacobian, hence incurs only the similar computation load as the EKF. For tutorial purpose, this code implements a simplified version of UKF formulation, where we assume both the process and measurement noises are additive to avoid augment of state and a)
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  • erwsrfw
    波束形成也称为空域滤波,即通过一定布置的空间阵元对空间信号场进行采样,然后经过加权处理得到期望的输出结果。(failed to translate)
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